Monday, June 20, 2022

Guy Gets Absolutely Eviscerated By Tinder Girl After Terrible Pickup Lines Fail Epically

Everyone who is of the dating age knows how this pep talk goes. "C'mon, bro. What have you got to lose? The worst thing that can happen is that she'll say no, and then at least you've tried. It's better than not trying at all." Well, let this post stand as a testament to the fact that, while mostly true, it's not always true. Sometimes, they don't just say no. Sometimes, they're out to end your whole dating career before it has even started.

To be fair to the girl here, cheesy copy-paste pickup lines are the worst. While they might make fun content for posting online, they should never actually be used for a serious attempt at dating. Incredibly attractive people get a pass here (as they do with everything else and dating.) If you insist on using a cheesy pickup line and it fails, by no means should you then try to use pickup line #2 on the same girl. Either pack it in or go with more traditional methods. If that second pickup line fails, then trying a third pickup line would be right out. At that point, you would deserve anything that came in your direction. 

This sorry sod made the terrible mistake of trying three pickup lines, and he has paid oh-so-dearly for his mistake. There has never been a more appropriate use for the phrase "murdered with words."

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