Friday, November 19, 2021

Skillful Creations of Absurd Taste

One of the great things about being human is having the ability to manifest our dreams and tastes in the from of physical things. We can build whatever impressive creation of dubious taste we want. Want a cheese log carved into a bust of Nixon? Go for it. Want to be buried in a coffin shaped like a hamburger? Also possible. While the things people like might be of questionable taste, the creations are still impressive.

Peculiar Things Non-Americans Like About America

Americans are constantly being reminded about the weird and specific challenges of living here, but it's funny to hear about what people who don't live here notice and like about the place. Judging by what gets non-Americans excited, it seems like the ability to enter a wheelchair accessible Mexican restaurant at four in the morning and get a free glass of tap water is something a whole lot of people envy. But for some more of our ignorance, here are obnoxious things done by American tourists.

Yomega Yoyo Commercial Is About As 90s As It Gets

Anyone who lived through the 90s has a question to ask themselves: "why did yoyos get so big?" And why did any of us care about yoyo technology? Maybe it was marketing like this that presented our undeveloped brains with the "coolest," most spikey-haired looking kids imaginable. Eh, it's still better than what's out there now.

Truck Driver Drifts Recklessly, Breaks Wheel Clean Off

Looks like our boy drifted further than he anticipated, almost hit a dude, and slammed into the curb with enough force to turn his own wheel into a handy little landing pad. If that's what people wanna do with their own cars, than by all means, go for it. We'll be watching, but from a little further away.

Wife Ditches Husband's Birthday, Gets Upset That He Still Had A Nice Birthday

It makes sense that someone would want to see their friend who's only very briefly in town. But the fact that she was upset that he had a nice birthday without her is a little cause for alarm. As commenters stated, what did she expect him to do, just sit in a chair in the dark all day and have a bad time? The reservations were still good, man. For an intriguing moral quandary, here's the customer who bought their own ranch to spite a pizza place owner.

The Worst Smells People Had The Opportunity To Experience

A really, truly bad smell is like an out of body experience. A nice hot breeze off the dump in July can hit you in a way that feels like you've literally been punched in the chest. Every nerve in your body is telling you that you need to run away. So here's everyone's experience with that. And here's the story of a guy whose foot odor inadvertently sent him to the hospital.

Employee Automates Job, Gets Paid To Do Nothing For 5 Years

It's one of those things you hear about and dream that you could pull it off too. And hey, if the company was happy with their productivity over the years, it seems kind of like a win-win. The boss even had an opportunity to look into this employee's methods and they didn't take it. For another fine example of an employee using technology to become a "more efficient" employee, here's the employee who wrote code so that their computer wouldn't idle.

Supervisor Demands Employee Use Lint Roller Before Meeting

It sounds like this supervisor had their hands full when it came to trying to enforce some kind of universal standard for how employees should present themselves at virtual meetings. These are strange and tumultuous times, no doubt. And some folks are certainly having a harder time muddling through this time than others. With that being said, it sounds like Annie might've pushed the boundaries a bit too far, in terms of what the company expected from her. But you be the judge on whether or not this supervisor was ultimately in the wrong. 

Entitled People and Their Laughable Behavior

We live in a world of competing wants and needs, and it's a mark of basic decency for a person to have at least some understanding of what to expect from other people. Entitled people and their absurd audacity seem hellbent on ignoring convention, taking more than their fair share, and being exceedingly rude about it all the way down. Ever had a complete stranger try to call the cops on you for not giving them your bike? The world's entitled people se no problem with it.

Random Tumblr Gems To Cackle at Heartily

Tumblr is like a box of chocolates. There's stuff in there you're gonna hate just as much as you like, and if you're lucky it has more than one layer. The denizens of tumblr never cork up their brains and let those random tumblr gems fly all over the place. Watch your step, the ground is just soaked through with random and stupendous tumblr gems. Please get a mop it's horrible.

Twitter Users Describe Their Favorite Weird Historical Perspectives

As time steady lurches forward, it's a good idea to look back and think about where we've been. Some things that we think of as recent are startlingly far away, while other things are curiously linked. And then you're once again reminded of how long ago the pyramids were built and you feel lost again. Pretty cool. It's mind-blowing, like this tumblr thread on how the Appalachians are older than most things.

Guy Stands Up to Jerk Boss Who Makes Him do Two Jobs

People deal with their fair share of ignorant bosses, so it's incredibly satisfying to see an employee who's in the right win something, like this overworked employee who revolted by doing his exact job description. And to prove that your boss is being a complete hypocrite is icing on the cake.

Tumblr User's Mom Discovers Cosplayer Words Of Power To Summon Aid

It's apparent to anyone on the outside of a certain fandom that the people within it sure care a lot about it. This person's mom figured out that just about every group has a thing to say that will get their attention, and she is more than willing to use those various words of power to request their help. People are kinda great like that.

Entitled Mom Tells Principal To Change Their Signature

You'd think that it's common knowledge that people don't want their signatures to be basic. The more basic your signature is the higher risk you end up running for people to try to run off and pawn that signature as their own. It's a risky business. Legible signatures that is. Well, this mom clearly has something else going on in her life, because she ridiculously insisted that the high school principal go ahead and change their signature. Like, you're kidding right? What kind of game are you trying to play here, mom? 

Customer Buys Personal Ranch To Spite Pizza Place Owner, Internet Is Remarkably Split

There are a few lenses through which we can judge the case of the personal ranch. One is that, based on the rules of just about every restaurant, it is in fact not okay to bring in outside foods. However, the other question people find themselves asking here would be, "is it okay to be a jerk back to someone who is being unreasonable in the first place." And the third question would be "is pizza with ranch even okay in the first place?" For a delightful case of a customer being unreasonable, there is the time the staff cut a customer's burrito in half for them longways.

People's Most Relatable And Deeply Satisfying Moments

Life is a series of ups and downs. For every bit of tension built up over a long day of work or anticipation of a sneeze, there's a moment of satisfaction that we remember so vividly it's almost impossible to explain. And that's why something as simple as a well-timed glass of water can mean everything in the world to the right person. For some true satisfaction, here are some deeply aesthetic images of satisfying perfection.