Saturday, May 7, 2022

Woman Disregards GF's Gift Request, Buys Her a Kitchen Appliance Instead

This woman decided that her girlfriend's request for jewelry was too obvious of a gift. She would get her something surprising instead by getting her something that she had mentioned previously but not explicitly requested. 

This thread was posted to r/AITA by the wife, u/penguinblinders, who purchased the gift. She is wondering if she is an a-hole for her actions, her friends and girlfriend seem to think that she is. 

Commenters think that what she has done is abhorrent because it comes across that she has intentionally purchased her partner a "chore" as a gift rather than what she wanted. I'm actually of the mind that she had tried to do the right thing by purchasing her partner a "surprise" gift instead of the obvious. It doesn't seem like she has intentionally done what commenters are saying, and it looks more like a misguided mistake than anything else. I think she is still in the wrong, but I don't believe it was as sinister as commenters seem to think it is. 

Aunt Planning Wedding Supports Non-Binary Nibling, Draws Ire of Their Parents

A soon-to-be auntie stood up for her non-binary nibling's best interest when she told them that she did not expect them to wear a dress to her wedding. With a streak of empathy that the parents themselves lack, she was able to see how uncomfortable the prospect of wearing a dress was making her future nibling. The parents are angry and demand that she changes her stance, but she is fairly sure that what she is doing is the right thing. I mean, all other ethical justifications aside… It's her wedding, so the in-laws can back off!

This thread was posted by the aunt, Redditor u/Extreme-Break-6638, who has posted the story to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit to get readers' opinions as to whether or not she is in the wrong or if she has overstepped by taking her position. 

My take would be this: What an absolute legend. If only more young people had adults like this in their lives, who understood them and had their best interests at heart. Not only is this to-be-auntie not in the wrong… She's a goddamn hero. 

Kudos to her, and here's to hoping she takes the commenter's advice and sticks to her path.

Fake HOA Karen Tries to Enforce Strict Rules, Member Uses Them to Get Revenge

This Karen had been kicked out of her HOA Karen club, but she still couldn't keep from meddling in others' affairs. This nosy neighbor can't mind her own business and should probably be imprisoned for her past actions. When a teenage son was left home alone, and she decided to start poking around, he decided to exact revenge on her just within the limits of the HOA's code.

The story was posted to r/pettyrevenge by Redditor u/Alb1rdy, who shares the tale of their revenge against their neighbor.

Just a word of note here: This colorful tale is told in such a manner and with enough allusions, exposition, and allegory that Hemmingway himself would have trouble making heads or tails of it. It's the literary equivalent of eating an entire jar of peanut butter with a spoon, and the phrase "Mozart's requiem on the meatflute." is a phrase that will be burned into my brain forever.