Monday, March 22, 2021

McDonald's Worker Exposes Cookies Situation On TikTok

Well, there you have it. This TikToker went viral over a video they shared where they point out what appears to be some seriously deceptive tomfoolery centered on the cookies situation at McDonald's. Maybe life will never be the same for some folks out there. 

Australia's Mouse Situation Is Getting To Be A Lot

Australia is widely known as a land of mortifying nopes, but usually those nopes come in the form of giant lizards and horrifying spiders. In this case, it's believed some heavy rains brought on an extra big helping of mice in agricultural parts of the country. Some farms basically have moving outdoor carpeting now. Who knows if those mortifying nopes will move in on the action.

Creepy and Imposing Signs That Aren't Messing Around

They say what you don't know can't hurt you. The "they" in that phrase seems not to have ever heard about dangerous heavy equipment, poisonous trees, and looming monkey attacks. These creepy signs make their message clear about what's coming for whom, and that's probably a good thing. Even though theseterrifying signs speak the language of fear, they're still trying to tell us something, and that's better than nothing.

Dude Accidentally Free Climbs A Mountain

Now this is not the kind of mistake you want to find yourself making. Can't imagine what was going through their heads when they looked down and realized there was going to be no easy way to descend. 

Customer Tries To Get Tech Support Employee Fired, Employee Shows Customer Up

There's nothing we love to see more than an entitled, aggressive, straight up toxic customer get their rightful comeuppance after issuing threats to an employee. We can only imagine how stressful this must've been for the tech support employee to navigate, but to see them come out on top when it's all said and done makes it all worth it. For some more gold from the tech support world check out the time that tech support had to explain what computers are

Noisy Neighbors Get Silenced

Nothing is worse than crossing paths with an inconsiderate pack of neighbors that just won't quiet down. Fortunately, this guy was ready to take matters into his own hands, and ultimately engineered some sweet, blessed silence. 

Cashier Cuts Up Customer's Valid Driver's License

With there being so many entitled customers, there's bound to be an entitled employee out there who totally oversteps their boundaries. No one wants to be an entitled Karen, but it seems reasonable to ask for the manager after your very real photo ID is cut into pieces by an overzealous cashier.

Tenants Break All The Rules, Ask Landlord To Be More Professional

Man, oh, man, these tenants sound like a nightmare to deal with. The kudos definitely goes to the landlord here. The landlord handles the situation by listening to those malicious compliance chills, and using the very "professional" rules they asked the landlord to follow, to ultimately bring the tenants down. Even after the victory in the small claims court, the landlord exercises self control and doesn't rub it in their faces. Good for her. Love to see a situation where the landlord is actually being the nice human. 

Wacky Reasons People Called 911

There are absolutely tons of good reasons to call 911, but there are way more totally stupid reasons to call them. A suspicious person lurking around? Sure. Someone's dog looked at you weird? Maybe not. Sometimes people panic when they're scared and frustrated, and 911 dispatch gets to hear a story about a tree someone dislikes. For some other crime-adjacent shenanigans, here are things people later discovered were illegal.

Ryan Reynolds Live-Tweets Reactions To "Green Lantern"

Ryan Reynolds has been admirably straightforward about his feelings regarding the monumental cinematic flop that was the "Green Lantern" film. If you've seen it, you know exactly what he's talking about. It was such a disorienting, discombobulated film that rarely (if ever) had a moment where the viewer could actually get comfortably lost in the movie. So, naturally Ryan Reynolds decision to provide his colorful, spicy commentary on the film resulted in some gems. 

Tumblr Post: Random Knowledge Can Be Super Clutch

We love fun little Tumblr posts like the one we have here that shine a light on how the random bits of knowledge we pick up as we move through this life, can end up serving us in all kinds of ways further on down the road. So, if anything it's stories like these that can encourage us to embrace all those absurd rabbit holes filled with surprising insights that you can come across as you stumble through the vast expanse of the wild world of Tumblr. Who knows how that knowledge could end up serving you further on down the road. 

Tenant Assumes There's A Bat In Closet, Learns Otherwise

An unfortunate many of us have ended up in the middle of a nerve-racking scenario, where we're hearing strange, unnerving noises come from some part of the home, with no idea what could be causing it. Or, even worse, the rampant imagination runs along at a maddening pace, and dreams up some terrible hypothetical situation that you end up believing. We're just glad that it all worked out for this person. 

Tumblr Thread: A Vulcan Gets a Cat

Seeing our own actions through the eyes of a more coldly logical being lets us poke fun at the absurdity of our own lives. Plus it doesn't hurt that Vulcans are a fun concept to play around with anyway, as evidenced by this tumblr thread of a human on a Vulcan ship. Pet ownership is weird, and our relationship with cats in particular is fraught with unique and strange meaning. Especially when you get into specifics like this tumblr thread on how cats are just eloquent enough to be melodramatic.

Deceptive Products Designed By Real Jerkwads

"Passing the savings" on to the consumer is great and all, but what really matters is that you're passing the actual product to the consumer. Everyone has had a moment with lying packaging, trick containers and misleading and awful products that ended up being more cardboard and air than anything else. The lengths some manipulative and terrible products will go to is something that feels like it should only exist in cartoons.

Impatient Karen Tries To Order Pizza, Gets Caught In Infinity Loop

If only Karen had exercised a bit more patience, then maybe, just maybe she wouldn't have thrown herself into a grueling infinity loop with no foreseeable end in sight. Can you imagine what the level of outraged confusion was when Karen realized she'd been proactively getting herself caught in the carousel of endless follow-up calls with the "manager" who she was talking to the entire time? 

Egotistical Hotshot Unknowingly Talks Smack To Boss, Gets Humbled Quickly

Man oh man, this guy was his own worst enemy from the very start. Some of the world's more egotistical individuals end up going on to engineer their own failures. It seems like this guy was in the prime position to learn his lesson. Can't imagine what the look on his face must've been. 

Most Absurd Lies People's Parents Told Them

Just because they're your parents doesn't mean that they're also not prone to coming up with all kinds of absurd lies that you only end up realizing later on in life were pure works of impressive, mind blowing fiction. Maybe these people's stories of their parents' most ridiculous lies will resonate for some folks. 

Tumblr Post Addresses National Treasure That Is "Spy Kids"

We can always rely on the wonderful, wandering, ever unpredictable minds of Tumblr to lead us down wild rabbit holes that we never would've gone down otherwise. In this case, we have a whole situation develop that's centered on the absurd national treasure that is the notorious "Spy Kids" movie. So many unanticipated cameos. Seriously, it was out of control. For some more gold from Tumblr check out this enlightening Tumblr thread which unpacks actual meanings of commonly exchanged phrases