Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Man Brings Dog To Pet Friendly Mall, Karen With Service Dog Gets Unreasonably Offended

Picture this, you have a doggo. Hi doggo! Doggo is a big boi, but a very good boi at that! Not a service dog, just a regular pet but he is super well trained and behaved and you just love his company. You enjoy taking him out and about with you to pet friendly business and public places and he sure loves getting taken on adventures. You might be OP.

OP was verbally attacked by a local service dog toting Karen. We're not saying this woman's service dog's status should be disrespected or belittled, absolutely not, we just think she could have been much nicer and avoided this whole ugly confrontation. You guys will have to let us know what you think, but without further ado let's find out exactly what went down. 

Delightful Series Of Stupid People Doing What They Do Best (Being Stupid)

Ohhh you bad boys and girls, you've gone and done it again haven't you? Just when we thought people could not get anymore stupid, we come across a whole new delightfully ridiculous series of stupid people doing what they do best, being stupid. Sometimes when we witness a moment of absolute dumbness we just have to sit back, relax, sigh, and keep on keeping on. Whether it's workplace idiocy or parenting fails, humans have a way of going above and beyond. Enjoy this hilarious compilation of memes that highlight every aspect of dumbness, we've got a long way to go as a species, folks. A LONG, long, long way. 

Entitled Mom Keeps Trying to Push Her Hairdresser on Daughter for Daughter's Wedding, Gets Offended When She Rejects Them

If anyone is the AH here it would have to be the mother. She has set involved everyone up to but upset when she asked her friend to work her daughter's wedding despite being repeatedly told that her daughter wasn't interested. 

Then she has the gall to be upset at her daughter for "Hurting her friend's feelings." That just doesn't seem to be a reasonable reaction here. It would be better if she just left her daughter alone, to her own devices and butted out!

Everyone gets a little wild around wedding season. Like this MIL who insisted on wearing white on her Daugher-In-Law's wedding.

Retail Memes That Are At Least Better Than Customers

Anyone who has worked retail has, at some point, had to look into the true face of humanity and been forced to smile back because they're on the clock. It's not nice to know what happens when a customer is adamant that they can return a 12 year old item for "looking old" but it happens somewhere every day. There's not much to do about it except commiserate over memes and remind yourself that a person who's decided that's their mission for the day probably leads an incomprehensibly meaningless and miserable life. So there's that.

Manager Demands All Personal Phone Calls Go Through Her, Backfires Immediately

So wait, taking everyone's phones and saying that every single personal interaction between staff and their families should go through one person... is a bad idea? Who could have predicted this absurd, unforeseen outcome? For another totally dumb work exchange that didn't go so well for the boss, here's the boss who tried to trap an employee in probation and had it backfire.

The Angry Antagonized Masses Share the Douchiest Things They’ve Ever Witnessed

This certified-gold collection of the worst sorts of human beings is really something. You'd be astounded by the levels that people will stoop to be cruel or petty towards other people. 

My top hated people in this list are:
- The couple who made other plans after the dinner arrangements.

- Signed book guy.

-The cheater.

-The dude who wanted to "fight and f*" everything. 

The heroes here are people like funnel cake guy who don't put up with it and put these douche bags in their place.

For more crazy d-bags check out The Craziest Things Exes Did After Breakups.