Wednesday, September 26, 2018

15 Exhaustingly Intelligent Geniuses Who Will Crush You With Their Knowledge

Sad douche cringe text technology smart condescending information social media science idiots knowledge funny - 6471685

You don't want to get in the way of these intellectual behemoths, with their monumental IQs and matching egos.

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Woman Takes Ridiculously Long To Pull Out Of Parking Space, Smashes Car, And Casually Drives Away

Submitted by: (via ViralHog)

Super Mario Bros Speedrunner Shatters World Record With Near-Perfect Run

Gather round plebeians, and witness the logic-defying work of a legend. This dude's a mere second away from achieving the myth called perfection. WTF. 

Submitted by: (via Kosmicd12)

Guy Suffers Through Tequila Song At Karaoke Bar

The cringe-packed performance the karaoke world never knew it needed. I don't know about you guys, but tequila anyone? Feeling f**king inspired after this. 

Submitted by: (via Andy)

18 Catastrophic Spelling Failures That Are in a League of Their Own

twitter grammar english cringe words facebook misspelling dumb mistake stupid - 6823685

Typos are normal. Restaurant is a confusing word. No one is faulting you for these types of common mistakes. But shit like this shows a deep misunderstanding of how words work.

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10 Hilarious Times Millennials Messed Up In The Most Millennial Way Possible

twitter millennials generations social media ridiculous funny - 6824197

What a wonderful time to be alive. Millennials are just trying to keep up with a world that changes too fast. 

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25+ Objects That Look Like Delicious Food but Are Totally Not

cake candy donuts pineapple poison snacks dumb food funny illusion trick fruit meat - 6822149

Yeah, that's not burger meat. That's a mop. You done got fooled. Check out r/forbiddensnacks for more forbidden delicacies.

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10 Brutal Fails That Are Definitely Going To Leave A Mark

FAIL gifs cringe painful fail gif ridiculous - 6821893

We read your comments, and it's glaringly evident you guys want more Fails! This is Fail Blog, after all. We're working on pumping out a lot more of these lists, and your submissions absolutely help the cause. You can submit over here, but in the meanwhile, enjoy people enduring fails of wonderfully epic proportions. 

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18 People Share Their Weirdest Family Quirk

rules christmas guests jokes inside joke tradition strange friends related dad dinner family mom home weird parents - 6821381

When you spend a lot of time around a small group of people, you start to develop...shall we say, eccentricities?

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16 Fun Facts About Humans That Are Actually Pretty Insane

crazy surprising Fun Fact askreddit human - 6814725

I am such a badass. 

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20 Delivery Drivers Share The Craziest Deliveries They've Had

crazy wtf pizza delivery cringe askreddit weird delivery - 6820869

Delivery drivers have to deal with all manners of crazy BS that is WAY outside the job description. It's like people forget how to be decent human beings somewhere between ordering that food like an All-American lazy couch potato, and actually answering the door for the delivery driver. 

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30+ Wacky Headlines That Got Way out of Hand

news clever inappropriate strange double entendre wacky silly dumb headlines dirty funny stupid winnie the pooh - 6814469

Apparently, newspaper editors have enough free-time to think of terrifically funny headlines. That or they sort of let them happen on accident.

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22 First World Anarchists Who Showed the World Who's Boss

rules anarchy pics twitter clever first world First World Problems smartass funny funny signs stupid win - 6813701

Rules were meant to be broken. And these people found a way to break very minor rules without causing any real social disturbance. Good for them.

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21 Crafty People Share Their Best School Life-Hacks

school helpful life hacks askreddit knowledge - 6813445

Where were these pro tips when I was suffering through school. 

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