Saturday, January 11, 2020

Daunting Moments Of Disappointing Facepalm

A collection of ridiculous moments that are filled with facepalm | don't see people can stay one place rest their life and not explore world Leonard Washington richposlim Poverty

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of people acting like full-fledged fools, and inspiring us to bring our palms to our faces. The world's always going to have those clueless people who are so lost and confused, they can't even figure out why the rest of us are facepalming. 

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Person Discovers Secret Family Recipe Came from a Can

Person discovers secret family fudge recipe is just from a can and thinks about what to do next | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by absolutirony WIBTA if told my family our "secret family recipe" came side can? Growing up every year around holidays my mom would make fudge story this amazing fudge recipe came her grandma who snagged famous candy maker. My mom didn't get recipe until she an adult and were always told couldn't have until were 30.

This is some sticom-level family drama. Someone's lyin'-ass grandma has been pretending their secret fudge recipe is all special when in reality the exact same recipe can be found on the side of a can of evaporated milk. The real question is what to do with the information. For another dirty cheater, here's this reporter who won her office chili cook-off with store-bought chili.

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Tagged: liar , drama , FAIL , cooking , lies , recipe , fudge , grandma , lol , family , funny

Tumblr Thread On Farm Animals Takes A Dark Turn

Tumblr thread on farm animals and procedures on them takes a dark turn when someone explains how pigs are omnivores | ratcoded who else is didn't realize sheep have long tails until like 20 club. row of sheep walking in a green field in front of a blue sky

Some things are really better left unsaid. In this case, a seemingly fun and educational Tumblr thread on farm animals takes a dark turn when someone brings up how pigs are omnivores. And specifically, how pigs have no problem feasting on humans. 

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Women Tweet Red Flags From Dudes On Dating Apps

A collection of tweets from women describing the red flags that they get from guys on dating apps | tweet by Danielle elleinadspir My recent fav "married but not into monogamy" wonder his wife knows he's not into Thanks pass.

Women are sharing the various red flags that they encounter on dating apps from all the dudes. Some guys could really benefit from not saying things like they are "fluent in sarcasm" on their profiles. Might actually give yourself a chance to not get rejected before getting to exchange words, by reading up on the don'ts of dating apps. 

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People's "Oh, That's How That Works" Moments

People tell stories of times they realize how something worked | hut_on_a_frozen_lake Just 2 days ago learned wax candles is used as fuel and not as melting thing slow down burning wick. Should mention have chemistry degree.

Every one of us will have a time in our life when we realize something too late. It may have been super obvious all along, or it may have taken some thinking. Either way, that satisfying  "aha!" moment feels the same. For dumber realizations, here are really obvious things people realized way too late.

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Ridiculous Stuff That Mom Groups Say On Facebook

A collection of ridiculous stuff that mom groups say on Facebook | Is ok eat cinnamon rolls while pregnant?

If there's one thing we're sure of, it's that mom groups have an uncanny knack for hatching up all kinds of ridiculous statuses on social media. The essential oils are truly flowing through these posts. We're not doctors, but we are fairly certain that cinnamon rolls are okay to eat while pregnant. Just a hunch. 

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"Cats" Driving PSA from the 80s is Freaky and Vividly Dark

Still better than the 2019 version. Whatever you're expecting from a "Cats" themed driving PSA from the U.S. Department of Transportation, you are gonna be slightly wrong. I mean, the thought was a noble one, but the execution was...interesting

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Tagged: psa , strange , driving , musical , dark , Cats , weird

Woman Hilariously Mocks Mom Facebook Groups

Mom teases crazy mom Facebook groups with a ridiculous post.

This woman's intentionally absurd post about how ridiculous mom Facebook groups can get, is making waves online. It's no wonder. Mom Facebook groups have a knack for spewing out all kinds of ridiculousness. 

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Blessed Images To Light Up The World With Wholesome

A collection of blessed images that will bring wholesome vibes to your world | tiny dog's head peeking from a person's bag in an elevator. fluffy underwater slug with bunny ears. tweet by sillypeachy been having rough week but then remember sea bunnies and then feel better

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of blessed images that have an unfailing ability to just bring on the good feels. In such strange and troubling times, it can be nice to take a break from the steady stream of fails, to appreciate some blessed images that are filled to the brim with pure goodness. 

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Confusing Images of Abundant Double-Takery

Real life optical illusions made by strange perspective | young girl holding a bag of popcorn that looks exactly like the dry grass she's standing on making her look like she has abnormally thin legs. cat sitting across a person's arm while they're using the computer making it appear as if the person's hand is going through the cat's body

Perspective can be a real deceitful mistress. Messing around with your line of sight can lead to some interestingly eye-confounding images that your brain won't know what to do with. There's impossible buildings, liquid cats and straight-up double-take-causing images of strange perspective.

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Smart Employee Gets Fake Fired to Prank Awful Customers

Employee gets fake fired to combat bad customers | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by throwRA-fhfsveyary AITA pretending get fired customers get temper with Not hole am high schooler with weekend job at coffee shop. My coworkers who work weekends are:

This young employee asked whether it was wrong to toy with the emotions of overly dick-ish customers by getting fake fired in front of them. It seems like a pretty harmless practice and gets bad customers to rethink their roles. We wonder what would happen if a customer just said "good!" People have ways of dealing with bad customers like this flight attendant who handled a problem flyer or this donut shop owner responding to a bad review with humility.

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House Rules People Thought Were Normal Until They Grew Up

Askreddit of people who had strange house rules growing up.

It's the natural development of almost every kid that you think your home life is pretty standard until you visit a friend's house or live with someone else. People just believe dumb things as kids. Some some folks realize how good they had it while others just have more questions about their strange parents. Other times rules were just creatively pragmatic.

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Ridiculous Argument Over Wanting A Username

A ridiculous argument breaks out over one person demanding another person's username.

Well isn't it nice to know that there are people out there exchanging harsh words over wanting claim to a username? It can get heated. Don't underestimate the kind of rage that can be generated from someone being refused their "right" to take another person's username. 

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Dumb Design Fails Made by People Who Had One Job

Stupid design fails made by people who had one job | red haired child holding a water gun backwards. wooden pillar blocking the way in a hall.

Not everyone can be great at their job. We're not exactly sure why that's the case, but it just seems to happen. People design things that look stupid and don't work all the time, and they never seem to stop filling the world with design fails that don't quite cut it. It's pretty cool. For more of these

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Nostalgic 90s Life Hacks

A collection of helpful life hacks from back in the 90s.

Can't say that we miss the days of having to print directions out from MapQuest. It's remarkable to take a look through these "90s life hacks" and realize just how much the world has changed. It's easy to forget just how fast things are changing around us. 

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