Wednesday, July 8, 2020

News Host Argues with Guests over Similar Outfits

This may come as a surprise to some, but apparently everyone wearing white is a very big deal(?) and "the wardrobe girls will be furious downstairs." The host goes as far to make her guest put on a jacket so that it's...better? It all plays out like a scene from Mean Girls.

Submitted by: (via thatsideofutube 2)

Tagged: news , wtf , anchor , lol , ridiculous

The Lord Of The Rings Cast Reunites On Zoom

This is just magical. Lord of the Rings fans' dreams just came true. The Zoom reunion brings together so many of the familiar faces from the Lord of the Rings movies. Plus, it seems like a lot of the cast genuinely gets along with one another in real life. 

Submitted by: (via idkwhyy)

Passive Aggressive Bridezilla Complains About Friends' Gifts

This spicy bridezilla went and laid the passive aggressiveness on thick when it came to calling her friends out over some of them not bringing gift cards and/or gifts. The folks in the comments section would appear to be in agreement over the fact that she was just a bit out of line with this frame of thinking. 


Text - r/AmltheAsshole + JOIN u/makeupandjustice • 23h AITA for calling friends out for not bringing a card or gift to my post- elopement wedding reception? Asshole Amidst significant family drama, my husband and I decided to elope and then host a 35 person garden-party wedding reception at our home. The reception was on the same date as our original wedding had been planned and tbh it cost just as


Text - much as a small wedding reception (approx 7k), had great food, black-tie servers/bartenders and an open bar. We noticed, though, that the majority of our guests did not bring a gift or card. Particularly, a few of my lifelong friends did not bring a gift or card. I get that it's technically a guest's discretion to bring a gift or not but come on! So I mentioned it I passing a few times that only one item was purchased off our registry and our card box was virtually empty. I also thanked "


Text - equivalent of $200/pp on the party). AITA for thinking ppl should bring a wedding gift to our wedding reception? Edit: wow, apparently the internet feels very strongly about this lol. I guess IATA. Just to clarify a couple of things: our invitations were very clear it was a wedding reception. People did not know at the time we had eloped. Lots of you asked what the family drama was and suggested I was to blame for it. There was drama on both mine and my husband's side actually. My husband


Text - little_honey_beee • 23h • Partassipant [2] Typically when you elope, you don't get gifts. And mentioning it in your toast is tacky. YTA on this one. "So I mentioned it I passing a few times that only one item was purchased off our registry and our card box was virtually empty.' I just saw this sentence. Yes, you are definitely TA for that. If I had a gift for you, like a check or something, and I heard you mentioning this, I would have kept the gift myself. You're not entitled to a presen


Text - -Ranger • 23h •Certified Proctologist [24] 1 Award YTA You eloped; there was no wedding reception. A wedding reception happens right after the wedding. You threw a fancy party well after the wedding and are calling it a "wedding reception". I suspect this is why people didn't bring gifts. You pointing it out as if people are obligating to bring you a party gift is what makes you TA. Seems you want the benefits of eloping along with the benefits of having an actual wedding. It generally do


Text - 0000udeis000 • 23h • Partassipant [2] YTA for a couple of reasons. First, gifts may be social etiquette, but they're never mandatory. Calling people out for not bringing you gifts is incredibly tacky. Second, many people send gifts later - maybe stuff was in the mail? How much notice did you give people about this party? Third, how much you chose to spend on your wedding was entirely up to you, and is not relevant. Fourth - you eloped. You didn't invite anyone to share your marriage cerem


Text - BeelnTheHiveMind • 23h • Partassipant [1] YTA You are entitled. I literally just got married saturday and the idea that people "have" to give gifts is absurd. You chose to elope which obviously means you wanted a private wedding. It is not the fault of your guests that you spent 200pp at a garden party to re-celebrate your wedding To then insult your guests in your speech by saying "The few that gave" is so absurdly narcissistic and childish there are no words. You come off as insanely br


Text - -Unnamed- • 23h YTA You eloped because you wanted to avoid drama. Then you hosted a party and created a bunch of drama. I honestly think half the reason for a gift is being a guest at a fancy and significant event for free. You just want gifts


Text - LowCalPal • 23h • Asshole Enthusiast [4] YTA. If you want wedding gifts, you hold a wedding. There's no social expectation of gifts at an elopement party.


Text - 69schrutebucks • 23h YTA. You never should have said that. That's something you bitch about to your husband once everyone leaves and then never mention it again. You don't know what their circumstances are and you may have shamed someone who couldn't spend their last 20 bucks on a gift for you and chose to put gas in their car instead. What you did was tacky and rude and you made yourself look spoiled and ungrateful.


Text - Meriland31 • 23h YTA 35 people is not a lot, especially if some were families (since you usually only receive 1gift per family). I think you are being ungrateful for what you did get and lost sight of what a reception is all about. Don't put money into a reception with the expectation that your guests will reimburse you, put money into a reception to TREAT your friends and family, and share a lifelong grateful for their presence, not their presents.


Text - SnausageFest • 23h • AssGuardian of the Hole Galaxy YTA. Gifts are typically not expected for reception-only guests. We got hitched in a similar fashion and I was honestly blown away that most people brought gifts - I was expecting only family members from our parents generation to give anything, if anyone. Even at a traditional wedding, it's tacky and uncomfortable to call them out. At a minimum, it makes it sound like you invited them for the main reason of recouping costs.


Text - SnausageFest • 23h • AssGuardian of the Hole Galaxy YTA. Gifts are typically not expected for reception-only guests. We got hitched in a similar fashion and I was honestly blown away that most people brought gifts - I was expecting only family members from our parents generation to give anything, if anyone. Even at a traditional wedding, it's tacky and uncomfortable to call them out. At a minimum, it makes it sound like you invited them for the main reason of recouping costs.


Text - estrogeneyecandy • 23h • Asshole Aficionado [17] YTA - you sound incredibly entitled. Your friends and loved ones came to celebrate your marriage, why do you need anything more than that? Eve more important - why do you feel the need to shame your friends so publicly, in your wedding toast of all things?


Text - Expatia • 19h YTA. You mentioned it in your toast? If I had been one of the people that had brought a gift I would have taken it back and would reconsider being friends with someone so rude. Bitch about it in private; shaming your guests is not cool.


Text - wigglebuttbiscuits • 23h • Certified Proctologist [34] YTA. Are you out of your mind? Of course you shouldn't have whined about not getting enough presents. I guarantee that every single one of the 35 people who made that toast was judging the hell out of you and you'll be getting even less presents next time you throw yourself a party.


Text - NoMoreToBeDone • 22h YTA. If I was at this party and heard what you said, I wouldn't be hanging out with you anymore. I don't like people who feel they are entitled to a gift just because they did something many people do, like get married.


Text - nickfolesknee • 22h YTA. My husband and I were also married in a tiny little ceremony, with about 20 people in attendance. We never asked for gifts and were humbled by the generosity of the people who did bring us gifts. I was actually embarrassed and felt so overwhelmed as we went through our cards and bags that people brought, because I felt like we didn't deserve it since we didn't have a real wedding. If we hadn't received any gifts, I wouldn't have complained, because gifts are welco


Text - chrissyruiz33 • 22h YTA, just because you decided to get married ( eloped or not) does not mean everyone you know is obligated to pay for your wedding/ reception. In my opinion this is the worst wedding tradition. When I got married I never thought “ everyone needs to get me a gift or card".. I didn't even have a shower or registry because my husband and I were already living together for a few year so I would not now expect people to buy me gifts. Maybe it is just me but I find the thoug


Text - Thelonius16 • 21h YTA. Anyone who “calls out" their friends for something like this is an asshole. You also generally have a year after the wedding to send presents. Of course, you just had a party, not a wedding, so who knows what people are supposed to do.


Text - Amraff • 23h • Asshole Enthusiast [6] YTA You chose to spend that much on the party so your cant complain about the costs. Its incredibly tacky to make a big deal about someone not getting you a gift and exceedingly entitled. It sounds like you started planning a wedding and changed the plan halfway, so your friends likely didnt see your "post-elopement garden party" as a wedding, but as a simple regular everyday party. Unless you specifically outlined the details of the party, how was an


Text - Elegant-Rectum • 22h • Partassipant [1] YTA - Only because of going on the mic and being passive aggressive about it. It's just awkward and rude to do that. The people probably didn't do what they did with ill intent, but you acted like they did. They probably didn't know they were expected to bring a gift. I wouldn't know what the protocol was for a wedding reception of a wedding that I didn't even attend. People are confused when you elope and then have a reception. This is an unusual t


Text - latche • 19h • Partassipant [1] YTA. I got married last fall and many people didn't get us a card or a gift. You're not the asshole for THINKING people should bring a gift, but you are the asshole for expecting it and publicly calling people out. A gift is optional. The wedding is a party you're throwing and there is no price of admission. I get being privately a little annoyed-I certainly was-but to call people out is a dick move.


Text - Anti-Anti-Paladin • 19h YTA. Congrats OP: now whenever people talk about your reception, it will be all about how you whined about not getting enough gifts.


Text - ladyofthelathe • 20h YTA. If you can afford a black tie catering service, an open bar, at the tune of 200.00 per person x 35 ($7grand), why are you kvetching about not getting a few more 100.00 bills and some Hallmark cards or, if you mean gift cards, cards for Best Buy or whatever? Can't you just be happy they were there to celebrate such a glorious day with you, without the drama you were attempting to escape? So now you want to start more drama?


Text - thehippos8me • 19h YTA. That is so entirely tacky. My husband and I eloped and plan on doing a backyard celebration back home since we live across the country from most of our family and friends. We don't expect gifts because all we want is for people to celebrate with us. That's what a wedding reception is for, anyways. How do you even think it's okay to call people out for that? Is this even a real question? If I were one of the guests in question, l'd surely be glad I didn't bring a gi

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DoorDash Karen Chews Customer Out Over Milkshake Order

Karen should've just played nice, but no, she had to go and chew out a hard working employee over a dang milkshake. Fortunately, the employee kept their wits about them, and after a little digging, was able to get Karen a rightful termination for her toxic antics. Check out some more Karen drama with this Karen who asked a man to mow her lawn for 10 bucks.


Text - r/ProRevenge u/[deleted] • 1y + Join Karen chews us out over milkshake, I get her fired. So l used to work at this restaurant in the downtown city. Terrible job experience, but it was a job. One day, we get slammed. Usually it's because of a game night since this burger place is right behind a baseball field, but this day was different. First of all, I was already pissed. Coworker who thought he was the manager showed up an hour late so I had to open the entire front of the restaurant alo


Text - I'm talking about 100 players with a line out the door. On shifts like this, some of the kitchen staff had to drop everything and help the other front of house employees (including myself) deliver orders because we're taking orders, cleaning tables, putting orders together, delivering them, serving drinks (I did this when I was 18), AND making milkshakes. Customers were great. All of the players that came in were so nice and we had no issues. No impatience, no complaints, nothing. Just a


Text - We get in our usual rush and me and three other coworkers are obviously multitasking and rushing to keep everyone happy. DoorDash tablet goes off. I confirm it and start prepping the order. Mind you, this included a milkshake. I'm not going to go ahead and make the milkshake because god only knows when this woman is gonna show up. Rest of the order is ready to go and she shows up while we're helping other customers. Let me tell you about this woman. By definition, a Karen. She had the typ


Text - go to start the milkshake. She starts flipping out at my coworkers and as l'm passing her to get the rest of the DoorDash order, she starts laying it on me. Screaming at me because "I didn't have the milkshake ready" and that "I was costing her tips". The woman was wearing LuLu Lemon Yoga Pants and had expensive color contacts in. She would be fine without three dollars. Sort-of manager comes out to talk to her. Let's call him C. C comes out and explains the situation. She doesn't accept


Text - I'm fuming about this lunatic coming in and making everyone uncomfortable, so I do a little digging. Turns out, if you go onto the tablet, you can find the previous doordashers who come into the restaurant to get orders. I remember the name of the customer who ordered, so I go onto the tablet to find the doordasher's name. I find her name and cellphone number on the order history and information. I get into contact with the DoorDash company and explain the harassment we endured from Karen

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Funny Tweets From Husbands About Marriage

This collection of funny tweets from husbands about navigating the emotional rollercoaster that is a marriage, will either encourage or strongly discourage you to ever pursue marriage. I mean, what's there to be afraid of? It's only for life. 


Text - Simon Holland @simoncholland The look in my wife's eyes when she left for Target makes me think she is going to try and save the economy in one trip.


Food - Uncle Duke @UncleDuke1969 my wife was feeling pretty confident walking into divorce court but she didn't know i had pictures 706 Jir.


Text - Henpecked Hal @HenpeckedHal Welcome to marriage. Here's the new way you fold towels.


Text - Batty @BattyMclain My wife asked me if she had any 'annoying' habits and then got all offended during the power point presentation.


Text - slick @dlicj today my wife said "guess who i saw in costco today?" then made me guess for like 10 min and when i didnt guess it was like "remember that super tan lady we saw walking down the street last week.." thats who she thought i might guess. a lady we dont even know that we saw one time


Text - Dadman Walking @dadmann_walking My wife said I walk like an elephant and she can hear me coming a mile away. So I did the mature thing and snuck up on her 60 seconds later and scared the shit out of her. She has now filed for divorce.


Text - Uncle Duke @UncleDuke1969 girl at bar: i'd let you do that thing in bed that your wife won't me: [visibly excited] eat cookies?


Text - James Breakwell, Exploding Unicorn @XplodingUnicorn [road trip] Me: Want me to drive for a while? Wife: Sure. Me: Oh. That wasn't a real offer. >


Text - Karma Police @KarmaPolice238 Anytime my wife has scissors in her hand I dial 9-1 on my phone and wait.


Text - WTFDAD @daddydoubts my wife says l'm acting like a toddler but maybe she shouldn't have put my food on the wrong plate


Text - Average Dad @Average_Dad1 Just a heads up, if you exchange the gift your wife got you, even if it's her idea and she's quote "totally fine with it", this act will be used against you in a future argument at some point in the next ten years


Text - mark @TheCatWhisprer · May 22 ME: *walks by to put anything away* WIFE: [not even looking up from her phone] that doesn't go there 9. 27 71 395


Text - The Dad THE DAD @thedad There are 2 types of people in a marriage: the person who thinks their way of loading the dishwasher is best and the person who thinks their way of loading the dishwasher is best


Text - mark @TheCatWhisprer Marriage is about finding that one special person to play "who's going to empty the bathroom trashcan" chicken with for the rest of your lives.


Text - Abe Yospe @Cheeseboy22 My wife can slice cheese without eating a slice herself and I am starting to wonder if she is even human.


Text - Simon Holland @simoncholland I forgot today was our anniversary but my wife forgot too and that's really the best gift she has ever given me.


Text - mark @TheCatWhisprer I don't always pick out the wrong item when my wife sends me to the store but when I do I buy it in the mega- pack.


Text - Robert Knop @FatherWithTwins "I don't want popcorn" - My wife, who's about to eat half my popcorn during this movie >


Text - Josh @iwearaonesie Before I got married I didn't even know there was a wrong way to put the milk back in the fridge


Text - Troy Johnson @_troyjohnson Marriage is mostly about knowing which hand towels you can use and which ones are for the better people who visit your wife's home.

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Karen asks Grown Man to Mow Her Lawn for $10

Apparently you don't even have to be in a store for a Karen to look down on you. Seems like Karen saw this dude mowing his lawn, decided he was a kid working for a lawn mowing service and went from there. For some more Karen stories, here's one about a Canadian giant humbling a grocery store Karen as well as a Karen customer who got defeated with kindness.


Text - r/IDontWorkHereLady · Posted by u/Alyksandur 6 days ago I'm not a lawn mowing service. XL (First time poster and I usually listen to these on YouTube. I don't have a clue how formatting works. Also, this may not be the perfect sub for this story, but it still has the right kind of vibe.) This one actually happened last year, but it was short enough that I still remember it pretty clearly. I live in a very small town where everybody can more or less recognize everybody else by sight if not


Text - I was out mowing my lawn, headphones on and music up loud enough to hear over the engine. Note that a set of double railroad tracks runs right through the middle of the city. It's not unusual for both streets that cross it to be blocked for a few hours by a parked train (as was the case on the day in question), but there's an overpass less than a quarter mile up the road. I realize after a couple of mowing passes that there's been a Mustang stopped at the stop sign by the house for probab


Text - (I suck with names, so I'm just going to stick with the basics: Me and Her.) Me: Need something? Her: I was wondering, if you're mowing lawns, would you be willing to do mine once a week for ten bucks? (...Not what I was expecting, but hey, I've heard worse offers; I use mowing for both exercise and time to hide in my own thoughts for a while. I decide to at least poke at it a bit.) Me: I'm mowing my lawn, I live here, but maybe. Depends on the yard and how local you are. Her: Oh, I'm jus


Text - (At this point I recognize her car, so I know roughly where she lives. Her lawn is probably two acres and made of hills. I don't need that much exercise or me time.) Me: Sorry, but no. That's... Her: [Interrupting and huffing] What, is ten dollars not enough? Kids these days, honestly. When I was in high school, I would have been happy to earn an extra ten dollars a week! (I'm not a kid. I'm six-foot-three, and while I do look young for my age, I was in my mid-forties at the time. Sure, I


Text - Me: [After looking at her for a moment] ...Pardon me, but how old are you? Her: [Sneering] I don't see what that has to do with anything, but I'm twenty-six. Me: [Sighs and eyerolls] Kid, I was out of high school before your parents ever fucked! (I still kinda feel bad about being the one to initiate cursing, but it definitely got her attention. Yay for precision F-strikes, I guess.) And with that, I put my headphones back on and started the mower while she was just inarticulately sputter

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Laughable People Who Think They're Brilliant

The internet, home of ridiculous people who think they're geniuses. These are people who describe themselves as "too rational" to get a joke, think they understand space travel after thinking about it for 10 minutes, and rate online IQ tests poorly for giving them bad (accurate) scores. They're here to brag about themselves and ruin comments sections because they think they're geniuses.


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