Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Strangest Mysteries That Are Still Unsolved

Someone on AskReddit got a thread going about the world's strangest unsolved mysteries. Even with all this technology at our disposal, many bizarre phenomenon manage to escape explanation. There's clearly a lot more going on than we'll ever be able to fully understand. 


Text - mytwoquarters • 11h The Overtoun Bridge. It's a bridge in Scotland where dogs always unexplainably jump off. It's very strange and nobody knows why they do this. Dogs who survived reportedly walked back up and jumped off again. They even had to put up a warning sign to keep your dog on a leash and to watch them. A dog psychologist says maybe it's because of certain scents or animals down below, but most people have disagreed this theory. It's fuckin weird. Reply 3.9k ...


Text - ironwolf6464 • 11h Flight 19 of December 5, 1945. Five bomber craft on a routine training run became lost while heading back and eventually disappeared entirely. Audio has them saying that they thought they had ended up over the Florida Keys, but wind could not have allowed that. Even more interesting is the fact the rescue craft dispatched to locate them also disappeared. Reply 2.4k


Text - Tehgumchum • 11h The whereabouts of the last Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller. The last verified sighting of him was in Berlin roughly 3 days before it fell, he had stated he knew full well what the Russians did to prisoners and he had no intentions of being captured. As chief of the Gestapo he more than likely had access to foreign documents as well as ways to replicate them. Both the CIA and the KGB spent time looking for him but no trace has ever been found Reply 15.4k


Text - unhealthyshoe • 10h 3 lighthouse workers with impeccable mustaches traveled to a remote island on December 7th, 1900 for a lighthouse shift that should have lasted for two weeks. When a boat arrived to pick them up, they were gone. No trace of the bodies, and the lighthouse was strangely locked. Not only was the setting normal (meal ready to be served), but there was no fire in the fireplace, and the clock stopped. One of the men kept a log in a diary, and he said that the seas were rough


Text - WhaddaFucc • 12h A 2 Awards An unknown group of people broke into an FBI building, and no one has found out who they are. But the best part of the story is, they did it by leaving a sticky note that said "Do not lock the door tonight" and it worked. Edit: To everyone asking how they left the note, they just stuck the note to the front door. Probably should've specified. Edit 2: I'm an approved member of O r/whatstherule now Reply 1 37.4k ...


Text - Marmalade_flesh_ • 14h That guy who ran away from the airport hopped the fence and was never seen again Reply 6.6k


Text - RaccoonKing1234 • 11h The identity of and what happened to D.B Cooper. A man on a plane called himself D.B Cooper and claimed to have a bomb in use suitcase. He took the flight crew hostage and when he got the money he asked for he had the flight crew start flying again. Eventually he jumped out of the plane with a couple of parachutes and the money. No one knows where he went or if he even survived. Reply 4.8k ...


Text - camybrook • 10h The Winchester Mystery House. i watched a documentary on this house when i was 10 and it has stuck with me ever since. it's about a woman named Sarah Winchester. Her husband and baby both died. Her husband owned a rifle company, and she went to a psychic. the psychic told her that she is being haunted by the ghosts of all the people who have died by the hands of those guns, and that is the reason for the tragedy that happened in her life. to appease the spirits, the psychi


Text - DarthNecromancy • 12h The Boötes Void is a region of outer space that contains no galaxies or stars and we don't know why. Reply 1 6.6k ...


White - _VividColors_ • 15h Malaysian Flight 370 Reply 5.3k ...


Text - Vrinda21 • 14h The Kongka La Pass in Ladakh This region lies in the disputed border of India and China, and is truly the most inaccessible places in the world. In 1962, the armies of both the countries were engaged in a severe conflict. After this, both China and India entered into an agreement according to which none will be allowed to patrol the region, but can keep an eye on it from a distance. After this, a popular belief floated that the Kongka La Pass in Ladakh is a hideous base of


Text - DepressionFiesta • 11h In 1994, close to a hundred school children (sixty on record) described seeing a disc-shaped craft land behind their school during morning break time in Ruwa, Zimbabwe. Many of them interacted with beings, that fit the Grey alien description - with the children receiving what is described as some sort of telepathic communication.


Text - Tossingthisaway999 • 12h Who was Perseus? From 1943 to 1946, the Soviet Union had a high level spy in the Manhattan Project. Codenamed Perseus, this spy was a scientist at the White Sands missile testing site in NM, and the main research facilities in Los Alamos. Perseus saw pretty much the entire Project start to finish, giving the Russians everything they needed to get to work on their own bomb. The fact that they were able to do so within 4 years of the end of WWII when their nations w


Text - RainyDayBreeze • 14h In 1977 we received a radio signal from outer space that lasted about 72 seconds. To this day, we still do not know where it originated from. Reply 3.7k ...


Text - jello572 • 12h The cancer paradox. It's about creatures like elephants and blue whale and how they don't get cancer when they should be more prone to it.


Text - GamerForEverLive • 11h Ghengis Khan's grave location Reply 99


Text - ineedanewaccountpls • 9h Ball lightning is accepted as a real phenomenon, but is largely a mystery. I first became fascinated with "ball lighting" as a kid after my grandpa freaked out when a ball of light came in through our back door and followed him to the living room then disappeared. He told that story again and again until he passed. I was a big fan of the Little House on the Prairie series at the time and his description sounded similar to what I read. A few years later, my mom was


Text - 4GotMyFathersFace • 14h That huge UFO that traveled across the southwest US that was filmed and seen by tens of thousands of реople.

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