Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Tumblr Thread: House Guest Discovers Secret Staircase

There's something undeniably scary about discovering a hidden passageway. Our imaginations can give way to entertaining all kinds of horrifying possibilites that could explain why someone would be compelled to hide that staircase from plain sight, or put a deadbolt on a door that goes to a spooky attic. In this case, it seems like someone was very likely just messing around, because of where the scratch marks were located. 


Text - O stephrc79 So l'm staying at a friend's house in Boston And in their guest room is a door.


Property - And my first thought was closet. Just an ordinary, tiny, New England closet. But no!


Black - There are STAIRS in that closet! Now where do those stairs go, you may ask?


Stairs - Up to the blaek void attic of course. But you know, it doesn't seem to end there.


Dead bolt - Because for reasons no one seems to know, this door deadbolts from inside. There's nothing but a blaek void up there. Why must it lock on that side of it??? Of course, it was then that I spotted something else.


Door handle - Why yes, those ARE scratch marks on the inside of the door. Which, one might think dog because they're so low on the door (only a third of the way up).


Technology - But you know, this wouldn't be fun if that was all there was. That deadbolt has scratches all around it too.


Property - Funzies! Because guess what.


Text - That deadbolt is five feet off the ground. And there is no dog in this house tall enough to reach it. Pretty sure I just entered a horror film. teratomarty Gotta love Boston architecture. Source: stephrc79

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