Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Best Dating App Fails of the Week (July 6 2023)

The intricate workings of dating app algorithms are beyond us, at this point. It seems as though fate has conspired against us in this realm of digital romance. Tinder stands as both a glorious boon and a dreadful curse upon our species. On the one hand, it liberates us from the need to initiate face to face encounters with potential love interests. On the other hand, alas, it retrains us from indulging in the cherished art of approaching others in the real world. Whether one seeks a casual arrangement or a profound connection, the quest has become simultaneously easier and more arduous. With each swipe, we are enticed by the promise of finding what we are looking for, yet reality fails to live up to these lofty expectations we have set for ourselves. Suppose, by some stroke of fortune, one gets a match, initiates a conversation, and arranges a meeting. More often than not, one is left to suffer the ignominy of being ghosted, stood up, or subjected to the presence of an individual with a peculiar proclivity for madness. Occasionally, there may be a shining moment of success, a serendipitous discovery amidst the tumultuous sea of potential partners. Such instances are as rare as finding a nugget of gold in a vast expanse of barren earth. So, to feel less alone, we find ourselves scrolling through dreadful dating app fails, which are pretty hilarious. For more, here is a resident who got back at his neighbor who consistently dented his car every time they parked in the spot next to it.

'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires attracting colonies of ants

Sometimes, revenge plans can have unexpected consequences that make the whole story significantly more entertaining. We know that in a perfect world, our plotting and scheming will go according to plan. But as we know all too well on this site, this is by no means a perfect world. Plans can backfire, and in this case, they backfired gloriously.    This dude shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit. He prefaced his tale of vengeance with some background about his recent job, which requires him to travel the world and thankfully paid enough for him to finally move out from under his controlling, overprotective father's nose. The only caveat to this job is that while the position is totally legal, the Redditor cannot reveal the name of his company to anyone, especially nosy family members like his Dad.    After repeatedly trying to explain his situation to his father to no avail, his Dad decided to snoop around and essentially stalk his son's every move. This meant that even though the Redditor finally moved into his own place, it still felt like his father was breathing down his neck. On top of that, his father still believed that what his son was doing for a living must have been shady. So, the son decided to play a little trick on him by planting packets of sugar all over his father's house, hoping to freak out his Dad when he discovered them. However, that isn't exactly what went down. That's because a giant colony of ants came across the packets of sugar first and the Redditor's Dad had to get an exterminator involved. Oh well! That's what you get for snooping, I guess.   Keep scrolling below for the full story. When you're finished, check out these top choosing beggars of the week!

Top Karens of the Week (July 7 2023)

It's summer and Karens are in heat! We know that things can get a little heated for any regular human over the summer. Tensions can rise as high as the temperature, and people can get a little bit testy. Now, if that's the case for regular humans, imagine what happens to the entitled Karens of the world during these months. It's probably not too dissimilar from what you're imagining right now. Essentially, they "hulk out" but to the tenth power.    These top Karens of the week were compiled from Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit, and we've got a wide variety of material for you here. The first Karen made some big assumptions about the Redditor at a campsite. Let's just say that we feel for her husband. Next, we have an epic multi-part saga involving a Karen roommate and her inability to pay the rent on time. This one goes to some pretty extreme places, with the Redditor eventually having to call the police because of Karen's unhinged behavior. For this one, we also included some wild text messages from roomie Karen so you can really get a sense of what she's like. Then, we've got a nosy Karen who involved a manager because of a bag of cherries. Finally, we're leaving you with a tale of a Karen at a photo lab who accused the employees of taking her son when in reality, he was just playing a prank on her.   Keep scrolling below for the full stories. When you're done, check out these top choosing beggars of the week!  

'[Quitting] started a cascade of resignations': IT guy quits after boss expects him to handle an absurd workload watching the company implode as management tries to pull the same tricks on the rest of the employees

Just because someone knows how to reset the router, doesn't meant they're an IT specialist. For some reason, C-level bosses and upper management (the kind of bimbos who are incapable of any sort of 'tech' tinkering) seem to think that every person born after 1990 can handle the specialized career of an experienced tech person, even when it's not in their job description. It's for the good of the company, every employee needs to step up rather than watch their boss hire a professional. In this case, OP was the one IT specialist at his company and was strapped doing the work of an entire department all by his lonesome. After being denied a budget to hire more experienced professionals to manage their enormous workload, OP decided to pack his bags and move on to a more appreciative, more qualified business. As OP walked out the door, the boss thought he could unload all of the IT responsibilities on the rest of the team and found that the work of an experienced professional was essential to the functioning of the company.  Scroll for the full details including a mass resignation and employee exodus, following the belligerently understaffed and misunderstood dealings of a real IT department (and the useless boss that watched it all burn). For more quitter victories, check out this story of an overworked employee that narrowly escaped a resignation lawsuit, but got to watch his company scramble to cover his vacancy. 

'[I] pretend I'm a wrestler walking into Wrestlemania': Top 30 Surprising Secret Confessions of the Week (July 6 2023)

You will never believe the situations these people got themselves into.  Sometimes in life, you end up in situations you could never explain your way out of. If you tried to, you know everyone around you would act like you were crazy. Usually, we'll just keep these incidents to ourselves. But many people also choose to share their more memorable secret moments with @fesshole, a popular Twitter account based in the UK.  These confessions often make me glad I don't have kids. For example, one parent admitted to stealing all the chocolate from their kids' advent calendars, then blaming it on the dog, ripped up box and all. That's a lot of effort to put in just to gain a few pieces of chocolate.  Some of the confessions aren't just funny, but sometimes end up being heartbreaking. One person admitted to finding an old flame had put her house up on Airbnb. This person booked a few days at the place just to reminisce about the past. "Makes me happy and sad," the person wrote, noting that they'd both moved on. With the popularity of Airbnb, I'm sure this dude isn't the only one who's booked a place just to have access to some nostalgic memories.  Check out these 30 confessions below. Next up, these people couldn't resist having a little fun with statues, and they've got the hilarious photos to prove it.