Saturday, February 12, 2022

People Share the Craziest Things Their Exes Did After Breakups

Consider yourself lucky if you don't have an ex who makes this list. There are clearly some real winners out there and it makes you wonder what was worth dating about them in the first place. 

How do you live with somebody for two years just to have them turn around and go completely psycho on you over the breakup? I'm sure a lot of us have done things in the heat of the moment that we weren't proud of... But the premeditation and determination in some of these is off the wall.

Take, for example, EternalCamper's girlfriend who made threats of self-harm after their breakup. Take, scienceisanart's example where her ex tried to frame her for stalking him and even claimed to have security footage of the fact. The thing was, scienceisanart was living in a completely different state at the time! So it would have been impossible for her to even have been remotely close enough for the alleged claims to occur. 

Crazy is as crazy does I suppose. 


For more dating woes... Check out this story from a Tinder exchange where the guy tried 'negging' his match only to have a total meltdown when she confronted him.

Entitled Mom Wants Goldfish Snack, Gets Turned Down, Pitches Fit

Picture this: You're a grown-up, right? Or at least your the size of one. The amount of neurons firing off in your head is debatable, but from the outside you at least look like the kind of person who can hold down a job and wash themselves one to four times a week. You even have a family of NPCs that appears to love you. You get on a plane and eat your kid's goldfish snack, because after all, you are the main character in all of reality. All of a sudden your kid is looking for their snack because some jerk ate it, and there's a perfectly good snack in the hands of a complete stranger. Obviously this person is beholden to your demands, right? They're not even a named character in the odyssey of your life! For them not to give you their goldfish would be nothing short of abuse.

There's something about the wildly entitled people of this world, where they end up staging the most memorable of meltdowns whenever they get righteously rejected. In this case, it sounds like the mom was being the very living definition of entitled. And naturally, upon being called out on her antics she makes it about herself. 

Dad Gets Nuclear Revenge On Neighbors After They Ruin His Son’s Birthday Party

There's nothing worse than not getting along with your neighbors. Stuck side by side in what seems to be an eternal battle between two unmovable forces. It's the kind of thing that would you constantly on edge and there's nothing worse than being on edge in your own home.

These neighbors sound awful and intolerant from the way the story goes but part of me wouldn't be surprised if there was another side to the story. The gathering of a large number of people is noisy by nature, whether there's music or not, voices vying to be heard over one another can get quite loud and carry quite far. Especially when it gets late.

Regardless, it's a trashy and insane move by the neighbor to pop the kid's ball. Maybe even more insane to exact revenge every day for the next two years.


For more like this... Check out this idiot neighbor who cost themselves their parking spot permanently.

Twitter Gems Tweeted From Twitter's Twitterrific Tweeters

Sometimes, it's nice to take a break from all the arguing and panic-inducing headlines that can often break out in the vast world of Twitter. Instead, it can be fun to turn the attention towards what kinds of funny and downright strange observations that Twitter's wandering minds have decided to shoot out into the internet. This batch of Twitter gems certainly didn't disappoint. For some more gold from the Twitter world, go ahead and check out this collection of comedy gems from Tony Hawk on Twitter

Decades ago no one would probably want a direct line into a space that holds millions of people's most passing stupid thoughts, but as it turns out, it's a fun place to spend your time. It's those stupid errant thoughts that give life shape and context. Not meaning, no not that. Absolutely, definitely not that. But definitely some zest. The wackiness certainly makes things spicier.

20 Amazing Movies That Had Terrible 'Dumpster-Fire' Sequels

There's nothing like a fresh idea from Hollywood. Unfortunately, it happens less and less and less as time goes on as studios invest in "safer" bets. In the form of sequels (or prequels) of established franchises, remakes, and 'trending' adaptations. While this gives studios a more reliable return on investment, it sure makes the list of upcoming movies incredibly dull for the rest of us. Remember when the trailer reel before your feature presentation felt like an onslaught of incredible new ideas? Maybe it's just the rose-tinted glasses that I'm looking through and I'm the one who has gotten stale and boring. But something has changed.

No, thank you Hollywood. We didn't need more epic big screen adaptations like we had in the early 2000's with massive undertakings like the Lord of the Rings, I'd rather sit through an abhorrent remake of Ghost Busters after a trailer for Mulan 5. 

For the record, since it's in the thumbnail... The only thing good about the first Pacific Rim was that it was a novel idea and had big heavy robots. The pacing was inconsistent, the writing was dull and the plot was uninspired.

But I digress. Here are some truly terrible sequels that came in the wake of well received blockbusters and cult classics.

The Stupidest Reasons Companies Fired People

Sometimes we get an awful reminder that we're just pawns in someone's idiotic game. With the wrong boss, we can be like clay in the hands of a bored, incompetent god. One who would rather fire someone than take the blame for their own mistakes or have a single difficult conversation. At least the good thing about getting fired for a stupid reason is that you no longer have to work for a complete idiot.

Unfortunately, a ton of us have had our run-ins with being fired from companies over the dumbest matters. Honestly, sometimes it can end up being for the best. Life is far too short to put yourself through nothing short of a hellish experience just because you're committed to chasing the next paycheck. There's always going to be another gig out there that can pay you a decent enough amount of money, without you having to bid farewell to your soul in the process. Sometimes just quitting the job in the first place or getting fired, actually opens up the opportunity for a far better job to present itself. For some more career drama check out some of the biggest red flags that people got during their job interviews

Guy Gives Doctor's Billing Company the Same Treatment They Gave Him and Costs Them a Client

What's that old saying... You get what you give? And no we're not talking about the Free Radicals here. 

This is another story a lot of us can probably relate to in one way or another... A massive paper-pushing organization refuses to release to you money owed and every time you phone in you get someone different who has "no idea what you're talking about." There's never any continuity to your file and sometimes it just feels like you're going backward for months on end. It's probably one of the dumbest things a company can do.

This guy has done what a lot of us probably wish that we could. By leaving his doctor a terrible yelp review (specifically mentioning the billing company) he has put the pressure onto them in a way that they couldn't handle. Probably a good result when you get a call from the CEO of the company. Seems like he just cost them a major client by doing to them exactly what they did to him.