Saturday, September 11, 2021

Cringeworthy Moments That Keep People Up At Night

They say that a thought can "live in someone's head rent free." These thoughts are more like horrible roommates that choose not to pay their rent, don't do their dishes and keep you up at night. We'd all rather forget about our darkest, most awkward moments of facepalming cringitude, but they will never leave us..

Troubling, Flawed Rooms With Bad Vibes

People can live however they want. But they must also understand that if they elect to put a toilet in their kitchen, they have to deal with the fact that they're living the wrong way. Temperature controls go in the shower, toilets shouldn't go on pedestals, and holy hell should bathrooms not be fully carpeted. Here are some "not my job" moments of incompetent construction.

Parenting Memes For The World's Sleep-Deprived Parents

It's a list of brutally honest parenting memes like the one we have here that could end up being just the kind of convincing certain folks need that they shouldn't give the whole having kids thing a try. Seriously, parenting can test one to the depths of their very soul like none other. Some folks are ready for it, while others would just as much love to keep rocking the whole adulting thing without the added life element of raising a kid. 

Husband Demands Fifty Percent of His Wife's Business After Not Supporting Her Idea

I'm firmly convinced that this guy is off his rocker but it sounds like this relationship might have some more deep seated issues that are only coming to light because of the situation. I can't imagine not supporting my partner in their endeavours or ideas. We're supposed to be there to strengthen each other and encourage each other to be their best selves. 

Imagine this, your wife has an idea for a startup business to earn some extra income. You poo-poo the idea and talk it down, maybe say some things stronger than that. Lo and behold, despite your negativity she is successful. What do you do now? Maybe an apology and congratulations are in order, for a start.

Nah, stuff that. Let's just demand half of the profits and threaten divorce because I'm an entitled piece of sludge. 

Any differing opinions out there? Pretty sure this is going to be a quick verdict.

Security Measures That Make Us Feel Immeasurably Insecure

All people want is a little reassurance that their car won't get broken into, their house will stay locked, and their walls aren't easily scaleable or walk-aroundable. But when one takes a not-my-job style approach to security, one or two crucial elements get lost along the way. In the same vein, here are some safety failures that OSHA would disapprove of.

Eye-Rolling Dad Jokes That Will Make You Groan With Exasperation

If there's anything I love it's a good ol' fashioned dad joke and this twitter account is full of them. There's something for everybody here and I'm sure you can relate to most of these.

For dads and 'would-be' dads out there, here are some arrows for the quiver. 

Jerk Step Brother Hijacks Engagement Party With His Baby's Gender Reveal

Take notes everyone because this is probably something that you don't want to do at your sibling's engagement party. It should be common knowledge that it's never a good idea to slap your announcement on top of someone else's celebratory event. Yet, we hear stories like this all the time. 

I'd say that the poster is, in no way, in the wrong here. It's bad form to hijack someone else's event and it's not a good sign if you also have previous history of doing things like this. 

What's your take?

Rude Lawyer Parks In Farmer's Driveway, Farmer Plots Stinky Revenge

Some people in this world just insist on being unnecessarily rude and downright toxic to other kind individuals around them. It really sounds like this farmer wasn't the kind of dude who was actively looking for trouble. He just happened to come across a belligerent lawyer who did not enjoy the process of being told what to do. Even if what he was being told to do was completely appropriate. Well, queue up the unforgettably stinky pro revenge. Check out some more revenge drama with this pro revenge tale about a scummy collection agency that messed with a guy's credit score.

Bank Won't Let Guy Withdraw All His Funds So He Decides to Drown Them in Perpetual Transactons

These days banks have all kinds of ridiculous fees for anything and everything you could ever imagine. Sure I'll buy that closing or opening an account used to have a bit of admin involved but surely those processes are automated now at the large banks that pull this kind of crap?

It's fine if you want to charge me to print a paper statement but are you actually going to charge be $5 because I blinked 500 times while I was waiting in line for service?

When it comes to stuff like this there's only one thing you can do; Play the game. Which is exactly what user Creepy-Analyst has done. What better way to avoid fees for closing an account then this?

Dumb Facepalm Moments Of Sweet, Spicy Stupid

We're human, and none of us are immune to goofs and blunders, but when someone's facepalm moment is so stupid that they've become a burden to those around them, it's time to start pointing and laughing. Just like basic respect and politeness, we all owe each other just a little bit of thought, but clearly that doesn't happen all the time. For some more circumstantial dumbness, here are some awkward moments of facepalming cringitude.

Entitled Mom Tries To Ditch Kid With Parent At Bus Stop, Gets Shut Down

As evidenced by the mom and kid's lack of respect for absolutely anyone's time or space, they went and did this to themselves. For another one about a self-involved parent who tried to pawn their spawn on someone else, here's an entitled mom who tried to get a fellow flyer to entertain her kid.

Scammer Pretends To Be Neighbor In Need, Gets Time Wasted

Unfortunately, the world wouldn't seem like it's on track to run out of irritating scammers anytime soon at all. The good news however is that there are plenty of people out there that are more than ready to fight the good fight, and waste those scammers' time. Check out some more examples of incompetent scammers that were their own worst enemies over here.

Guy Gives Doctor's Billing Company the Same Treatment They Gave Him and Costs Them a Client

What's that old saying... You get what you give? And no we're not talking about the Free Radicals here. 

This is another story a lot of us can probably relate to in one way or another... A massive paper-pushing organization refuses to release to you money owed and every time you phone in you get someone different who has "no idea what you're talking about." There's never any continuity to your file and sometimes it just feels like you're going backwards for months on end. It's probably one of the dumbest things a company can do.

This guy has done what a lot of us probably wish that we could. By leaving his doctor a terrible yelp review (specifically mentioning the billing company) he has put the pressure onto them in a way that they couldn't handle. Probably a good result when you get a call from the CEO of the company. Seems like he just cost them a major client by doing to them exactly what they did to him. 

Half Brothers Threaten To Sue Woman Over $16K, Costs Them $158K

There's nothing we love more than to see some folks that were acting out with all kinds of immoral behavior end up getting their righteous comeuppance. It sounds like this woman's half brothers had it coming all along. If this pro revenge story got you going check out another recent pro revenge post about this girl who got revenge on her teacher that said she'd never succeed.