Sunday, May 15, 2022

Manager Told to Shift Focus By Boss, Shifts Focus... Just Not in the Way the Boss Pictured

There's nothing like going to work and finding your boss (and your boss's boss) seated and waiting for you. It's the kind of experience that is straight out of a 'bad workplace' flick such as Office Space. 

Well, that's precisely what happened to Redditor u/GetDerived when they came into work and were ambushed after their team received a bad audit. They were told to drop all of their other priorities and focus on the group's major concerns. The issue was they were constantly waiting on other teams to deliver on their parts of projects before they could proceed, so if they were only focusing on the major projects, they were going to have a lot of downtime. They tried to explain this, but their words fell only on deaf ears, so it was high time for some malicious compliance.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/maliciouscompliance subreddit by Redditor u/GetDerived, who tells their story of this frustrating interaction they had at work.

Commenters expressed their appreciation for u/GetDerived's story and some shared experiences of their own. 

Scroll on for screenshots of the full story and the reader's reactions.

Wholesome Moments To Exercise The Feels

There are a few ways to feel better about things. One of them, probably the most effective way, is to actually take action in order to improve your life by solving a problem or gaining a skill. And through incremental change, we can all become fully realized versions of ourselves, living the meaningful lives that we set out to achieve. But that's not something that happens overnight.

Another way is to bother your friends into complimenting you. Really twist their arm until they go "no honey, you're the best. You try so hard. You deserve everything." And while this is momentarily satisfying, it doesn't really solve anything. And also you risk becoming a burden to your friends.

So if your goals aren't being met as quickly as you'd like to, and you've pumped your friends for compliments to the point that they need a break, go ahead and explore option 3: Looking at pictures of dogs being like people, and other folks achieving their own goals. It works, and it gives your exhausted social circle some room away from your constant need for validation.

Here are some more wholesome moments to tap into the feels.

Boss's Daughter Steals Lunch, Gets Sent To Hospital, Boss Tries Blaming Employee

So here's the thing. Any reasonable person with a life-threatening peanut allergy is probably cautious enough to not be in the business of stealing stranger's lunches. It's an irresponsible, presumptive and entitled thing to do. But one interesting feature of nepotism is that the boss's kid often has a hard time seeing things that way. And it seems like this boss's kid in particular had a persistent habit of stealing people's lunches.

This employee wasn't even trying to trick their coworker. They just brought their own food. And the boss's daughter, who evidently believed that what's everyone else's is hers, didn't think that a stranger's peanut sauce might contain peanuts. It's just a snowball of errors that starts with one person's inability to acknowledge personal property, despite the very real and ever-present danger of their life threatening food allergy.

But it's not like this person's boss is going to thank her for clarifying things. His daughter might have put herself in the hospital, but at the same time, it doesn't benefit him to internalize any kind of personal responsibility on the part of him or his kin, so he won't. It's as if his body chemistry somehow rejects blame. If only there was a word for such a phenomenon.

Lying Ex Exposed, Had Been Pretending Woman's Belongings Were Their Interests

This fine gentleman and his partner ended things mutually after 7 years together. They maintained an amiable friendship afterward, during which time his ex-girlfriend even helped him plan a trip with his new girlfriend. After which the two got engaged. At this point his ex-girlfriend began to see things just a little bit clearer (she might have been a little bitter about his new fiancée too.) She decided it was time to take a little revenge and went over to his place to collect her things. While there she ran into his new fiancée and began to realize that her ex had been pretending that her things were his, in some vain attempt to adopt a more interesting persona for his new partner.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by Redditor u/Intrigued_Alpaca_93, who was the ex-girlfriend getting revenge on her deceitful ex-boyfriend. 

Keep scrolling for screenshots of u/Intrigued_Alpaca_93's story and Reddit's reactions.