Saturday, December 12, 2020

History Memes for the Knowledge Seekers

Having a deeper knowledge of history than the average person won't necessarily make you smarter or more successful in life than anyone else, but it will enrich your ability to understand some pretty kickass history memes. History memes are technically educational and boy do they go down smooth.


Forehead - Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. Yet those who do study history are doomed to watch helplessly as others repeat it


Text - Oops, sorry animal kingdom. Looks like I just learned how to throw a fucking rock. Guess your entire evolutionary arms race is just fucked. This is my planet now.


Adaptation - a soviet soldier training his backflip tomahawk throw. ** „DarthJarJar69_ · 1h Imagine being e poor German child who has been conscripted in 1945 and the last thing you see is fucking chad Ivan 360 no-scopeing your ass with a tomahawk while doing back flip with enough vodka in his system to kill a bear som 144


Landmark - Winter of Rome Spring of Rome Summer of Rome Fall of Rome 123R


Facial expression - Che New York Eimes December 8, 1903 Man won't fly for a million years- To build a flying machine would require "the combined and continuous efforts of mathematicians and mechanies for one million to ten million years." FLYING MACHINE TAKES TO THE AIR! Wright Brothers Make The Wright Brothers Flyer First Powered Flight The Boston Daily Globe PIONEER PLANE OVER ATLANTIC First Hub-to-London Flight Leaves Nfld. at 12:12 A.M. "Gov. Tebia. Barry Ameng Pamenge Due in Eire at 10:10 T


Clothing - "Do ye plea guilty, witch?" "More Weight"


Text - American Astronauts: Give the Dutch Prime Minister a moon rock Dutch: Decide to get it tested and turns out to petrified wood American Astronauts: OFreskyHistory You weren't supposed to do that VFOX NEWS STATE UNION * THE channe




Text - Pariah Carey. @Sumzlbrahiim The contents of the British Museum The Trashies @TheTrashiesUK 8h What's something that feels British but isn't? Show this thread 3:03 AM · 11/13/20 · Twitter for Android 16.2K Retweets 536 Quote Tweets 107K Likes


Internet meme - Two edgy bois Barbarian tribes raised by a she- living their life wolf across Europe MAIT HADIRAMA


Facial expression - I'm going back to the Middle Ages to teach them science TM Later (earlier?) Yeah, we already The Earth isn't know that flat!!!


Cartoon - Shakespeare when his play requires words that haven't been invented yet RANDOM BULLSHIT GO!!!! made with mematic


Nose - Me about to get my history degree Making memes is not what historians do for a living (6


Facial expression - Study shows that women pretend to be soft and weak around their crush Girls around me:


Cartoon - Noooo! You cannot marry your first cousin, it will lead to homozygosity, which can increase the chances of your offspring being affected by deleterious or recessive traits haha long jaw go brrrrr


Text - Subject: History of the world The world: USA


Adaptation - Henry VIII's diplomates describe him to a potential Wife: He is 3.5 metric tons of raw, sexual aggression."


Text - The world: atleast we only have USA and USSR to fear about causing a nuclear war India and Pakistan: that's where you're wrong kiddo


Cartoon - Central America A fucking fruit company Democracy


Felidae - Wisdom Teeth in Modern 50,000 BC wisdom teeth My jaw hurts,I need a $2000 surgery Me have extra teeth so me can chew through dead animal skin and tree bark




Pyramid - History Channel: The pyramids must have been made by aliens. They are too perfectly built to be constructed by ancient humans. The Pyramids:


Photo caption - When Napoleon agrees to sell the whole Louisiana Territory for 3¢ an acre James Monroe "Robert Livingston Thomas Jefferson


Photo caption - The Mongols when they tried to invade Japan those two times: it fucken WIMDY historymemes


Helmet - Can't die from the plague if you die from my treatment first. Open Man Tot-Thum Fri -Sal Sundany

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Girlfriend Gets Fed Up With Boyfriend's Gaming, Cuts Him Off

Man, we've seen our fair share of lovers' quarrels, and this one is certainly full of its own kind of ridiculous behavior. We have a boyfriend who seems like he's completely hooked on the gaming, and won't stop no matter what he hears. The girlfriend in question asks the folks of Reddit whether or not she's in the wrong for cutting him off like she did. Seems like she had no other choice. 


Text - AITA for telling my BF that if he doesnt go to work, hes no longer using ANYTHING of mine (including my car AND wifi)? Not the A-hole 28f/29m been together for like 4 years I think. I love this guy to death but when I say he is lazy, that is seriously a huge fucking understatement and doesnt even shed an ounce of light on the actual problem. Hes also a gaming junkie-like the worst of their kind. For example, when a game is being released, he waits up until midnight to purchase the game (n


Text - Anyways, a year and a half ago I had to give him an ultimatum. You either get a fucking job and start supporting yourself OR you can leave and go mooch off someone else. He chose to get a job. Lasted a month before he quit. Found another job 2 months later, lasted 2 weeks and quit. He was unemployed for 11 months when he finally landed this job in September. Assassins Creed was just released, what, 2 weeks ago and he started calling out every. single. day. Started staying up until 4am pla


Text - Yesterday I unplugged and hid his xbox. I knew he was going to call out and jump on his game. As I suspected, that's exactly what he tried doing. He picked a fight with me. Said he hated working and I was forcing him to waste away his life. Claimed he was depressed, though that's the first l've heard of it. He then tells me to get off my lazy ass and do something for once. I told him to leave. He takes my car because his is "on its last leg"- his words. Hes not in work clothes so I know h


Text - Shaking-Cliches • 7d • Partassipant [1] 10 Awards You seem like you're looking for permission to dump him. Do it. You have all our permission. Spending four years on this shitshow does NOT mean you have to spend any more. He doesn't respect you. He doesn't help with chores because he doesn't want to. He doesn't help financially because he doesn't want to. I don't care how funny he is or how good he is in bed when he's not glued to a console. Does he have a sibling you can talk to, or mayb


Text - TheBrassDancer • 7d • Partassipant [2] NTA. Why are you with this guy? It sounds more like you are mothering a child rather than being an equal partner in a relationship. Your boyfriend has an addiction if he's depriving himself of sleep to play games constantly. You could tell him that he needs to seek therapy or leave, but you've already issued a similar ultimatum once. He blew his one chance. Don't continue to let him freeload off you. 7.4k ...


Text - bonniebluest • 7d • Certified Proctologist [25] 6 Awards NTA but girl... Follow through with that ultimatum... He's lazy and never going to change 30.9k ...


Text - SPTraininglnsight • 7d Oh good Gods. INFO: Were your previous partners similar to him? Are you usually the one who tends to give more than she gets in a relationship? 314 3 ...


Text - angelique_t • 7d • Asshole Enthusiast [9] 3 Awards NTA clearly but I want to clarify something: you ARE acting like his mother. EStop doing this to yourself, you said yourself you aren't his mother so stop acting like it. Even if you don't cook every meal or do every single chore you are babying him. You shouldn't have to hide the Xbox of a grown ass man for him to understand he needs to go to work- he needs to learn control by himself. Whether you see it or not, you are treating him like


Text - dirtyworkoutclothes • 7d NTA. What does this guy bring to your life? I couldn't even get past the first paragraph. This is a grown ass man. You described the lives of 14 year old boys that were in my classes. Throw out the boy and get a man. He can live in a tent made out of the red flags he dropped. ► 3.9k ...


Text - OboesHay • 7d • Asshole Aficionado [12] 29 Awards YTA to yourself for still being in this relationship. 11.0k ...


Text - jenisright • 7d NTA. Dump him immediately. 334 ...


Text - Unlucky-Profession41 • 7d • Asshole Aficionado [17] NTA but how do you cope with the back pain from carrying this whole damn relationship? Giving him an ultimatum verbally solves nothing, will solve nothing and will only continue to saddle you with being a mothering partner in the future. He's BEEN CHOOSING OP. With his actions he's already been telling you what he wants from your relationship and from his life; a mother and a caretaker while he lives to his fullest mooch potential. 157 .


Text - Chaij2606 • 7d • Asshole Enthusiast [7] NTA, But: Do you want to live like this forever? What kind of future do the two of you want, like kids at one poinr? Because: You will not change him. Nothing against gaming at all, actually just send my hubby up to do this so i have an hour or three for myself ;) but this is not ok. 202 ...


Text - ollyator • 7d • Colo-rectal Surgeon [49] NTA. You needed to dump him 4 years ago. You're not dating a man, you're dating a child and worse, you've been enabling him for years. 107 ...


Text - SayHiToYourDog4Me • 7d • Asshole Aficionado [10] Nta... dump him unless you're ok with having this same fight when you're 40. He is not going to change. promise you there is someone else out there that will love you as much as this dude AND will contribute to the household. You deserve a partner, not a dependent. 37 ...


Text - borschtgoddess • 7d • Partassipant [2] NTA. He has a chronic issue of laziness, as well as being generally disrespectful to you. It doesn't sound like you have a partnership, you have a parasite with an addiction to gaming. There are times when my SO has been unemployed before and he spent that time always looking for work, applying daily, and cleaning and cooking while I worked. Having a gap in employment is not an issue by itself, shit happens. But he is expecting you to carry the whole


Text - Limp2myLoom • 7d • Partassipant [2] NTA - I can fully understand your frustration. My ex was similar (though he worked). Every spare minute was spent sleeping or gaming. You need to stand by what you said. It's not fair on you. 11 3 ...


Text - Flight-Control • 7d NTA, you ever heard love alone isn't enough for a long term relationship? kick.him.out 11 ...


Text - MOMonster1134 • 6d I wasted 6 years on a man like this. Love wasn't enough. I needed a best friend and life partner. It was so hard at first cause I loved him to death. But I was so lonely. I freed myself that day. I focused on me and my hobbies and my passions and one day I walk into a store and there is my now husband. It was like he was there waiting for me, because I loved me first. Our son will be 10 in April. My heart is bursting thinking of when he comes home from work today and I


Text - Claw_- • 7d NTA. Well, he's a huge asshole. His behaviour isn't normal and he should realise he needs to support himself and not use you. I know you said you love him, but do you want to be in a relationship with him acting like a child and says you're the one in the wrong for acting like an adult? My friend was in a similar situation. Dude was constantly ignoring her because he played around 18 hours a day and though he could make money from twitch/youtube. (He had like 30 subscribers).


Text - davesnothereman84 • 7d NTA but he has a lot of growing up to do. Video games are fun and all, but it's hardly the most important thing. But instead of threatening to take away his toys like a parent would, tell him something has got to change or he can crash with his friends for awhile. Or something? 15 ...

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Bully Snowplow Picks Fight With Wrong Mailbox

Oh, to have seen the priceless look of shock and despair on that snowplow driver's face. We're not sure what compels some people in this world to be plain old mean to everyone else. But alas, when you see someone take a righteous revenge, like what we have here with the reinforced steel mailbox, you feel just a little bit better. With that being said, I can't help but wonder what the snowplow driver's beef was with this particular mailbox. Strange. 

Check out another juicy revenge story with this man who took revenge on a terrible Karen landlord.


Grass - loloftheday Folgen 3o050 TAM OPEN


Text - Let's see you little punks smash my letterbox now aerylon Folgen This reminds me of this guy who used to live on my dad's street. Every time it snowed, the snow plow would take out his mailbox - and only his mail box. And just to be clear - it was done intentionally. No one knows why, but the driver of the snow plow would target his box and mow it down. He'd call the DOT to complain, and would get an earful of excuses that amounted to "not our fault you have a wimpy mailbox."


Text - Fast forward to the next winter. First decent snow starts falling, and every kid is hoping for a snow day. It was right around 4:30 am that the whole neighborhood was woken up to this loud CLANG and the screech of tearing metal. My dad made it to the window first and started laughing his ass off. Sitting out side was one very totaled, and almost ripped in half, snow plow. And these weren't little pick-up trucks with a blade on the front, we have these up in NY:


Snow - Mobil nce bil EING Tors


Text - Well, turns out over the summer, my dad's neighbor got himself a backhoe and sank a steel I beam into the ground in his front yard. Then he covered it with a decorative wood sleeve and topped it with a brand new mailbox. When the snowplow driver tried to mow it down it was a bad case of immovable object meets unstoppable force - and the mailbox won. With the plow firmly impaled on the I beam, it was very clear that the driver had gone out of his way to hit it.


Text - Naturally, the DOT wasn't happy, and the neighbor's reply was simple: “Not my faulty you have a wimpy snowplow." They did try to sue him for the damages, but as he had gone to the town, gotten approval for the post and its installation, and made sure everything was up to code, it was thrown out pretty quick. And for anyone wondering about the driver... He was fine. His job and tighty-whiteys ... not so much.

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4 Secret Sociopaths Hiding In Your Favorite Movies

Have you ever thought it strange that Marty McFly's grandparents left him unconscious for nine hours in BACK TO THE FUTURE? How about God's willingness to let BRUCE become ALMIGHTY? Is Santa a real jerk in ELF? "Doctor" Jordan Breeding returns this week to wish you Happy Holidays and uncover a bunch of secret nut jobs hiding in some of your favorite movies. Sorry.

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Tumblr User's Weird Debt Notice Is Scary Money Lesson

We've all gotten stupid scam calls about something being wrong with your bank account, and there are tons of scams people still fall for. This however, is something in between a lie and the truth. This person got a legit notice from someone who bought a small amount of forgotten debt and wanted them to basically reactivate it with some shadowy wording. Weird. 


Text - cherryseltzer i just got a super predatory debt collection letter. it was for a $113 debt from citizens bank, who i had an account with when i was 16 (20 years ago). the letter appeared to be an offer to cancel the debt if i paid them $22.75. HOWEVER, the actual wording is, "The amount of the debt is $113.77 and we will accept $22.75." so, no MENTION of canceling the debt, but the implication is there because many collectors of current debt offer to settle for a percentage.


Text - at the bottom of the letter, it says: "Because of the age of your debt, we cannot sue you for it and we cannot report to any credit reporting agency. In many circumstances, you can renew the debt and start the time period for the filing of a lawsuit against you if you take specific actions such as making payments on the debt or making a written promise to pay."


Text - basically. i don't owe this money anymore, the debt is so old they can't legally sue me for it OR put it on my credit report, BUT if i take their generous offer of paying them $22.75... they can sue me for the full amount because making a payment makes the debt current. no thanks, jefferson capital systems llc. feetlips always, always read the entire letter! it is so important because of semantic awfulness like this! Source: cherryseltzer

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Tumblr Post Celebrates People's Inner Nerd

Let's be real. The people that can find that one thing in this wild life that they're completely obsessed with are often times passionate oddballs, that are just fun to be around. Being comfortable with airing out your inner nerd is actually pretty dang charismatic. This quick Tumblr post celebrates some folks' inner nerd quirkiness. 


Text - fandomsandfeminism My favorite thing is listening to people go into extreme detail about some micro- aspect of some hobby they love that I know nothing about. My mother in law loves bird watching. The other day she told me about how the birder world is ROCKED with controversy about the new Audubon society bird naming conventions, particularly their new guidelines on hyphenation.


Text - My sister in law explained in detail specific qualities to look for that distinguish a good jigsaw puzzle from a bad one. A friend of mine can talk your ear off about the different forms of cubism in modern art. This cashier at my local board game store explained to a friend of mine why Hive, a small insect themed strategy game, is amazing but the pill bug expansion breaks the game.


Text - My mom is obsessed with Henry VIIII's wives and can not only list them in order, but knows all of their histories and ultimate fates by memory. Everyone has at least one thing where their scope of knowledge and opinion runs so much deeper than you could ever imagine. Friends and relatives, coworkers and strangers. For me, it is a lovely little reminder of how unique and strange humanity is. How we are all, deep down, nerdy weirdos.

4. Even the comments section rocked the inner nerd.

Text - LoxStock • 187d Now I want to know what makes a good jigsaw puzzle. 270 Diogenes-Disciple • 187d All of the pieces being there 231 drinkup • 187d The best puzzle has: no edge pieces not an overall "rectangle" shape when completed a blank image (all pieces are the same color) pieces printed on both sides • pieces with weird shapes (there's no square- based grid that the pieces align with) before each puzzle is packaged and sent to the distributor, someone at the factory takes 0-3 pieces (n


Text - chipsinsideajar • 187d For me it's between Alternate History, Maps, or Vexillology. If a friend or sibling even brings up the subject, I will talk their ear off about it. 4 64 ... +


Text - Izytm • 187d I, too, can name all of Henry the eighth wives in order. Pretty much anything about Tudor England. It is so INTERESTING! 400 ...


Text - str8aura • 187d • *fluffle puff noises* No no no, she's right about the Pill Bugs. 1.5k ... Sorry-Wilting-Dandy • 187d Please tell me more. I don't no anything about Hive but I desperately want to know more that particular one. 596 •..


Text - alephnaughtmeric • 187d I googled because I was curious too: Hive is a game played with hexagonal bug pieces that your arrange connected to each other. On your turn, you can add a new piece or move a piece that is already on the board. Each type of bug has different rules about how it can move. Pillbugs actually have the ability to move other pieces on your turn. There are lots of exceptions for exactly how this works. This greatly complicates gameplay and can draw out games a lot.

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Huge Trends No One Talks About Anymore

Times change, and that's probably for the best. The past few decades have seen the rise and fall of clear cola, kids wearing their clothes backwards, and a strange assortment of stupid catch-phrases. While this is all stuff that was kind of flash-in-the-pan, there's tons of other stuff that has been around for way longer than people think.


Text - Emotional-Fruit 18.9k points · 2 days ago Cup stacking...what was that all about? AllUrFail 7.1k points · 2 days ago Holy shit. I forgot about that! Our school made us do cup stacking in gym for a few weeks.


Text - thewickerstan 15.5k points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago 2 2 3 3 I think it was between 2010 and 2012 where there was: • A weird obsession with Bacon • A weird obsession with mustaches "Кеер calm and And you can't forget "Epic Fail" too I know it makes lots of people cringe, and rightfully so, but boy does thinking of that period make me nostalgic for middle school. Simpler times.


Text - istilldontreddit 15.1k points · 2 days ago - 5 3 3 E 2 Yo-yos who was that motherfucker that came edited 2 days ago to my school? And why did he do a sales pitch for Yo-yos? And why did so many of us buy them?


Text - unethical_goose 13.9k points · 2 days ago Idk if this is just where I live but those bracelets that you made with rubber bands on that loom thingy Picnut 2.9k points · 2 days ago We still have millions of those rubber bands in our house. I want to toss them in the garbage, but they are in the kids' rooms.


Text - gozba 11.2k points · 2 days ago Flash mobs. I miss the awkwardness of school teachers and office managers to entice others to join. othybear 5.4k points · 2 days ago My boss made us do this one year, as a kind of bucket list for herself before she retired. I had scheduled the day off since it was my birthday so I was hoping I had a gracious out to skip it. Instead, she told me if I came for the flash mob I'd get the rest of the day off with pay and I wouldn't have to use a vacation day. I


Text - LittlestSlipper55 9.5k points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago LMFAO. LMFAO may be a total trainwreck of a music group, but they were also everywhere in 2011-2013. You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing "I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" played five times in the span of 30 minutes, and "PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT!" was a line scream-sung at any night club.


Text - gibbsge 1.5k points · 2 days ago S Yik yak Nikflame 643 points · 2 days ago Yik Yak was the shit. Everyone knew what was going on on campus within seconds. People within the same classes used it to shit-talk professors and cheat on tests. It's too bad people had to ruin it with death- threats and such which kind of forced Yik Yak to make it non-anonymous, killing the appeal it had in the first place. As a commuting student at the time it was key for me to keep up with the happenings and d


Text - br34kf4s7 9.3k points · 2 days ago A 2 2 4 3 8 3 I'll never forget the summer Pokémon Go came out. Everybody and their grandparents were playing it, all the parks were full of people just talking and meeting each other. I hate to sound boomer-y but it made me remember what life was like before smartphones, which is ironic I guess because an app made it happen. I wish more technology had the goal of getting people active and outside and interacting with others.


Text - Jaegek 7.5k points · 2 days ago S Furbies, absolutely needed to have one and when it woke up in the middle of the night I was over it. The_Titam 2.4k points · 2 days ago S 3 2 So I finally get to tell this story. I had a furby as a kid. The thing learned my name. You also could not turn them off so it would randomly talk throughout the day and night. It's batteries started to die so it sounded weird to say the least. So one night, at ~3am, I'm about Seven years old. I hear, in this demoni


Text - arachnidtree 5.8k points · 2 days ago · 25 34 edited 2 days ago 2 Pet Rocks. I have been breeding them for years. Edit. thanks for awards. And thanks for so many awesome responses. :) MainSteamStopValve 1.9k points · 2 days ago 3 Painful memories, my pet rock ended up breaking a window and had to be euthanized. I still have a box of his sand on my mantle with his picture above it.


Text - Da1mon1 5.2k points · 2 days ago 2 2 3 Game of Thrones. Never seen something go straight from the forefront of pop culture to forgotten about so quickly.


Text - Hysterical_Realist 5.2k points · 2 days ago & S 2 Gangnam Style!


Text - moofma 4.2k points · 2 days ago 1. When I was a teen in the late mid-to- late 90s, the WWJD bracelets were EVERYWHERE. And I would see WWJD merch all over the place, even WWJD board games. 2. People don't remember how HUGE maxim magazine was back in the day. Like from 1999 to 2002 it was universally loved by young men.


Text - Awesomejuggler20 4.2k points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago 3 2 Clown craze in 2016. To this day, I still sometimes watch YouTube videos of those clowns. Especially the clowns hunting videos at night.


Text - ElleCBrown 4.0k points · 2 days ago 2 Hypercolor clothing gurft 3.9k points · 2 days ago O A A O & 20 More I was a huge nerd in elementary school and thought I was gonna be super cool when my mom bought me an off brand hypercolor shirt. Wore it to school and one of the kids who bullied me realized it would Change color if he spit on it. Then showed lots of other people. It was the worst day of my elementary school life.


Text - 9c9bs 3.7k points · 2 days ago KONY 2012


Text - gldmembr 3.6k points · 2 days ago Livestrong bracelets timesuck897 732 points · 2 days ago I knew 2 people with prominently placed Livestrong tattoos.


Text - beard_lover 3.0k points · 2 days ago Saying, "WAAAAZZZAAAAAP"


Text - Gizmo_Joy 2.6k points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago Back in the 90's there was a hip-hop duo called "Kriss Kross" that got an entire generation of middle schoolers to wear thier baggy jeans backwards for like a year. Good times.


Text - Deus-system-failed 2.2k points · 2 days ago Just a reminder of huge trends that haven't died: Pokemon (898 pokemon, 64 games, 8 generations 24 seasons of TV, 23 movies, 9000+ cards) Power Rangers (26 seasons, 205 rangers, 8 games) The Simpson's (30 seasons, 1 movie, 8 games) TMNT (15th show, 7 movies, 4 games) Scooby Doo (9th show, 47th movie, 7 games) One piece (eternal)


Text - kickstand 2.1k points · 2 days ago The clear craze in the late 1980s into the 90s. We saw lots of clear drinks and products, including Crystal Pepsi, Tab Clear, and of course Zima.

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Tagged: popular , lame , nostalgia , lol , trends , funny , fads