Saturday, December 12, 2020

Graphic Designer Trolls Prospective Client

What makes this clever act of trolling from a graphic designer all the better is the fact that they go ahead and put that much detail into each logo. Like the tagline on the last one? Pure gold. Either the poor client on the other end of this interaction was truly as clueless as they come across, or they were just leaning into the ridiculous situation. 


Text - Hi, is this the person looking for a graphic designer? Yes! Wow you're quick. We just put the ad up 30 minutes ago. Well, in this biz the early bird gets the worm. Can you tell me a little bit about the project? Sure, we need a logo for an Italian restaurant my husband and I are opening called Tomato Tomato. It's probably easier if we can talk on the phone, mind if I give you a ring? That's no good. I'm at my current design job and I would be taking this on as a freelance job, so I can't


Text - Ok, well feel free to call me after you leave work. In the meantime do you have a website or some work online that I can take a look at? Sure, I can text you a few recent projects, hold on one sec. Great! Thanks! This is one I finished a couple weeks ago... A+ CAR ORGANIZATION That's good. No offense but has anyone ever told you that it's sorta phallic? No, what is that? It kinda looks like a penis. lol.


Text - I guess I can kinda see that? I never noticed. Here is one l'm really proud of. It's for my friend Omar's Hotdog kiosk in the mall... CRAZY OMAR'S HOTDOG WAGON Your friend Omar was ok with this? Yeah, why wouldn't he be? That totally looks like someone putting a penis in their mouth.


Text - What? No that's a man enjoying a tasty hot dog. I'm not sure we can work together. I didn't know you were gunna be some kind of pervert client... Both logos you have shown me look like penises! It doesn't take a pervert to see that!


Text - I took a stab at a possible design for your restaurant I'd love to hear your thoughts IOMAT TOMAT 18A WE'RE NOT DICKIN' AROUND OPEN WIDE FOR SOME HOT ITALIAN "SAUSAGE" What the hell is wrong with you!

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