Tuesday, February 12, 2019

19 Stupid and Literal Jokes That Are Technically Not Wrong

pictures jokes clever dad jokes true puns literal literalism ridiculous silly funny - 7445253

Open your heart and let these dad-style jokes flow through you.

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Watching Evan Breen's Hilarious Sketch Might Make You Live Longer From Laughing So Hard

Evan Breen, or LA Turtle, is a tremendously talented, wildly creative, homie. This guy's ability to assemble a sketch with such inspired characters, plot twists, animated facial reactions, and weave it together with comedic madness, is a gift to the video content world. This particular video's a throwback, and always a welcomed sight to come across. Your health definitely might benefit from laughing your ass off at this as often as you see fit. 

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The Frustrating Struggle Is Ferociously Real In This Person's Fail-Filled Day

FAIL struggle injury painful ridiculous tifu - 7722501

When it comes to fighting through the curveballs that life can toss your way, this person encountered some serious struggles. It's all about how you push on through it though! If there's one thing many of us can bond on, in life, it's that our time is filled with fails! So, hopefully this person keeps their head up, and pushes onwards with a stubborn smile on their face, for the next day. 

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Feast Your Eyes On This Nostalgic Tour Of A Decadent Pizza Hut Buffet

buffet throwback pizza hut pizza nostalgia awesome food - 7728389

When I die, bury me in a Pizza Hut buffet. I don't care what it takes, make it happen. When Imgur User, Whiskers7, spotted a Pizza Hut restaurant with the buffet, they decided to cruise through for a nostalgic tour of past time that should really make a comeback. On their visit, they were quick to see a self serve soft serve, a pasta station, garlic bread slices, and a mountainous spread of glorious, 'ZA. Like, what else could you want. Let's bring this sh*t back already, Pizza Hut. 

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12 Twitter Users Tweet Out Telltale Signs That They're Single

dating fails single twitter relationships social media - 7722757

Sometimes you catch yourself in the middle of the forever alone lifestyle, and realize just how blatant your singleness is. 

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Embarrassed Guy's Carelessly Hilarious Fail On His First Day At Work, Goes Viral

twitter employee job work social media ridiculous careless funny - 7728645

Twitter was more than ready to applaud, @JonQuiQui's hilariously unplanned photo-taking fail. He was just a new and hungry and excited employee ready to capitalize on the milestone of his first day at work, with a flower-packed pic of good feels. As it turns out, he might've jumped the gun on just who those flowers were intended for...

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23 Embarrassed Adults Share Their Cringiest Teenage Phases

Sad teens memory angst teenagers embarrassing cringe emo cowboy high school cringeworthy poetry - 7728901

What is there to say about being a teenager that we didn't wish we could forget already? Everyone does whatever they think will make them look cool. The problem is, that's hard to do when you don't have any real experiences, skills or personality. Everyone's flying blind. If this isn't enough to give you flashbacks to your blunder years, here are some more cringey high school moments.

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42 Nostalgic Images To Make You Feel Old As Dirt

images pictures time throwback nostalgia - 7729413

These throwback images are wrapped up in good feels. They might awaken in you a desire to look back through that rose-colored lens of nostalgia, to a goldie oldie of a time, when you chewed on OUCH! bubble gum, while wielding your very own power glove. So, enjoy a look back at an era since passed!

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12 Cringeworthy Images To Make Your Uncomfortable Spine Tingle

wtf FAIL workout cringe ridiculous funny weird - 7727365

Whether it's discovering a sizable hair in your eggs, or a short-tempered cringelord on the other end of an initially, decent conversation; these images are here to make you cringe, till you can cringe you no more. And hey, sometimes that's what we need to help us keep on muddling through this big smiling mess of a life. A little cringe can go a long way. 

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16 Hilarious Tweets About How God Made Different Plants and Animals

god twitter plants jokes birds angels sharks lol tweets funny tweets funny animals - 7728133

It hardly seems like there's any rhyme or reason to this planet. Seriously it seems like whoever was behind all this was doing it as a joke. Luckily for us, that's how these twitter users felt too. The resulting tweets about how we ended up with all the living things around us are hilariously on point. Also, if you wanna read some more funny tweets about God making animals, check this out.

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15 Complete Lies Our Parents Crammed into Our Heads

rules drugs childhood cigarettes lies truth swimming dad smoking mom funny parents - 7721989

As you get older, it becomes more and more clear that your parents didn't really know what they were doing. Some lies were rooted in real concerns our parents had for us. Some were just hearsay. And in some cases, they were just trying to make fun of us. Thank God we have Google to undo what our parents did to us. Anyway if these made you have flashbacks, here's some more lies parents told their kids.

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15 Products That Failed Cause They Were Too Ahead Of Their Time

FAIL askreddit product technology ridiculous funny - 7722245

Sometimes a product seemingly filled with promise comes around, and flops--flops HARD. Folks contributed their thoughts about which particular products failed, maybe just because they were ahead of their time. 

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12 People Share Their Devilishly Perfect Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Exes

twitter gift relationships exes social media dating - 7721477

When it comes to giving your ex a gift, people can hatch up some twisted and seemingly, well-deserved "gifts" that you'd never want to find yourself receiving! 

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23 Stupid And Terrible Design Fails to Fill Your Failometer

advertisement FAIL product bad idea design construction model ice cream bathroom toilet awful stupid - 7720709

What happens when people don't review their work? Misplaced toilets, stairs to nowhere and advertisements that look like living nightmares. Some of this stuff was planned, but still turned out to be crap anyway! And boy are we glad it happens.

The truth is, this stuff is child's play. Here's some darker and dirtier design fails to really get your motor running.

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