Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Let He Who is Without Food Pics Throw the First Shade

annoying,kids these days,irony,politics,failbook

Submitted by: Unknown

This Display Stinks

Tom Hardy's Myspace Pictures Will Remind You of Your Own Human Failings

Mad Max,unfortunate,tom hardy,social media,myspace

Tom Hardy, Hollywood leading man and naval-certified dream boat, is a human just like you.

And just like you, he had a Myspace profile back when it was a social imperative to do so.

And just like you, it was full of half-baked self descriptions and terrible pictures.

Admit it, your Myspace page was also a wasteland of ill-formed notions, crafted from clumsy ideas on how to introduce yourself to the Internet.

We don't have yours, so let's look at Hardy's.

Submitted by:

The U.S. Military Accidentally Sent Live Anthrax Samples to Labs Nationally and Abroad. Oopsie-Poopsie?


A team in Utah's Dugway Proving Ground sent what they thought were inactive samples to various other bases around the world for study before finding out they hadn't been properly irradiated before being sent off.

As NPR reports, the incident isn't as unlikely as you might think. The deadly substance is notoriously hardy and difficult to kill. With billions of potential spores to render inert via radiation, a 99.99% success rate isn't enough to keep samples from being potentially dangerous.

Luckily the threat has been contained and there's no risk to the general public, though surely someone's ass will be grass somewhere down the line...

Submitted by: (via NPR)

Some People Get Really, REALLY Involved in Their Cosplay

That's All I Have to Do to Find a Baby Unicorn?

school drugs funny That's All I Have to Do to Find a Baby Unicorn?

Sorry but... count me in! 

Submitted by: (via SauceTheeBoss)

Tagged: school , drugs , dare , funny , image

Somehow I Don't Think This is Going to be a Big Deal


Submitted by: (via Bad Newspaper)

Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen Defeats Three Opponents Simultaneously... While Blindfolded

Submitted by: (via Magnus Carlsen)

Tagged: chess , BAMF , Video , g rated , win

It's Fine, You'll Get the Point Soon Enough

Things Get REAL at the Bingo Hall When This Senior Goes Postal on Someone's Car

Yik Yak Brings People Together

Tumblr user shesnotafraidmp3 posted this detailed account of two people who found each other through two related Yik Yak posts. Thanks to this coincidence the two anonymous people got to overcome misunderstanding and go on a date after all.

Submitted by:

Summer Starts Early for This Deer in Italy That Got Trapped in a Pool

Submitted by: (via TVL)

Tagged: Italy , summer , pool , deer , Video

Witness a Local Trade Group Where NO ONE Understands Basic Arithmetic


I would weep, but I have no more tears left for math or numbers or basic logical thinking.

Submitted by: (via mysoulishome)

Grandmas Play a Classic Game With Famous People

Watch grandmothers play the age-old game of deciding who to marry, kill or just spend a night with.

WARNING: These grandmas are using some sassy language. 

Submitted by: (via Elite Daily)

Tagged: grandma , funny , Video , dating

A Russian Strongman Moves a Two Story House, Because Contracting is Serious Business Over There

Submitted by: (via RuptlyTV)

Tagged: russia , strong , BAMF , Video , g rated , win

Everyone Has One Thing on the Brain

national geographic,dude parts,accidental sexy,failbook

Something tells me National Geographic is going to regret this photo choice.

Submitted by: Sten

He Claims He's Made the Strongest Cup in Existence, and He'll Take a Bullet to the Crotch to Prove it

The Majestic Creature Slumbers


Submitted by: (via The Sourpuss)

These Guys Have Mastered the Ability to Tackle Beehives With Their Bare Hands

Submitted by: (via Pip Bhaai)

Tagged: bees , oh god why , BAMF , Video , g rated , win

High School Called Out for Shaming Female Students in Graduation Dress Code

school sexism news High School Called Out for Shaming Female Students in Graduation Dress Code

A high school student posted this image on her Facebook page in outrage over her schools graduation dress code guidelines directed specifically toward female students. The detail of expectations and focus on shaming of female students into covering their bodies, particularly if they have any weight related imperfections ("sausage rolls") compared to the much more relaxed guidelines directed toward the "gentlemen" is what some people find so upsetting. The school district has made a response to lament the "unfortunate word choices" that were written in the letter drafted by a long since retired author. 

Submitted by: (via Uproxx)

"To Get to the Other Side" Was Not an Option Here

whoops,accidental sad,goose,failbook

Submitted by: Erica

Ever Seen a Speeding Ticket for NOT Going Over the Speed Limit?


Stay weird, Australia.

Submitted by: (via evillord77)

Come Unicorn, It's Time to Join the Workforce

school graduation unicorn Come Unicorn, It's Time to Join the Workforce

Submitted by: (via TheShortWalk)

This Terrifying Accident Looks Like Some Kind of Hollywood Stunt Gone Wrong

The driver is said to be in serious condition, but was rescued in time!

Submitted by: (via shocking accident in live show)

Tagged: cars , oh god why , crash , Video

This Might Cause Some Problems

funny restroom signs This Might Cause Some Problems

Submitted by: (via dreadpirateroberts2)

Tagged: signs , restroom , funny , image

I Don't Believe You

funny sign image I Don't Believe You

Submitted by: (via lanbrocalrissian)

Tagged: beer , signs , clothes , funny , image

They Want to Name Their Child Tyranny. Think About it.


Submitted by: (via theghostofme)