Friday, June 7, 2019

9 Times PornHub Legend Ryan Creamer Was A Mess Of Wholesome

wholesome trolling pornhub ridiculous funny - 8446213

Oh it's ya boi, Ryan Creamer. I mean, can we talk about how high his ratings are? Ryan Creamer's content creation game is next level. 

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Med Student Has Classic Encounter With Conspiracy Theorist Anti-Vax Parent

medicine anti-vaxxers medical ridiculous doctors funny stupid - 8444933

You can't cure stupid but you sure can manipulate it. This fourth year med student's classic encounter with a ridiculous anti-vax parent is all kinds of gold. They handled the situation beautifully. 

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Comedian Kid Screeches During Tennis Match And Nobody Finds It Funny

Selfies aren't enough now. You gotta go and be the biggest living piece of sh*t. And the best part is that NOBODY finds it funny. Just sit down and go about your business, silently. 

Submitted by: (via pierre bachelet)

20+ Moments Of Pure Comedy Gold From Twitter's Memelord, Mr. Pakalu Papito

twitter Memes social media ridiculous funny - 8532229

Mr. Pakalu Papito is still doing his thing! Whoever runs this account never fails to drop tidbits of memey comedy gold. And I mean, can you really deny the fact that we live for two undeniable reasons: we were born, and we haven't died yet! 

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Internet Breaks Out In Heated Debate Over Whether Middle Airplane Seat Gets Both Armrests

twitter controversial social media ridiculous reaction funny airplane - 8548357

Can you really blame the internet for breaking out in a heated debate over this very important matter. Specifically whether or not you're an all-American jerk to your neighbors for taking both armrests when you're rocking the middle seat on a plane. I mean, it is the middle seat. The worst seat, for sure. Where do you guys stand on the controversial issue. 

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22 Stupid Reasons Incompetent Employees Got Fired or Quit

boss employee fired creepy coworkers quit selfish violent dumb stories stupid - 8549637

There are a lot of reasons to leave a job. Maybe you get a better offer at a different place for more money. Hell, maybe the job just sucks. These people just happened to leave because they were violent, dumb, selfish, creepy and just plain stupid. For more like this, here are some dumbstruck employees sharing stories of their dumbest coworkers.

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Woman's Crazy Story About Her Friend That Lied About Having Cancer (19 Tweets)

quit your bullshit twitter lying cancer social media ridiculous scam - 8552197

This sounds like one massive mess. Best to leave a person like that out of your life ASAP. Some people will go to extraordinary lengths to tell their lies. This particular case involving lying about having cancer is an all-time low. 

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17 Entitled Cheapskates Who Tried to Swipe People's Coin

frustrating wtf annoying maddening ridiculous entitled dumb cheap deals funny money stupid free - 8545285

Everybody loves free stuff. The problem with free stuff is there's really not a lot of it. These folks tried to tip the scales by going against the laws of civility demanding that free stuff from random strangers. It's enough to get you frustrated on behalf of the poor souls who had to deal with these people. For more, here are some entitled cheapskates who tried to take advantage of people.

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An Unreal Fox News Segment Against The Metric System

This is even more stupid than the Flat Earth theory! Tucker Carlson of Fox News is really on one with this sh*t. 

Submitted by: (via Buffy Browncoat)

Tagged: fox news , fox , Video

H.O.A. Member Gets Ducking Amazing Revenge On Cranky Karen Neighbor

neighbors satisfying revenge awesome win - 8544773

What a great ducking revenge! Sounds like Karen got it in the end after making a big old fuss about the ducks just trying to do their own thing. We're all about a well calculated revenge and this one didn't fail to get a good laugh out of us! 

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Morning Show Host Attempts To Shame Bill Burr For Talking About Atrocities Of Catholic Church

"Some people thought you were being disrespectful" And then she proceeds to tell Bill Burr to "Google it." Well that got him going on an absolutely savage tear. 

Submitted by: (via uwho22)

Toddlers Make Cookbook And Their Hilariously Ridiculous Recipes Go Viral

kids toddlers social media ridiculous funny - 8542469

When these toddlers whipped up their recipes for their class cookbook, absolutely hilarious recipes ensued. We need more! It's just that simple. These are too good. 

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19 People's Dumbest Injuries That They Lied About to Save Face

hurt pain injury hospital embarrassing idiots break mistake funny stupid - 8544005

It's one thing to tell your boss you strained your back while lifting something heavy, but it's another to fully explain that you were trying to throw a bowling ball through a second story window "for the glory." Here are people whose injuries were so dumb they just couldn't tell people the truth. Here are more people sharing the dumbest injuries they've ever had.

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22 Celebrity Doppelgängers to Make You Double-Take Around the Globe

cool lookalikes wtf lookalike Doppelgänger celeb stars dumb funny - 8543493

"Is that George Clooney? Oh wait, no, he's a Moldovan plumber." It makes the world feel pretty small to see someone from a rural town somewhere in central Asia who looks like your favorite sitcom character. For more images guaranteed to make you double-take, here are some mind-bending images of crazy perspective.

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11 Antiques Roadshow Re-Captions That Are Actually Comedy Gold

antiques roadshow antique funny - 8536069

We've got nothing but love for the Antiques Roadshow. These 11 finds didn't fail to get a laugh out of us. If you're looking for more comedy gems from the antiques roadshow we recommend checking out these 50 antiques roadshow re-captions that make absolute, perfect sense.

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10+ Walmart Employees Share The Worst Things They've Seen Inside The Store

customer service FAIL public freakout cringe askreddit ridiculous Walmart - 8543749

It's no secret that Walmart employees have seen some gruesome sh*t in their days. It's like people suddenly devolve to their worst selves upon entering the store. From there, the acts of insanity and outright vile bodily functions is imminent. We rounded up some of the most notable horror stories from Walmart employees remembering their worst days on the job. Get yourself ready. 

Check out 38 times the people of Walmart left us emotionally scarred for more Walmart madness. 

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