Wednesday, November 7, 2018

15 God-Tier Geniuses Whose Monumental IQs Will Squash Your Puny Brain

Sad narcissism comments smart facebook IQ social media brain idiots knowledge genius funny stupid - 6728709

Be afraid! These knowledge-Goliaths are on such a higher plane than you that your existence is pitiable. Having such heavy intellect on one's shoulders is a burden not one of you mere mortals could possibly understand.

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Hilarious Orangutan Dresses Up In Sack To Scare His Friends

He gets an A+ for effort at the very least! 

Submitted by: (via Save the Orangutan)

25+ Delicious Looking Things That Are Not for Eating

candy pics beer donuts inedible cheese sushi banana noodles tools forbidden funny stupid Mushrooms - 6708997

These pics of random stuff looks so much like food, but they are absolutely forbidden. For more, check out r/forbiddensnacks.

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Hilarious Doggo Fails To Make Your Struggles Feel A Bit Lighter

FAIL cringe painful fail gif ridiculous funny animals - 7104005

You could say some mistakes were made. 

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18 Unfortunate Events That Ruined Someone's Day

sucks dogs error FAIL disaster destruction paint accident unfortunate cars bees mess mistake seagull inconvenient - 7104773

It's all fun and games until the seagulls notice you have fries. Then you're lucky just to get outta there. Here are a bunch of instances that'll make you realize your day is probably going pretty smoothly.

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22 Prime Photoshop Trolls From The Man Who Makes It An Art Form

twitter FAIL trolling photoshop ridiculous funny - 7105029

James Fridman is no ordinary man; he is a legend in the art of acts of trolling, and we are always going to be here to appreciate his work. 

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Girl's Classmate Makes Devastating Realization When Professor Teaches Her About Blood Types

class twitter FAIL cringe ridiculous family - 7104261

Guess finding out her blood type was a negative...

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19 Inappropriate Things People Said That Resulted in an Instant Regret Attack

mistake Sad whoops embarrassing cringe inappropriate friends oops relationships crap stories cringeworthy funny regret - 7103237

If these people had taken just an extra moment to think about what they were going to say, we wouldn't have all these wonderfully cringey stories.

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Diablo 2 Producer Absolutely Lays It Down In Twitter Rant

twitter Video Game Coverage diablo 2 diablo social media brutal video games - 7097093

A quick lesson on how it is NEVER right to blame your customers for PR blunders. 

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Truck Driver Shares Insane Story About Parking Lot Brawl Between A Monkey And Giant Rottweiler

crazy wtf ridiculous truck monkey - 7103749

If only they had cameraphones back then. This would've been the kind of spectacle that inspired a movie for the ages. I have to believe this is a story that is indeed inspired by true events. 

Submitted by:

Tagged: crazy , wtf , ridiculous , truck , monkey

16 Times Horribly Confused Imbeciles Couldn't Spell To Save Their Lives

FAIL cringe ridiculous spelling stupid - 7102981

Nothing better than misspelling something and getting angry at the rest of the world for NOT knowing what you're talking about. 

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24 Of The Absolute Worst Things People Have Ever Done To A Sim On The Sims

Video Game Coverage cringe askreddit dark humor ridiculous video games video game logic The Sims - 7098117

Is it bad that this just makes me want to play The Sims even more now? 

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24 Absurd Times Obvious Plant Products Deeply Rooted Themselves Into Our Hearts

obvious product toys absurd Awkward silly company plant funny parody fake prank transformers star wars doll batman - 7089413

Jeff Wysaski of Obvious Plant makes weird and hilarious absurdist parody products. There's a good chance you've seen some images of them floating around the internet. Here are some that made us quake with laughter.

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19 Attempts That Were Crushed By The Hammer of Failure

chance news FAIL signs problem attempt tweets ridiculous dumb idiots coincidence mistake funny trying funny signs - 7096581

Here are some times things almost worked out, but instead ended with an "I guess they tried." Maybe things will be less mockable next time.

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