Friday, November 18, 2022

Animals who were absolutely way too chonky and thicc

We all have that one friend who has a 15 year old cat named like Snowball, and this cat is MASSIVE. Like way too large, the vet probably should have put it on a diet. Until recently, you'd just have to admire that cat from afar and tell people how insanely beefy this random cat is. But these days, on r/AbsoluteUnits, people post the biggest of any random object, and sometimes, animals are included on the list. Hence, here is a list of a handful of these animals who are super large - way too big in fact! - just absolute units of fur. Some of them are hindered by their size, like a sheep who grew it's fur until it could barely walk. But others, like this longhorn with extra extra long horns, definitely benefit from their large stature. Keep scrolling to see these otherworldly chonks below! 

Click here to continue reading about other funny fails. 

'Going to work so embarrassing, letting everybody know you need money': 20+ fresh work memes to share and commiserate

Happy commiserating, fellow members of the workforce! That's right. Just when you thought you had seen all the work memes in town, we've got a fresh batch of new work memes for you all. Because as long as something like work is in existence, there will be endless amounts of content and memes and tweets (well, maybe not tweets for much longer… I guess we'll have to wait and see about that). The reality is, this is the kind of content you might hate to love or love to hate. Just like work itself. Well, maybe that one's slightly less divisive and leans more toward the hate to hate category of feelings. Anyhoo, keep scrolling below to have a look at these new work memes. Share them with your work bestie. Whatever gets you through the day. For more content like this, take a look at these wildly entertaining dating app fails.

'Don't make me assume my ultimate form': Unhinged Karen breaks drive-thru window and fights worker because she can't get Chicken McNuggets

The things people do for Chicken McNuggets…

'The manager [...] didn't want [him] to even finish the shift': Misogynist coworker insists he doesn't listen to women, ends up unemployed also

It shouldn't be all that hard to behave like a reasonable and rational human individual — right? Like it's not that difficult to get up in the morning and put on your business persona and treat other people with the slightest amount of respect. Sure, there might be a deep fire of eternal rage burning somewhere deep inside you for the sheer disappointment that adult life holds — the field of your future littered with broken promises and unrealized dreams — but that doesn't mean that it's ok to take out your rage on the other people you come into contact with, who are all just trying to survive the same demoralizing existence as you. 

So, why, then, do some people think it's ok to go into a place of work (or anywhere, really) and start spouting off blatantly abysmal beliefs and opinions? How do these people even still have jobs?

Well, this idiot coworker doesn't anymore after he saw fit to flaunt his weird conclusions about the world. Keep reading for the story. For more, check out these lazy coworkers who tried to scapegoat their other coworker who was already doing everything. 

'If I can't get you to change your behavior, I am going to shame you in public': Horrible Karen's dog relieves itself inside a store, Gen-Z comes to the rescue

The entitled Karen customer tried to flee the scene of the crime and refused to help clean up, but the Gen-Z kid standing by was not about to let that injustice fly and she went running after her.

'I can't stress enough what a terrible idea this is': Overconfident dude insists he can make huge wedding meal, ignores commenters begging him not to

One avid chef got more than he bargained for when he asked a seemingly simple question to the r/BBQ subreddit. The user, named LogicofUnknown, explained that he wanted to cook a huge and delicious meal for his upcoming wedding event, but needed advice on how to pull it off. Mentioning that his wedding is "next Saturday," the OP hadn't gotten any food catering planned for the event. He explained that sans Thanksgiving this year, this event was going to be a big family meeting time. He listed out the meats and sides he wants to cook himself - smoked turkey, double glazed ham, collard greens…it seems mouth-watering!

Here's the problem - no matter how big OP's kitchen is, he's going to have a hard time organizing and preparing enough food for an entire wedding…basically by himself…on the day before and day of the wedding. Ummm, that's no easy feat. A professional chef chimed in to give the OP their very candid opinion and how he could potentially still pull off the mega-meal. But when it comes to food safety precautions, this OP seemingly doesn't believe it or doesn't want to hear it. Oh, and where will his bride be during all this? Find out below. Read all the drama that went down, where the OP explains the situation and then gets downvoted when commenters don't care for his plan. 

To read about this crazy entitled couple, click here