Friday, November 18, 2022

Animals who were absolutely way too chonky and thicc

We all have that one friend who has a 15 year old cat named like Snowball, and this cat is MASSIVE. Like way too large, the vet probably should have put it on a diet. Until recently, you'd just have to admire that cat from afar and tell people how insanely beefy this random cat is. But these days, on r/AbsoluteUnits, people post the biggest of any random object, and sometimes, animals are included on the list. Hence, here is a list of a handful of these animals who are super large - way too big in fact! - just absolute units of fur. Some of them are hindered by their size, like a sheep who grew it's fur until it could barely walk. But others, like this longhorn with extra extra long horns, definitely benefit from their large stature. Keep scrolling to see these otherworldly chonks below! 

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