Monday, April 11, 2022

Woman Refuses to Board Flight, Cruel In-Laws Don't Want Her Sitting With Them

Parents take notes... If you want your child's partner to feel welcome and included with your family, you need to do the exact opposite of what this family has done. 

There are a few different ways I had considered framing this story… Like "Woman Refuses to Board Flight When In-Laws Won't Buy Her a First Class Ticket" because you'd read that title and go, "Oh man, what a spoiled BRAT!" only to read the post and realize that, actually, she had an excellent reason for reacting in the way that she did.

This story was posted on Reddit's r/AITA subreddit by u/NoTGoingThank. She has posted the topic to the subreddit to see whether or not she was in the wrong for refusing to board the flight. Since that incident occurred, her boyfriend has been. "Blowing up [her] phone saying how could I do that to his mother and just back out of a vacation at the last minute as waste [sic] everyone's time and money." This has caused her to break up with her boyfriend and question whether or not she is at fault here for not just sticking it out and dealing with it.


Thumbnail Image: Pascal Meier

Top Tinder Moments of the Week (April 11, 2022)

These smoldering Tinder moments are the hottest collection of ridiculous and funny interactions that you'll find on the internet this week. 

This week's contestants found various forms of rejection in the wild world of online dating. From failed pickup lines, rude responses, and mysterious mistaken catfish scenarios. This week has got them all. 

At least one fortunate soul had the chance of a lifetime dropped upon them when they realized that the person that they had matched with was staying on the exact same floor of the exact same hotel as they were. "Would you care for a nightcap back at mine," has never been so easy. Talk about getting lucky. 

One thing you won't find in this list is actual dating advice. It would be hard to recommend most any of the pickup lines and "tactics" you find displayed by these would-be lovers. Ladies, let's lay the old "I left something at your house" trick to rest. If it's meant to happen it will happen.

Twitter Thread: Teaching Coworkers How To Use Slang In The Workplace

If not for Urban Dictionary, we would never know what kids these days are saying. It's as if every day there's a new thing to say, and keeping up is its own job.

Many of us have lexicons molded by our time. But just because our brains stopped learning new words when everyone was saying "that's da bomb" does not mean we should date ourselves with our own vocabularies. New words are fun to say, and it's important to know what they mean as to not use them improperly. Imagine if you said "swerve" when you meant "yeet." You'd look like a complete buffoon.

In exchange for teaching the old timers the new cool words, @meanestta learned some valuable corporate jargon. Mostly how to tell people that they're stupid and wrong, but in a way that can be said in an email. Because above all else, it's important to know how to tell your boss that they are "whack" without becoming "temporarily unemployed."

Double Take Inducing Photos Of Peculiar Perspective

We probably rely too much on our sense of sight. It's gotta be the number one sense out there. With phrases like "I won't believe it until I see it" or "I couldn't believe my eyes" so deeply engrained in our language and culture, it's a safe bet to say that eyesight is probably our most trusted way of navigating life. Sure, the other ones are really important, but sight is kind of like the Freddie Mercury of the senses. The other members are integral to completing the picture, but look at that, another sight-based analogy. And a third. They're all over the place.

But at the same time, sight is also probably the most dupe-able of all the senses. It's not like you can smell something from the wrong angle and get a completely skewed perspective on something. But it happens with eyes all the time. And the times that it happens when we're not going 80 down the freeway, it's kind of fun.

Here are some more double take inducing moments that made our eyes figuratively bleed.

The Worst and Weirdest Houseguests People Have Witnessed

Hotels are expensive as hell, and it only makes sense to stay at an old friend's house for a few days so you can save a few hundred bucks. The tradeoff being that you walk softly, don't eat their good food, and offer to do the dishes. Almost everyone can agree that this is a pretty good deal. But then there are those of us who push it.

Sometimes it feels like there are two groups of people who live in this world - people who observe a certain set of rules when they're a guest in someone else's house, and people who will yell at you for owning a guest bed that "makes them" have to pee in it.

At least it makes for a good story. It's certainly not worth it to have had a guest punch a hole in your ceiling just so that you can have something fun to say at parties, but well, it's something. Here are some more absolutely rude guests who made themselves far too comfortable.

Boss Bans Shorts, Doesn't Say Anything About Kilts, Employee Arrives to Work in New Uniform

A worker was told off for wearing shorts to work by their new boss. They went home and consulted the employee handbook and were disappointed to find that the defined dress code backed up the boss. However, the dress code said nothing about whether or not you were allowed to wear a kilt to work. It also said nothing about what color that kilt was allowed to be.

The employee said, "Our office doesn't usually have a strict dress code, but we recently got a new boss, Asshat, who is quite literally the stick up my a$$." There's nothing worse than getting a new boss who is way more strict than the old one and, suddenly, rapport means nothing, and everything is about the boss's control.

It's safe to say that the boss's reaction almost kilt him. The guy almost blew a gasket when he saw the employee walk in to work in all of his glory.