Monday, April 11, 2022

Double Take Inducing Photos Of Peculiar Perspective

We probably rely too much on our sense of sight. It's gotta be the number one sense out there. With phrases like "I won't believe it until I see it" or "I couldn't believe my eyes" so deeply engrained in our language and culture, it's a safe bet to say that eyesight is probably our most trusted way of navigating life. Sure, the other ones are really important, but sight is kind of like the Freddie Mercury of the senses. The other members are integral to completing the picture, but look at that, another sight-based analogy. And a third. They're all over the place.

But at the same time, sight is also probably the most dupe-able of all the senses. It's not like you can smell something from the wrong angle and get a completely skewed perspective on something. But it happens with eyes all the time. And the times that it happens when we're not going 80 down the freeway, it's kind of fun.

Here are some more double take inducing moments that made our eyes figuratively bleed.

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