Thursday, May 19, 2022

Tumblr Thread: The Tale of Mazel The Family Wolfdog

It's the small things that give our lives shape and meaning. And in some cases those small things are actually sort of enormous things. In this case, a pretty huge dog that the pound basically payed them to take home. This tumblr user's parents managed to finagle themselves a big ol' dog that carried with it maybe one or two surprises. But also, it's those surprises that make something great. It's just how it goes. So here's to those decisions that seem like they should really probably be mistakes, but end up living on as pretty good stories.

It goes against better judgement to keep a giant part-wolf as a family pet to keep around your kids, but this time it seems to have worked out.

Smart dogs are really fun to read about. So for more stuff like this, here's the tumblr thread on one dog's terrifically long list of shenanigans.

Ex-Husband Angry His Ex-Wife Doesn't Treat His Lovechild Like Their Son, Everyone Else is Confused

When you cheat on your partner and produce offspring from said affair, don't expect them to accept them with open arms. That being said, it's not the kid's fault that their father is a morally-bankrupt swine, so maybe don't take it out on them either. II would hope that the most emotionally mature among us would manage to get through our mixed feelings and trauma and treat the child with the kindness they need. 

But pay to take them to Disney as if they were your own child? Oh, hell no.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the concerned mother, u/Tro_Mig_Ikke. She posted the topic to the popular sub in order to get the reader's opinions as to whether or not she was in the wrong for refusing to take her ex's child. 

Commenters overwhelmingly sided with her and wondered why he would even consider demanding such a thing. 

"That's not your kid, why would you pay for him to go?!" commented reader throwfaraway212718, "His conception literally led to your divorce! And for your ex to try and use your son to manipulate you like that is disgusting. Screw that noise; take your son to Disney and have a blast. NTA."

"I'm not gonna blame the kid for this," Tro_Mig_Ikke maturely replied, "It was my ex's fault for cheating in the first place, and he didn't ask to be born, thank you for the support though, I do realize that he's manipulating my son."

Scroll on to see screenshots of the original post and reactions below. Links are in the attributions. 

30 People Share The Pettiest Reason They Stopped Dating Someone

They say that when you start to get romantically involved with someone, you need to figure out their values. Stuff like their religion or politics. And that's definitely important to hash out if you pursue a relationship. But sometimes people overlook the importance of "I don't like how she sounds weird when she sneezes" or "He's super into fly fishing and I just can't wrap my head around it." Whether or not these observations actually should keep people from connecting on a deeper level, in practice, they totally do. It's hard to want to get to know someone when you can't get over the fact that their favorite board game is Monopoly. Like, what's your deal? These shouldn't be the kinds of things that stop people from finding "true love" or whatever. But it does. It does every day. How can you even wake up next to someone when you can't stand the way they pronounce "expresso."

Here are some terrifically petty reasons people stopped dating someone. And here are some petty reasons people were rejected.

Idiot Lieutenant Demands Salutes From Enlisteds, Entire Base Obliges at Once

This Lieutenant was sweating bullets after his command backfired, and he found himself returning the eager salutes of a long line of enlisted personnel in the Florida sun. 

The story was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Stuckatwork271, one of the enlisted personnel who partook in this sweltering exercise of malicious compliance. They posted their story to the popular subreddit to share their brilliant story. 

If there's anything that we have learned from Malicious Compliance, you should always be careful what you wish for. When you're dealing with dejected subordinates, they're like to take the most literal meaning of your command possible if they're able. If there's a second thing we've learned from Malicious Compliance, it's that enlisted personnel especially love to do this. 

Commenters expressed their enjoyment of u/Stuckatwork271's tale. "Excellent MC. I salute you for it!" commented Redditor CoderJoe1, poking fun at the story's punch line. "Watch it buddy. I work for a living ;)" the original poster replied. 

One commenter mentions that this is called "Salute Trapping." Is this a thing? Let us know in the comments!


Internet Applauds Boss Who Allowed Their Student Employee to Take Unconfirmed Leave

As we keep learning repeatedly from these r/antiwork posts… A little understanding and flexibility go a long way when managing a team.

This manager exercised that lesson to perfection when they were understanding of their employee's need to take the week off following their semester at school.

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by user u/xTylordx. The thread was posted with the title, "Employers, take some notes. This is a good interaction." and features a screenshot of a text exchange between an employee and their manager. 

The manager writes, on the day, to see if the employee is still coming in for scheduled training. The employee responds that it was probably their own error and they are unable to come in due to burnout from their other commitments. This is probably not the best look for the employee but the manager takes it on the chin and offers to move it to the next week, showing that wonderful understanding and flexibility. 

Screenshots and reactions below.

Thumbnail Image: Vasily Koloda

Creepy Neighbor Installs Cameras Facing Woman's House, She Reports Him

We've all been in situations where we don't feel like we're being heard. When we voice our concerns on a particular matter, and someone tells us "that's not a thing, why are you acting like this isn't your fault." And those situations suck. Not only that, but you feel like you're taking crazy pills for being the one person who's actually acting in a reasonable way. It's only when we find another reasonable person to talk to about it that we finally get to enjoy some objective reality. Yikes.

This is a little bit like a real life horror movie, right? OPs neighbor has a pretty big problem with looking at her, and the wife is on a whole other planet about the entire concept, to the point that she's insisting it's her fault. Screw this whole situation.

For another shamelessly creepy situation, here's the nice guy who went bananas on an engaged coworker.