Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hilarious Teacher Tweets That Capture The Job's Chaos

A collection of funny tweets about being a teacher that capture the chaotic nature of the job.

These funny teacher tweets do an excellent job at capturing the chaotic existence that is being a teacher. When teachers aren't dealing with kids breaking out in wild temper tantrums, or handing in incomprehensible exams, they're just trying to keep things somewhat in order. Easier said than done. 

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Boxing Coach Is The Greatest Demotivational Speaker Ever

He insults people and they actually pay him for it. What a job! 

Submitted by: (via EricKellysLeftEye)

Supergirl CGI Looks Like A 2000's Video Game Cut Scene

The budget must be tight over there, cause these are some PS2 cut scene looking graphics. 

Submitted by: (via @thecwsupergirl)

Man Offers Woman $5 A Meal For Her Cooking, People Call Him Creepy

Man offers a woman $5 a meal for her cooking, and people on Reddit label him creepy.

This guy asked the people of Reddit whether or not he was a jerk for asking his neighbor "Katie" to factor him in for her daily homemade meal regimen. Apparently he lost one of his part-time gigs and not being able to afford takeout, figured this was the next best bet. My dude, begging your neighbor for cheap homemade meals is not the way to handle business. Sounds like she was offended, and can you really blame her?

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Twitter Users React To "Ok Boomer" Going Viral

A collection of Twitter users react to "Ok Boomer" phrase about the generation going viral.

A viral audio clip from Tik Tok is to blame for starting this whole "Ok Boomer" movement. Yes, apparently an old dude in a baseball cap made a clip of himself calling out the younger generations for having Peter Pan syndrome, and never wanting to grow up. This resulted in countless angry folks from Generation Z responding with, "Ok Boomer." From there, a movement was born. And apparently there's even some merch in the mix. 

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Rude Movie Theater Customer Gets Assigned Worst Seat in the House

Movie theater employee gives rude customer horrible seat.

We get that all the promotions are annoying, but it's just someone's job and you don't have to go out of your way to make someone's job harder. And if in fact you are a jackass about it, don't go trusting them with your movie-going experience. In rare moments in customer service, waiters and servers deliver clapbacks as well.

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Entitled Chick Expects Guy To Break Up With Girlfriend For Her

A creepy nice girl asks a guy to break up with his current girlfriend, and cusses him out when he refuses.

He really got her with the, "your mouth sounds like it's falling down the stairs" comment. Ouch. This entitled nightmare expected the guy to break up with his girlfriend for her. Not only that, but her general grasp on personal space seems to be nonexistent. Run for the hills, buddy. 

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Frustrating Signs Someone Lives On Their Parents Money

Signs and stories about rich kids living off their parents

Some of the most frustrating moments in life are when you work at a job that you feel lucky to have, and then realizing your coworker comes in late and does a bad job because they don't even need the money. Life has it's disappointing moments of rich kid syndrome.

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Guy Mistakenly Added To Group Chat, Donates To Expecting Family

Guy mistakenly added to group chat, and proceeds to donate to family expecting baby.

How impossibly awesome can someone be? This guy managed to temporarily restore our faith in humanity yet again. 

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Two Sentence Horror Stories That Are as Fast as They Are Spooky

Two Sentence horror stories.

R/TwoSentenceHorror combines the satisfaction of a twist ending with the succinctness of all of us with horrible short attention spans. Here are more two sentence horror stories that are as succinct as they are spooky.

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AskReddit Users Share Their Cringiest Teenage Phases

AskReddit users share their cringiest phases during their teenage years.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share stories of their cringiest teenage phases. We're talking frosted tips, cat ears, and literally trying to convince classmates that you're a robot. All kinds of cringe run rampant through these flashback stories. 

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Trashy Moments Of Humanity Not On Its A-Game

Moments of people being selfish, trashy and awful.

Most people are on a general course of self improvement, trying to be more kind, sympathetic, and generally productive. Then there's also folks who just choose to make things harder for other people, and do trashy things that belong in a landfill. Extreme trashiness can come from every level of society.

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Tumblr Users Get Schooled On Physics and Car Safety

Tumblr user explains why newer cars are safer than old ones.

The general idea here is whether or not older cars are "better" than newer ones when it comes to accidents. Sure, an older sturdy car won't fall apart as easily in an accident. What it will do is transfer all the kinetic energy of a crash directly into your body. Sometimes people on the internet are wrong about stuff, like this discussion about the facts of plague and veganism

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Redditors Share The Biggest Mistakes In Cooking

A collection of AskReddit users share their biggest mistakes when it comes to cooking.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share the biggest mistakes we'd all do well to avoid making while in the kitchen baking/cooking. Things like microwaving your salad, trying to catch a falling knife, and using ketchup as pasta sauce are all prime examples of big no no's in the kitchen. 

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Excruciating Moments Of Tech Support Gore

Ridiculous moments of tech support failure.

These tech support moments are pure nightmare fuel. It's a wonder that these people were able to get their machines and internet and whatnot to work like it did. 

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AskReddit Users Give Random Facts We Had No Business Knowing

Interesting, gross and weird facts.

Everyone knows the most fun facts are about morbid history and animal genitals. Some of these are just plain interesting, some are amazingly gross while others are sad and damning. If it gets to be too much there's also some happy facts to hopefully counteract all the messed up ones.

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