Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dude With Massive Saxophone Absolutely Crushes It

Just in case you were ever in any kind of doubt about what kind of literal magic can be accomplished with a saxophone, this guy's performance will put all of that to rest. 

Bird Absolutely Crushes "Psycho Killer" Cover

So, this very well might've just skyrocketed to the top of the charts when it comes to our favorite cover of "Psycho Killer." The falsetto was just plain old wicked. 

Dine 'N' Dashers Leave Keys At Restaurant, Forced To Return

Talk about some criminally dumb criminal behavior. These dine 'n' dashers were forced to make their return to a restaurant after foolishly leaving their keys behind. You've just got to love it when someone ends up engineering their own demise. 

Twitter Thread: Lies People Tell To Bail Out Of Awkward Work Situations

So many of us are prone towards telling silly little white lies. It could be the result of just trying to keep things simple by not being completely, brutally honest. Or maybe you find yourself in a customer service gig where you're regularly putting up with all kinds of crazily entitled customers, and the lies are the only thing that keep the job vaguely manageable. 

Rude Customer Has Fraudulent Reservations For Fake Floor, Gets Taken To Roof

It wasn't this customer's fault for getting duped into being sold a nonexistent hotel room. They didn't have much control over that. That said, she could have gotten less combative with the only person trying to help her. In the end, she had to accept the reality of her situation. For some more drama from the world of hotel management, here's a hotel guest who refused to be reasonable and got kicked out.

Misguided Safety Failures That OSHA Would Disapprove Of

Things need to get done, but sometimes we take shortcuts that result in safety failures of OSHA-defying boldness. Walk around any job site for any length of time and there's bound to be cartoonish moments of dudes climbing into running woodchippers, hanging off dangerous ledges with no safety gear, and strapping together ladders into a horrible yet effective "superladder." Sadly, time is money, and that time gets turned into unsafe maneuvers that would make OSHA cringe. It just sucks to have to be the schlub risking their knees, back and fingers for 12 dollars an hour.

Entitled Mom Wants Cheap Rate For 4 Kids, Tries To Swindle Babysitter

It's probably pretty hard to find a babysitter for four kids under the age of 5, but also, no one told them to have a mountain of kids. There's a surprising amount of babysitter drama, like this entitled mom who lashed out after her babysitter found a better job or this entitled mom who harassed her neighbor about free babysitting. The moment that takes the cake here is when they try to offer what seems like a better rate, but then underestimate that their baby sitter would know basic math.

The Weirdest Facts People Know

What does it take to feel less dumb? It's something we all struggle with a lot. The short answer is "knowing things." But what things should we know? Upsetting facts that won't help anyone's mood? Maybe some totally useless facts? Maybe it's better to focus on the bright side and know some wholesome facts that are nice for a change. Whatever path we choose, there's always something interesting to know.

Twitter Thread: The Wild Sequel To "One Hundred And One Dalmatians"

So, apparently the world's missing out on the actual treasure that could be the "One Hundred And One Dalmatians" sequel movie. I'm just getting a kick out of imagining what the creative process was when it came to crafting this story. 

People's Weirdest Experiences On Public Transit

Unfortunately, there's no getting around the fact that public transportation invites all kinds of chaotic behavior from humans. It's as if some people seemingly leave their moral compasses at home, and succumb to not acting like decent individuals right upon entering a bus or even worse, the subway. Oh boy, the subway. Talk about a petri dish of vile and generally unacceptable behavior. 

Entitled People With Their Fantastical Demands

The world is a big place full of all kinds of people. Unfortunately, some of those people are the kind of entitled people who want to play absurd games. The kind of people who will make their employees pay them for the privilege of working for them. The kind of people who will throw a tantrum because they are too old to get a free donut. Entitled people and their excruciating behavior are a phenomenon that is impossible to look away from.

Tumblr Thread: Addams Family Renting Out Rooms To College Students

We can always count on the wonderful and wandering minds of the Tumblr world to take us down rabbit holes that we'd otherwise never have navigated in the first place. In this case, we have a wildly entertaining Tumblr thread that imagines exactly what it'd look like if the Addams Family were to rent out rooms to college students. Basically, it'd be a whole kind of mess. Check out some more Tumblr gems to sift through like an old-timey prospector over here

Boss Accuses Ex-Employee Of Reporting Him, Actually Gets Reported

Nothing quite melts our icy hearts like seeing a tyrannical boss end up serving themselves ultimate destruction. In the case of this boss, it sounds like he very well might've gotten away with all of his shady antics if he simply didn't go stirring up trouble where there was originally none to be had. 

Vegan Wants Wedding Guest's Vegan Meal, Gets Rejected, Pitches Fit

As far as stories about vegans stirring up some unnecessary drama goes, this one right here very well might take the cake. What we have is one wedding guest who is pretty much just minding their own business, only to later on be bothered by another belligerent vegan who naively assumes that they'll just be able to have another person's vegan meal. Well, that's not really how the world works. What is it with weddings bringing out the very worst in people

Drone Crashes Into Iceland's Spewing Volcano, Final Moments Captured On Video

Those poor drones, man. They've got to regularly navigate profoundly treacherous situations. In this case, we get to witness a drone's final, absolutely glorious moments before it reaches its ultimate demise as it sinks into the fiery mouth of an unforgiving volcano.