Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Employee Gives Up Lunch Break to Help Boss, Boss Tells Them They Can't Eat While Working

Typically, you might expect a little thanks or reciprocation when you do a favor for someone. It's polite, proper, and, most importantly, a sign of mutual respect. If the person you're doing the favor for refuses to acknowledge these things… Well, you should probably stop doing them favors.

This employee consistently went out of their way to do errands for their boss during their lunch break. They never minded or thought anything of it; they were just happy to help out. That was until their boss reprimanded them for eating off of their lunch break, telling them, "The lunch hour is for you to get lunch AND eat it, if you cannot finish your food on time don't eat it during work hours, also please refrain from eating in the work are." They had just finished helping the boss for their entire lunch break when this happened. All bets were off, and they decided to listen to their boss's command to the letter. 


7 Reasons Big Bang Theory Was Actually A Great Show

Messy Cats Who Failed To Eat Properly

We can't exactly blame cats and kittens for getting food on their face. They don't really have thumbs, so learning to eat can have unintended consequences. And they struggle to understand napkin etiquette, so they're at a pretty big disadvantage when it comes to eating politely.

That said, here are some cats and kittens who messed up big time, to the point that at the best of times they look confused and guilty about what has just happened to them. And at the worst of times, they just look like yogurt-covered goblins. We should cut them some slack. We really should. But we don't really want to. Look at em, all covered in stuff. What's their deal? Don't they have manners? What are they, a bunch of animals?

For some more cats who found themselves in unprecedented situations, here are some bad cats who were shamed for their terrible crimes.

Dude Dupes Diaper Scammers, Leaves Them High And Dry

In this situation, most of us would probably just try to stay out of things completely. "No, can't help you man." It's as easy as that. But some of us see these moments as an opportunity.

Every one of us has interacted with a potential scammer, at least over the internet. The distance makes them pretty easy to avoid. But when you actually know the dude trying to pull a scam on you, under the guise of diapers for his pretend baby no less, it might be worth it at the time to spend a little cash just to make him feel like an idiot.

It has to be a surreal feeling, walking down the side of the road, knowing the sun will come up in just a few hours, carrying your useless ill-gotten diaper gains. But hey, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Here are some incompetent scammers who were their own worst enemies.

Minor Injuries That Are Way More Painful Than They Deserve To Be

Pain is a part of every day life. It makes sense. We're made of meat in a world that, for the most part, isn't made of meat. And when we clumsily knock our leg meat into a table corner in the middle of the night, it's an excellent reminder that every day we live in spite of the universe's best efforts to destroy us.

But the weird part is just how debilitatingly painful some extremely common occurrences can be. Hitting your head on the corner of an open cupboard, or perfectly slamming your razor scooter into your ankle are some excellent examples of a minor, almost cosmetic injury that can still have us doubled over, clutching ourselves and cursing life itself. And then it goes away and we move on. But really we're just restarting the countdown until the next stupid, minor injury that hurts way too much.

Here are some of thestupidest injuries people sustained.

Inspiring Tumblr User is Devising A Clever Tactic For Job Applications

It's no secret that the job applications process is a total sham. The entire ordeal is a bizarre mating dance that would put even the most elaborate rituals of the bird of paradise to shame. You, the applicant, are the male; Prepping your dancing ground with pretty rocks and twig arrangements in the hopes that you might catch a wandering glance from a witting female (or in this case an employer). Once you've drawn their attention… it's time to unleash your best song and dance in order to prove your worth and seal the deal. 

We all know that this performance is an elaborate ruse, a facade of eccentric social convention that has been layered on top of what should be a fairly simple process. 

If I didn't get so nervous in interviews, I might have the urge to laugh at the performance that I am displaying. Instead, I'm usually in an advanced fight-or-flight response and barely resisting the urge to evacuate my bladder and flee. 

Anyways, this clever Tumblr thread has devised a clever way of handling the interview process and we'd love to see this become the norm.


Thumbnail Image: @linkedinsalesnavigator