Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Local Serranos Enforces New Rule To Leave Your Karens at Home

Adios, Karens! Enjoy your stay at the Motel 6 around the corner!


This sign was posted at the door of a local Serranos restaurant in Texas, enforcing a new rule wherein employees reserve the right to refuse service to any "disruptive" and "belligerent" customers from the nearby Motel 6 as well as any rude Karens. A photo of the sign was then posted to this thread on Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit by u/Th3RealStevie.


We dedicate this piece to the manager of this location, who clearly has had to put up with enough BS to create this rule in the first place and who should be an inspiration to anyone working in the service industry and in customer service. Managers everywhere should take note.


We also should point out that your local Motel 6 would be a prime location for your local Karen jail. Any Karens asking to speak to the manager should be immediately checked into a room there and put in a time-out until they've learned their lesson. 


This is not the first time workers have stood up to Karens. For more Karen content, check out this story about a woman who threw a fit on a customer service line for being spoken to in Spanish after choosing the Spanish-speaking option. Keep scrolling below for the original sign and for the funniest comments!

Top Trending Memes and Tweets for Quiet Quitters Everywhere

Demystifying the trend that is "quiet quitting" has at the very least created dozens of now-iconic memes and tweets.


We're preaching to the choir here when we say that the term quiet quitting is misleading, inaccurate, and nothing new. But before people come for antiwork and millennial/Gen Z workers, let's broaden our perspectives for a moment and enjoy the discourse and the humor that has come from this silly term, which horribly represents the concept behind it. 


Beyond the humor, let's also consider that no matter what the boomers say, for the first time in a long while, employers and employees are being forced to not only reflect but also take some action with regard to work culture. That action could be big, like a massive restructuring of how we think of work. Or it can be small, like letting me take my full breaks without getting side-eye from Cheryl in HR when I return to my desk.


For more on "quiet quitting," check out this rant from TikTok, and keep scrolling below for these memes and tweets! 

Guy Defends Fiancé by Not Inviting Stepfather to Their Wedding, Causes Family to Implode

One must wonder if stepfather Richard goes by his nickname because it certainly suits him!


This thread was posted to Reddit's r/AmITheA**hole subreddit by u/Character-Way1284, who shared his story about the drama that ensued after he informed his family of his engagement to his fiancé, Anna. For context, the Redditor and his stepfather, aptly named Richard, have never really gotten along, but the claws came out after Richard saw the original poster and Anna's proposal video. The footage shows that Anna was taken aback and a little pissed off that she wasn't warned to wear nicer clothes for the occasion (she was wearing sweats when he proposed). In hindsight, maybe this wasn't the right video to show to a family member like Richard, who clearly was looking to start a fight.


Richard commented in front of the entire family that he would have taken the ring back then and there and that he doesn't like "insecure women." All of this happened in front of Anna. Horrible! The Redditor stepped in and shut down his stepfather. Later, he informed his mother that he would not be inviting Richard to the wedding. That's when the mother lost it and essentially chose her husband over attending her son's wedding. 


There's a slight chance this family might be able to resolve the issue before the ceremony, which isn't for at least another year. Nothing will be resolved, however, if Richard doesn't take responsibility for what he said and if his wife doesn't play a part in mending all the drama. If not, let's at least hope Anna's family is half-decent.


We've seen other instances of wedding drama. Like this post about a bride who accused her sister-in-law of upstaging her at her wedding. Keep scrolling for u/Character-Way1284's original post and for the best comments!

10 Entitled People Who Left Their Stupid Mark Upon This World (September 14, 2022)

There's no shortage of entitled people on this earth, and they seem to be increasingly determined to carve their name upon the stars. Everyone wants to see their name in lights and experience whatever stupid wish makes up their wildest dreams; some are prepared to do so at any cost, no matter the collateral damage. 

These entitled idiots left their mark upon the world and left us with their stupid equivalent of a magnum opus. 

After you're done reading these, check out these 10 entitled choosing beggars

Owner Forced to Close Business After They Miss the Joke in Woman's Sarcastic Video Resume Interview Response

When this comedian was asked for a video resume for a simple clothing store retail role she got her gooses gassed up and led with her best foot. She may not have aced the interview, but she has certainly aced our hearts. 

Her video response perfectly captures Millennial awkward/random humor… and folding a shirt to the tune of dubstep actually provides answers to the mystery of why our generation collectively died inside right around this time.


Funniest Memes About Dating App Fails We Saw This Week

Dating apps are definitely addicting. Sometimes we can forget that the people we're swiping left and right on are actually real people, because, well, what do you really get out of these profiles? Sure, you can gather whether you're physically attracted to them, that is if they actually resemble their photos, but physical attraction is not everything. To be fair some apps are better than others at actually allowing us to see each other's personalities, but sometimes people just share a little too much of their personality, if you're picking up what we're putting down. But hey, we appreciate the effort. Sometimes completely normal people just happen to have terrible profiles and what can you really do about that? Building a profile is like a skill of its own.


So whether you're currently on the apps, or would really like to move on past them, we think you'll get a kick out of these memes.