Thursday, March 4, 2021

Shaq Loses Bet To Dwayne Wade, Has To Reveal Hairline

You've got to hand it to Shaq for following through on the bet. Couldn't have been easy, but he's a man of his word. This isn't the first time we've gotten some gold from Shaq on live TV. Check out the time that Shaq ate it hard on live TV, and wholesome gold ensued

Submitted by: (via Bleacher Report)

Alexa Clarifies Smartest Breed Of Dog, Dog Isn't Ready

I mean, hey, even the most intellectually gifted beings on this planet need to give their brains some down time every now and again. This Border Collie just got caught up in a vulnerable moment. That's all. With that being said, this is certainly an entertaining development. Shout out to @gee.way.77 for the comedy gold!

Submitted by: (via @gee.way.77)

Random Street Interaction is Real-Life Theatre of the Absurd

As many times as one watches this clip, it only results in more questions than answers. Where'd that guy come from? What's that other guy doing? What is going to happen after? Sure it has Oblivion music under it, and it does play out kind of like a glitched-out NPC interaction, but at its heart this is just an extremely weird sequence of events.

Submitted by: (via Meme Tycoon)

School Administration Won't Budge, Dad Takes Detention Rap

Despite a litany of reasonable excuses, this school administration was determined to send someone to detention. This person's dad, being a bro, decided to show up for detention and make a point regarding the absurdity of the whole situation. Sometimes school faculty isn't this rigid and vindictive, like these teachers who pulled total bro moves.


Font - Posted by u/TropicLush 13 hours ago 2 2 6 3 My Dad Served My Detention oC M When I was a freshman in high school I went to a school that was 30+ mins drive away. They had a policy that three tardies (with a good excuse or not) across a semester would automatically assign an after school detention. I was a really really good kid; never got in trouble, ever; always really nice and friendly to everybody; worked really hard at everything I did from sports to studies (even if I wasn't the best


Font - My parents declined to sign the detention notice and explained to administration how I had 0 control over when they left, and especially no control of road/traffic conditions even after us leaving extra early to have a time cushion (I was only late by a couple mins on the rare time I was even late), but administration declined to remove the detention assignment. I asked my parents to just let it go and let me serve the stupid detention just to be done with it, or just decline and leave it


Font - The next day my little professor-y looking social worker counselor dad with the big glasses, briefcase, worn down notepad, and his prized 20- year-old Mont Blanc pen signed himself into the school to serve detention the next afternoon-much to the embarrassment and discomfort of the administrators. They had a hard time holding eye contact with him and were visibly uncomfortable; they found an empty room to put him and checked in on him once or twice-even offered to let him leave early but


Font - To my recollection, after that there seemed to be a differentiation between excused and unexcused tardies (idk if for the whole school, but for us anyway -it was never an issue for me after that. But like I said it was rare anyway to even be a couple mins late). At the time I was so embarrassed, but looking back now it's kind of funny, and I appreciate the point he was making in not letting me get punished for something I didn't do wrong and had no control over.


Rectangle - Hannookie 13 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago That's a really cool dad Edit: please hug your dad from me too! 1 Vote + Reply Share Report Save TropicLush 13 hours ago I hadn't appreciated him like I should have when I was a teenager!


Mammal - measaqueen 12 hours ago Let he who is responsible for the crime, pay the fine! Vote I Reply Share Report Save TropicLush 12 hours ago Yep, they wanted their 'pound of flesh' so my dad humbly obliged hahah


Vertebrate - beleif 13 hours ago It is ridiculous that if you arrive by car late, its a tardy. But if a bus is late, not a tardy. Literally in the same traffic. Vote • I Reply Share Report Save TropicLush 13 hours ago Totally agree.

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Supervisor Demands Employee Use Lint Roller Before Meeting

It sounds like this supervisor had their hands full when it came to trying to enforce some kind of universal standard for how employees should present themselves at virtual meetings. These are strange and tumultuous times, no doubt. And some folks are certainly having a harder time muddling through this time than others. With that being said, it sounds like Annie might've pushed the boundaries a bit too far, in terms of what the company expected from her. But you be the judge on whether or not this supervisor was ultimately in the wrong. 


Font - AITA for handing an employee a lint roller and telling her to use it before heading into a meeting? Not the A-hole I supervise 15 employees. Annie got too comfortable WFH. We gave a wide berth for everyone to try to cope, but Annie took a mile. She'd attend meetings in her unmade bed with bed head, let her dogs bark & insist she couldn't put them in another room, etc. We let it slide because this was an adjustment for all, but did remind her that despite us being on Zoom, we needed to sti


Font - After coming back, it got worse. We don't expect everyone to be runway ready, but she'll wear hoodies that have obviously been worn for days, leggings, ratty shoes, hair in a very messy bun, old makeup, etc. Annie came in with a black fleece absolutely covered in dog hair. I pulled her aside, asked if she had a change of clothes for our 11AM meeting. She said no. I asked "Then do you have a lint roller?" She again said no and looked down and asked what was wrong with what she was wearing.


Font - I tried my best to be gentle, saying she had to either change or take off the jacket. 11 comes around, I'm greeting clients, she comes in, still covered in nasty dog hair. I pulled her out of the room saying we forgot her USB, went to my office and handed her a lint brush. I told her to get as much of the dog hair off her jacket as she could, and we'd have a talk later.


Font - Annie stomped off instead and said she was using her sick time for the rest of the day. I handled the meeting. She threw a fit all over social media about her Oppressive Employer who just doesn't understand what depression or anxiety are, how hard she worked just to get out of bed, etc. She said I shamed her publicly, made her feel lower than low, all because she was experiencing separation anxiety from her dogs while she was at work and was struggling with depression dealing with everyth


Cheezburger Image 9596555776


Font - Finally, I did not post this so people could gatekeep how depression presents in people. Please stop telling me what people with depression are "really" like because it comes in many shapes and forms. 6.6k 3 938 1, Share


Font - delli_e • 1d · Partassipant [1] 4 Awards NTA. Annie is unprofessional on so many different levels. If she's truly at the point where she's so depressed she can't follow dress code, she needs to talk to someone about a leave of absence and get her mental health in check. G Reply 1 11.4k 3 + ...


Font - Skinnybet · 1d NTA I suffer from depression and anxiety. It's certainly no excuse for her behaviour. And posting stuff on social media instead of having a adult discussion about things is a huge red flag imo. G Reply 1 1.5k ...


Font - swiggs313 · 1d NTA. I'd write her up, not necessarily for the wardrobe stuff-she can consider that instance as her first verbal warning and will be written up in the future-but the social media behavior. That is unacceptable, and depending on the company's policy, possibly a reason for immediate termination.


Organism - Interstellar_Nebula • 1d NTA - it doesn't take much for an employee to be presentable and i dont think its asking much for an employee to not be covered in dog hair at a client meeting. Work has dress codes that are agreed to and adhered to by all other staff, why should she be treated any different? G Reply 1 436 3 ...


Font - Cloudly_Cane 1d NTA. "Giving her dogs extra cuddles." Is not a excuse to not show up ready, she sounds like a child stomping off for something so simple. I act like a child sometimes but god damn even I wouldn't be all offensive, as that's just what's best. Sure l'd be kinda embarrassed but I still use the damn roller. G Reply 1 349 3 ...


Font - Virulencer • 1d • Commander in Cheeks [266] NTA. Unless you were aware of her mental health issues prior to this incident, how were you supposed to know she was having issues dealing with depression and anxiety? It isn't unreasonable to ask your employees to dress appropriately. It's not like you were asking her to come in a full business suit, you just wanted her to not be covered in dog fur. Reply 340 3 ...


Font - I am a direct supervisor of an Annie. It's exhausting, I am sympathetic to her mental health needs. There is this little evil part of me wonders if she's milking it when her request get demanding like keeping her cat as a emotional support in the office. We couldn't because of my allergies. She sulked for months. Like basic hygiene isn't a big ask. Nta 6 Reply 213 ...


Font - Stoat_King • 1d · Colo-rectal Surgeon [41] NTA. Like Annie, I prefer a style that I call 'Derelicte'. But in front of clients? No. You could have dealt with it another way and tried impressing your clients by explaining that you only employ former bag-ladies. Because you like to give something back. Or something. Tbh I havent really thought this through lol G Reply 217 ...


Font - RB1327 • 1d NTA. She'd already have been fired at a lot of places. G Reply 39


Product - Traditional_Artist_3 • 1d • Partassipant [1] NTA she shouldn't be working if she's being all her problems to work that's just unprofessional I would fire her. Also if this is the new normal then thats sad G Reply 43 ...

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Tagged: aita , employee , job , work , career , Reddit

Non-Americans Biggest Cultures Shocks With America

It's easy to forget just how strange the place you call home is, until you're offered that outside-in perspective. It could be something like not being aware of how comically big the serving sizes can get in America, or perhaps the differences in greeting behavior. 


Font - frescafrescacool • 10h 2 things: The definition of dating. WTE? Dating could mean casual, serious but not committed, being a couple officially, etc. How to greet people. I was used to greeting everyone with a handshake and a kiss on the cheek. Ohhhh boy... freaked out a few people before getting used to give people their personal space. I still cringe thinking about the reactions I got. A 6 Reply 53 3 ...


Font - buzzed_aldrinn • 11h Small talk. Back where I grew up, you generally avoid making eye contact with anyone you don't know. Here, you say good morning and how are you to complete strangers, without really meaning it. I struggled with it at first because l'm generally an introvert and don't like small talk. It just felt unnecessary to me. And also, the way people say "how are you", they do it so robotically that it becomes a jumbled up mess of syllables but you still know what they're saying


Rectangle - legdisabledbyacid • 16h That there isn't really a set of American rules. Things differ from state to state and even city to city. Some places people appreciate when you strike up a conversation, but one town over they assume you're trying to rob them or scam them if you say hello. 6 Reply 268 ...


Font - CainRafe • 13h The social life, people will invite you for dinner and drinks after work quite regularly and it's kinda expected that you go. In Canada people don't do that, maybe on a Friday might you might grab drinks bit it just feels like americans are more social. Also services (e.g taxis) are waaay cheaper, to the point I feel wierd about it G Reply 4 156 3 ...


Font - jman857 · 12h I didn't live there but visited family and it was the portion sizes. I ordered a large drink, can't remember the restaurant maybe five guys, and I swear I was handed a bucket. G Reply 1 136 ...


Font - rideshotgun • 7h As a Brit, not being able to walk outside with a beer. I was staying at a hostel and having a few pre-drinks for a night out. I walked out of the hostel with a few people to go to a bar, and I took my beer with me. Everyone insisted I leave it in the hostel as I could get in serious trouble for walking down the street with a can of beer. G Reply 1 28 3 ...


Font - make_onions_cry · 13h Misleading advertisement. Within a week of arriving phone plan with "unlimited data" was only unlimited up to 100MB. the US, I discovered that my I had to start reading the fine print on everything. G Reply 94 •..


Font - Alex9Andy · 5h You guys put sugar in your bread. Wtf. Now it's cake. O 6 Reply ↑ 13 ...


Font - YetiStew71 • 16h The big food portions, the immigrant workers looking for work at the roadside during my commute to work and the teeth, the incredible shiny teeth (i'm British, so in fairness it wasn't a common occurrence to me up to that point). G Reply 53 ...


Rectangle - Mustardly • 15h How many ways companies try to get more money out of you. A 'convenience fee' for paying by card. If you don't have alot of money then bank accounts charge you for transactions and ATM withdrawals so that just makes you poorer. G Reply 1 51 + ...


Font - gaylurking • 9h High fructose corn syrup. G Reply ... +


Font - O jaykey1904 ·6h The windows. You can open them completely or not at all. In Germany we have a great thing right in between that. The wind can't blow it open or close it. I miss that it's so helpful G Reply •..


Font - AlColbert • 16h Sales tax not being included in the price. In the UK the prices all included it. G Reply 1 182 3 ...


Font - Ecollide · 13h That Americans really dont seem to understand that other countries have things. For example, a Mainer kept going on and on about maple syrup, like he was telling me something new. I just smiled along while thinking, "Does he NOT know that Canada produces the majority of the supply of maple syrup?" G Reply 45 3 ...


Organism - eastcoast_kid · 14h Drinking a glass of cold milk with dinner... My family moved to the U.S. from Italy when I was young. Our household heavily maintained the culture, and I would sometimes experience small doses of culture shock at friend's houses. The cold glass of milk never sat right with me. G Reply 28 ...


Font - captzahl • 13h Serving the salad before the main course and not even ordering it. Still makes no sense to me. In Europe it's always served after the main course as a palate cleaner without any of these ridiculous creamy dressings they have over here. GReply 1 5 ...


Font - TheCrimsonChariot · 4h People just leaving after finishing doing what they came to do when they visit someone. Back home when we gathered at someone's house to do whatev, we did that then stay there after for like 3-5 extra hours talking and shooting the breeze. Here they just "we gathered and did the thing now we gonna go home". It's weird and feels so impersonal. G Reply Vote +

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Entitled Folks and Their Wild Boldness

As decent and reasonable as we try to be to each other, some entitled people among us have a hard time of grasping the concept. People on camping trips will request the wildlife be less noisy. Companies will ask for a skilled worker and expect to pay them an entry level salary. Customers will kneel on bread. Entitled people and their absurd audacity will never cease to amaze.


Product - You'reking annoying You seem like a nice guy Just k off 10:24 AM Okay maybe that was rude. I'm sorry. I just haven't seen you do a giveaway in a while and I think more people can benefit from your generosity for this community. Your tweets are good and l'm glad you are growing! But l'd love to win a giveaway one of these days 10:27 AM Do you want to lets know you've seen their message until you accept. ssage you? They won't Block or report Delete Ассept


Font - ( Reviews 9/5/19 I was really excited to pick up a slice for National Cheese Pizza day today, and unfortunately, experienced an awful customer experience. I was turned away for being short $0.30 on 1 cheese slice of pizza. 30 CENTS. This is 7% of the total cost. As an alternative, I told them I was a food blogger on Instagram and would post the slice on my page (mind you I have over 10,000 followers and restaurants frequently ask me to come in and try their pizza for free in exchange for


Font - Road & Traffic Watch 12 h.e |Road. Heading 4 horses running loose along| towards high school!! 11 comments O Like All comments Please put as much info as possible on a post like this as you've had alot of us horse owners totally panicked o I just left work in a complete stress having had 2 people message me and couldn't find this post to see it said 4 (I only have 2) it would be helpful to know if are tacked up. (so we know it must be horses who are out riding and not in a field grazing)


Font - 3:08 Apply Cancel Other High school or equivalent Associate Full Job Description Bachelor's Expanding Western PA river terminal and barge company seeks qualified candidate for a Welder/Operator position. Master's Doctorate Applicant must have heavy equipment experience (Dozer/Excavator)Welding experience and possible welding and electrical experience a plus. Also, needs to be mechanically inclined. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds. Is willing to work long hours and/or weekends in year


Azure - 9:15 O M Vo) LTÉ all 54% ) 13-inch Mac... $1,400 - 2019 13-inch Macbook Pro... Marketplace Listing Request an Offer Mark as Sold would u take $1000 and i can pick it up tomorrow? thank you. SAT. AT 11:31 P.M. No I have a 1250 offer SAT. AT 11:42 P.M. ok no worries. is this model has touch bar? any accesorries included? Yup it's the 2019 version Boxnd charger included Aa Box and charger included and reciept for the warranty? can u please atleast do 1100? for me mate and i will buy it tomo


Font - 4:34 A 55% Bad bọi ur cheesecake looked great on saturday! Well thanks so much! Hope ya Ya bor checked cu. are recipe to recreate it haha what are umaking next? I don't know yet to be honest, but definitely some kind of cake! Gonna do regular this time, no keto haha can i have it I mean if you live in/near Los Angeles and wanna meet me in a public spot 'd be down! im in Georgia Well I'm afraid that confuses things haha, but ir you're ever in LA let me know! I can whip ya up something cant


Sky - Marketplace Miscellaneous Old garage to be torn down. You are buying the building. 400 cash. I'm not paying anybody. 2 hours ago e $400 Garage to tear down. 400 dollars cash to me before you start. Must get down and hauled off in 7 days. No excuses why you can't Not liable for getting hurt on my property. Garage door. Electric service everything goes. YOU ARE BUYING THE BUILDING AND HAULING IT OFF II Less Condition Used - Good Seller information ned Facebook in 2011 Send seller a message I


Font - I went on a date with this guy and he paid for himself alone because i brought two of my friends. Omoh some men are heartless O 1,144 271,347 4,048 All of u blaming me it is unfair na gentle man would have paid the bills and tell me politely after the date. That's the best thing to do nd not to just act so immature. Some men love dates with friends and some don't. So next time i will always ask before taking my friends 189 2764 162 ... Men do u like date with friends? YES 6% NO 94% 10,836




Shirt - very pretty thank you. ok and my compliment?


Font - 12 friends 26 review *** 10/02/2019 I'm giving 1 star because of the cheap management and customer service. I heard the food was very good so I went to try. Me and the BF got the calamari, spaghetti alle vongole, and gnocchi. All were very delicious. I was actually so impressed that when the manager came to ask us how everything tasted I told her it was some of the best Italian food I've had and I told her I'm going to post about it on Instagram where I have over 11 thousand followers and


Shelf - This lady using bread as knee pads while she looks at other bread 10 20 Bit BIG BIG AKERY G A N al a bit


Font - Can you send me the $20 What 20? The one for the cake I brought Wait why am I paying for that? Well it was your party, you asked me to bring dessert so I did So I want to be payed back for that What! No, everyone who came brought something, have you never been to a picnic party before? I'm not giving you any money sorry Oh fsk you, you should've told me beforehand I wouldn't be paid so I could've said no T


Handwriting - Guysss HELP.. Let me preface this with: I AM CAMPING. This woman and daughter walked up to us and then handed us this. Said to be quiet. I LEGIT THOUGHT SHE WAS IN TROUBLE. My brother read that and was as nice and as polite as possible... but when I read it after she walked off... I couldn't help it. Those birds have been non stp for 3 days. They start 05am! T have complained hwice. It they ave also bother ing you Iwould appriečiate a badk -up complaint thinkyou and enoy your tripn


Font - 9:19 1 ll LTE This luxury of having kids ee you can use them as an excuse for anything Card #: ************4244 Card Entry Method: CHIP ****** EMU PURCHASE ****** VISA DEBIT I put my kids in all my TVR: 8 excuses TSI: { IAD: 06020a03600000 ARC: 00 Appro 380320 Amount:: USD $10.67 Sorry about no tp I hare 2と.dS + Tip:: 10.67 = Total:: Yes, I'd like to help more kids play team sports by donating to the BWWF Foundation: $. *Buffalo Wild Wings Copy* Tweet your reply

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People's "Man, I Gotta Get Outta Here" Moments

Maybe it's a 6th sense, maybe it's sheer panic, maybe it's using your eyes to see an angry pig barreling at you like you're made of slop. There are moments in our lives where we know that the right thing to do is just leave and never come back. There are also those moments where a particular place beats us down to the point where we say "screw this, I'm out.' There are moments we just know when it'sthe time to nope on out.


Font - differentiatedpans 13 hours ago Friend invited me to some rock club for his friends bday..ok sure. I don't drink spirits. They were getting bottle service and I was going to the bar to get beer. Their bill came just as I was leaving and it was $2300!!! I was so happy I did not join in. I said my good bye and got the . 'k out.


Organism - Scrotal_abrasion 16 hours ago · edited 5 hours ago 34 36 Bad diesel fire at work. I saw the fire ball billowing toward me so I jumped in a pit. The fireball blew over me, and when it retreated, I got the hell out of dodge. I got some gnarly 3rd degree burns, but I survived.


Head - APuffyCloudSky 12 hours ago 65 33 E 3 A 500 lb hog got loose at the state fair and started charging right at me. I've never run so fast in my life.


Font - pinkflower200 16 hours ago My friend and I met at Waffle House for lunch. A guy came into the restaurant looking for a piece of paper that he had accidentally left on a table. The waitress didn't know where the paper was located and might have thrown it away. The guy got upset saying the paper was important and he was going home to get his gun stored under his mattress. My friend and I quickly paid our check and got the heck out of the restaurant!


Font - dear_little_water 14 hours ago O 2 ( 2 3 2 When I was in high school (early 80s), I saw a lot of heavy metal bands. I had a friend who could always get us backstage after the show. So Anvil played and we went backstage. All of a sudden the lead singers said "Okay all the girls take off your clothes or get out." I got out. The rest of the girls stayed.


Font - MRJDL71 13 hours ago 2 I was driving north on I-65 in the middle of Indiana. The sky was getting dark, the wind was picking up, it started hailing .. I turned on the radio to hear that a tornado was nearby. I determined it was behind me going from SW to NE and about to cross over the interstate. Other cars were driving slow or pulling over because of the rain and hail...I was hauling ass to get away from there.


Font - waycatowa 18 hours ago I was on a restaurant and they were using a propane tank to power an outdoors heater. Suddenly the tank started to catch fire and I got out quickly because i thought it was going to explode. The staff turned the tank off and everyone laughed at me for overreacting but damn i got scared lol.


Font - deeznutz066 12 hours ago 2 @2 3 4 2 I lived in south Everett WA for a couple years. Was walking home from the bus stop to my apartment, which took me behind the home depot. Suddenly a van starts following me, I hear the side door slide open and look behind me to see a man with the top half of his body hanging out the slider door looking at me. I took off running towards my apartment, literally running as far as I could, the van started going faster. By chance a guy was pulling out of the


Font - Naamibro 17 hours ago I was in Thailand back in 2010, on the southern islands after a full moon party. My friend and I were talking to two girls who invited us to play poker. We went and sat down with two german guys and two burly Thai guys full of tattoos and began to play. They were joking, friendly, and the buy in was $10. We lost some pots, won some pots, and overall it was a happy experience. The thai guys beat us and on the last hand I managed to claw my chips back to about $8. My f


Font - zerassa 15 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago 2 2 As a young teenager (maybe 13 y/o) I was camping in the backcountry during a summer camp in the midwest US. Second to last night of the trip we started seeing mammatus clouds and the sky turned green, but no immediate rain or hail. Being the good midwestern kids we were, we knew the signs and found a semi-solid shelter before the storm hit. When we got out of the backcountry we found out that 3 major tornados had touched down and gotten as cl


Organism - thisguyhaschickens 14 hours ago O3 23 S 3 & 2 More Ripped my pants while bowling. Incidentally, I was also going commando, and the meats and cheeses were fully exposed. I bowled a frame or two before noticing too. It was a second date


Font - _Tiberius- 12 hours ago I woke up one Friday in a hotel and the internet was down. I went to the hotel Iobby to see what was up, and saw scenes of chaos on the TV. A crowd had started to gather to watch, including the hotel staff. One employee told me the government had shut down the internet to test it. The scenes on the TV were of violent protests beginning all over Egypt as people made their first push to occupy Tahrir Square. It was January 25, 2011 and I was in Benghazi, Libya. Witho


Font - trailangel4 15 hours ago I have worked in various National Parks and Forests in my career and I've had a few close calls. When at Zion, I was assisting with a SAR op in The Narrows. We were already on borrowed time because we got word that a rancher had noted a downpour up canyon. The radio call was enough to pucker it up. But, about five minutes later, I started seeing the water rise and could feel vibration under my feet. We got everyone on our team out to a high spot and a 7' wall of w


Font - OBXspearNshroom 13 hours ago 2 Last fall me and my dive buddies went on a spearfishing trip to one of our favorite wrecks, about 5 minutes in a 10+ foot long great white swims up us. It gets a little too close for comfort a couple times, circled behind us and whatnot so we get out and head to a different wreck a few miles away. I jump out the boat and as soon as the bubbles clear and I can see, I'm met by another, even bigger white shark not 10 feet away, I mean he's right f. king there n


Rectangle - GorillaSOup 18 hours ago Working as a hospital housekeeper. The other housekeepers invited me to sit with them in the hospital cafeteria. They told me essentially if I see anything to not be a snitch.


Font - endureandsurvive27 12 hours ago O First time I went to LA Fitness, I swam in the pool and then went to go take a shower and get changed. While in the shower I hear some men talking (I'm a woman) I peak out from the curtain and see like 3 dudes changing. I WENT INTO THE MEN'S ROOM!! I finished my shower quickly, toweled off, threw on dry clothes, and RAN like the wind out of there. I still can't believe I accidentally went in there. I was mortified.


Human body - Kill3rTOfu 17 hours ago When the bus pulled up to the dorms and the drill instructor started pacing the side of the bus giving us the death glare through the windows.

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Boss Tells Employees They're Slacking, Petty Revenge Ensues

Not all bosses are great. In fact, some can be complete waking nightmares. Whether you find yourself under the incompetent wing of a maniacal boss who never should've been put in their position of power in the first place, or perhaps fielding an array of toxic instances from a boss who misplaced their moral compass, you'll probably suffer through a gig with a nasty boss at one point or another in your life. In this story, these employees decided to take a glorious, petty revenge on a boss that accused them of slacking. Suffice to say, it seems to have been successful. 


Font - Font - r/pettyrevenge u/Tacocat0927 · 18h + Join 1 3 6 2 Tell us we're slacking? Well be prepared to be CC'd on every single email we send. Some background: I work for a place that you really need customers to come inside in order to do proper business. However, I also work for a place that due to Covid, we're not allowed to let customers inside anymore. All our work needs to be done through email or mail. You can see how fun this is. We are also only allowed one employee in the office at


Font - Font - Yesterday my boss sends me and my coworkers (there's 4 of us total) an email saying that we've been slacking off and told us if we were unhappy we should find a new job. We were all flabbergasted, flummoxed, floored if you will. I was absolutely fuming because we have been busting us we've been slacking (while she NEVER comes into the office). So we all decided that we were going to CC her on EVERY SINGLE EMAIL we send out (or reply to). Now we're coming up on a pretty big deadline


Font - Even the emails that were only a simple "thanks, I got that document" she was CC'd on. She probably has been CC'd on over 500 emails in the last 24 hours. Still no word from her yet, but l'm really hoping she gets the point. If not, meh, l'll just keep CCing her on every single email until the end of time. Its stupid and silly, but its annoying her while at the same time proving her wrong about our work ethic. Win win! TL/DR: Boss unfairly accuses us of slacking, so me and my coworkers ar


Font - legubriousunshine · 10h A while back I worked for a micromanager, he insisted that all emails sent to any employee be auto forwarded to him. We complied. A bit later something important was happening and he came out of his office, absolutely furious, that we hadn't been communicating with him about it. We politely and with some confusion informed him that we had emailed him several times. He replied "oh, I get too many emails from you, I have them auto set to forward to a folder." Thanks


Font - Christiney134 •6h This sort of happened to me at one of my old jobs!! They essentially put me on a "special project" team by myself, they piled on the work until I told them I needed someone to work with me because I had so much to do and I couldn't get it all done. Mind you, they never actually told me who I directly reported to so I had to guess who I needed to talk to. They finally put someone with me and basically had me be her team lead without the pay raise or actual title. I told t


Font - moved us to the basement and forgot about me and my team for 3 years. They finally decided they had ignored me for long enough and my reports weren't good enough and slowly started changing my job to a way that did not work. I was the only one in the company who knew how to do my job of pulling and working reports for 300 clients every single month... I finally had enough of them ignoring me and not listening so when I put in my notice (I had to email it because she wouldn't answer her ph

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Couple Doesn't Want Neighbors' Kids To Play In Their Yard, Drama Ensues

This isn't the first time that we've come across some dauntingly entitled neighbors pitching a full-fledged fit over not being able to take advantage of someone else's property. It's just a bit discouragingly surprising. Honestly, what's going through these people's minds when they take it upon themselves to trouble someone else, after being barred from property that was never theirs in the first place? The moral judges of Reddit seem to be in agreement that this couple wasn't in the wrong at all. 


Font - 3 3 3 4 AITA for not letting kids play in our yard anymore? |(36m) and my wife(34f) recently bought our first house. We settled on this place because it has a huge backyard with an orchard at the back. The previous owners of our place were an elderly childless couple who were well known in the area for basically being grandparents to everyone and the husband had built multiple tree houses and bridges in the trees for kids to play in. The property is fully fenced but has 3 swinging gates i


Font - When we first moved in we were approached by the next door neighbour who very politely asked if her kids could keep using the back yard to play in. We agreed that it was ok so long as she understood that if her kids got hurt it wasn't our problem and we wouldn't be supervising kids playing or anything. She was fine with that and seemed very appreciative and brought over cookies and juice when she came over to watch her kids. Word went around and eventually we had around a dozen kids comin


Font - Just after Xmas my parents moved into a retirement home and offered me their 2 dogs (a Belgian Shepard 11yo and a GSD/Belgian 12yo) because they were unable to take them into the home. My wife and I jumped at the chance to take them, partly because they probably don't have many years left and we saw it as a good opportunity to get used to having dogs before getting a puppy, and also because we know these 2 dogs are super well behaved and I love both of them dearly(the GSD X was ring beare


Font - The problem started a fortnight ago when a lady we didn't know showed up at our house and started screaming at my wife, apparently her 6yo had come home with his friends and they had dog over their hands. She basically told my wife that if she didn't get rid of the dogs then her kids wouldn't come over anymore and she'd press charges for endangerment. My wife basically told her to eff off and that it wouldn't have happened if she'd been supervising her child. The woman left and came back


Font - Several of the nice neighbour's have come by to beg us to change our minds but we don't want to risk it and we don't have the time to supervise the kids so the gates stay locked we are now arguing with a couple of people who feel it's unfair that the entire neighborhood is tarred because of one person's actions. Are we TAs here? 1 2.8k 3 ↑, Share 375


Font - EWyatt2314 · 9h • Partassipant [3] 1 Award NTA. There is something seriously wrong with people who think it's okay to sign a petition telling other people to get rid of their well behaved, confined, senior dogs. Like beyond simple entitlement wrong. I would just explain to your good neighbors that it's a decision you had to make to protect yourselves and your dogs and it would cause way too much trouble if you let some children in and not others. Honestly just telling the parents you aren


Smile - False-Explanation702 · 9h · Certified Proctologist [23] NTA. One bad apple ruined the bunch. You aren't willing to risk your dog's welfare anymore, so that was the end of that. Direct all angry people to the lady and the 5 other signatures. G Reply 1 1.3k 3 ...


Handwriting - kuromipie · 9h NTA - It was kind enough you even let the kids play in the yard in the first place. That person sounds absolutely insane, and I feel bad for her child. G Reply 4 31 ...


Organism - PotentialityKnocks • 9h • Professor Emeritass [82] NTA. Unfortunately, one horrible person is all it takes. You were risking a lot of liability by having strangers in your yard, and now you have a sheet with 6 signatures on it that show how entitled people will take advantage of kindness. Reply 780 ...


Rectangle - uxi3888 · 6h NTA Also, l'm petty enough to put a copy of that "petition" up next to the sign explaining why you no longer accept kids to play in your yard. Put them on blast, display their names for the whole neighbourhood to see. I they had no problem signing the petition they shouldn't have a problem with you showing it off. G Reply 4 17 3 ...


Smile - BloodDAnna • 9h • Partassipant [1] NTA, your house so your right to shut down the free park. It doesn't sound like you have kids, might I suggest that you put a price on the play equipment and let one of the families take it off your hands? G Reply 50 3 ...


Font - NTA If I were you, l'd tear down the treehouses or have them remodelled for adult use. Have actual fun with your property. Really. G Reply ...


Font - Frostitute_85 · 8h NTA Entitled people will over reach. Best to protect yourself and not let this lady do something shady, like to claim your dogs hurt her kid, and force you to have the dogs put down or something horrible. I think you might even want to install a security camera too since your yard is a neighborhood hotspot. G Reply ...


Smile - vosot • 7h How does the old saying go.. oh yes, one bad apple spoils the bunch. NTA. The people who think it's unfair should take it up with the bad neighbor who ruined it for everyone. Reply 4 ...


Font - DemmyDemon • 5h • Partassipant [1] NTA, and the petition lady threatening that her kids won't come over anymore?! "If you don't give in to my unreasonable demand, I wll stop taking advantage of your kindness!" l'd bet good money a lot of people in the neighborhood could guess who petition lady is without knowing the name, and that this is not even close to the first good thing she has ruined with her entitled hogwash. G Reply ...


Font - sydneyunderfoot · 7h • Partassipant [1] NTA. This is why we can't have nice things!! G Reply 1 ...


Font - overrated_overstated • 5h NTA liability!!!!! Whether I or not they agree that the play area is at their own risk you're probably still liable. G Reply ...


Handwriting - Lamstvn • 2h NTA. But also it wasn't just one neighbor. It was at least 7 and possibly more. Instead of talking to you they should be talking to the people who signed off on the petition. G Reply 2 ... +


Font - ilovepancakes134 · 8h NTA. But if there are some kids interested in special permission to play you might offer them access in exchange for clean up duty. G Reply 1 -1 ...


Organism - luckydidi18 · 5h NTA it's almost hilarious they think they can petition your dogs away. The level of entitlement to something that isn't theirs is astounding. Unfortunately for your nice neighbors it affected them as well, but problems may have arisen there as well. E Reply 4 Vote 3 ...


Font - DarkySilverwing · 5h NTA: it wasn't one person's actions, that petition got signed by multiple people. If they wanna be mad at someone they should be mad at the people who ruined it for everyone. G Reply 1 Vote ...


Organism - AdorableDictator · 2h NTA. No good deed goes unpunished it seems. There are so many of these stories on AITA where if you do something nice to someone they feel like they're entitled to it. The obvious lesson here for a future homeowner is never agree to anything. Especially regarding kids and yards Reply Vote ...

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