Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fox Tries To Grab Trash And Fails Spectacularly

Not so sly after all...

Submitted by: (via Dean Anderson)

Tagged: fox

The Very Best Of Pakalu Papito Being A Monumental Troll On Twitter

Collection of the funniest tweets from Pakulu Papito, when he trolled people with memes.

All this guy does is tweet memes, and it's instant comedy gold. 

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Internet's Triggered Over Apple's Commercial About Computers Going Extinct

People react on Twitter to Apple's, What's A Computer commercial with rage.

The ad plays on the idea that kids will one day live in a world where the damn word, "computer" is foreign to them. A bit extreme, for sure. Queue the inevitable triggering, because it's 2018, and we all need something to get ourselves worked up over. 

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Netflix's Twitter Team Has Been Busy Delivering High Quality Jokes

Collection of times Netflix's Twitter account trolled people on Twitter and it was hilarious.

Turns out Netflix is good for more than just streaming a million bingeworthy shows. 

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Guy Gets Shredded On Twitter After Complaining About Marvel's Black Panther Movie

Guy complains about the accuracy of the Black Panther movie on Twitter, and gets dragged for it.

This guy was in for a brutal reality check when he went to whine about Black Panther disrespecting African pride. 

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10 Times Women Dodged Creeps Masterfully

10 times women dodged guys that were being total creeps, super smoothly.

These bystanders stepped up in a BIG way, when the senseless creeps of the world weren't taking no for an answer. 

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Mark Hamill Schools Grammar Nazi After She Tries To Call Him Out On Twitter

Mark Hamill owns a person on Twitter after they try to correct him over his grammar.

Sassy Mark Hamill is the BEST Hamill. This girl just learned a very public, unforgiving lesson in not coming for Hamill on Twitter unless you're 100% sure YOU'RE in the right. 

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31 Moments of Cringe Inducing FAIL

Cringe inducing FAILs - cover of girl with BF in army uniform and then she is wearing same outfit making an adult video audition.

Sometimes there are just no words. 

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Tagged: FAIL , oh god why , cringe

Scammer Anime Cosplayer Posts BS Explanation After Getting Called Out

Anime cosplayer posts a BS explanation after getting called out for scamming fellow cosplayers.

This chick's a piece of work! It's truly astounding the lengths a scammer will go to, to try and successfully weave their web of lies. At least they got caught in the act in this case. 

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29 Women Share What They Do To Show Guys They Like Them

Women share the things they do to show guys they like them in interesting Askreddit.

Eye contact is clearly EVERYTHING. That and the fact that as you read through these, you'll likely find most dudes are seemingly destined to miss ALL the signs thrown their way. 

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11 Ridiculous Roasts That Made People Regret Being Born

FAIL mean roast funny - 4616965

Roses are red
Boring plants are green
These are the meanest roasts
That I've ever seen

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Tagged: FAIL , mean , roast , funny

Twitter Explodes Over Woman's Decision To Find The Good In Hitler

People on Twitter react to a woman saying that she's a humanist, and thus can find good in Hitler.

Erykah Badu's trending on Twitter, and it might be the musician's ultimate undoing. In a particularly wild and outlandish interview with Vulture, Badu offered a rather controversial take on Hitler, after identifying herself as a humanist. You'll have to read it to believe it. 

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13 People Summarize Their Lives With The Simpsons Screenshots

People summarize their lives sharing screenshots from The Simpsons, and the results are hilarious.

The Simpsons mirrors real life a mind-blowing amount of times. These are all painfully relatable. 

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