Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Dude Watches Tornado Go Right Past His Truck

In terms of sheer destructive power, tornados rank pretty high up there. Everyone has heard stories of people getting sucked out of their homes while taking a bath, forced to surf their tub before landing in a field somewhere, and watching a weather event up close really drives home the reality of the danger. Why didn't he drive away?

First Time Jumpers On A 10 Meter Tower

Just in case you were hunting around for another reason to never jump off of a very high diving board, then this might be the video that you need. There's something engrained in our very DNA that basically seems to scream out, "don't jump off high heights!" Yet, here we are. 

The Time Mr. Rogers Was Unflappable on Candid Camera

You'd have to be a truly miserable person to try and seriously prank Mr. Rogers, but even with the light ruse they tried to pull on the guy, he remained as level-headed and classy as ever. They probably could have told him there was no roof and he'd have to sleep in a closet and he'd just thank them for trying.

AskReddit Thread: Sailors' Craziest Supernatural Stories

It's easy to forget about just how much craziness is occurring out in that big ole ocean. The idea of being far out at sea in the middle of night, and encountering some kind of sound that escapes all explanation is just a little bit unsettling. If anything these accounts from various sailors might inspire you to fully commit to never taking up with a sailing gig. 

New Employee Uses Apple Computer As Door Jam, Computer Turns Into Applesauce

Starting up with a new job is a disorienting experience. It's a humbling time that's dominated by the overriding reality of regularly recognizing that you don't just yet know what you're doing. Some people are better at navigating that time of transition than others. One thing that can certainly make the whole process of starting up with a new job that much harder is if you find yourself having to deal with an Apple computer that's been given to you by your employer, but said Apple computer was converted into applesauce. For another glorious TIFU tale check out this story about a woman who nearly pepper sprayed a man over a twin misunderstanding.

Tumblr Thread: The Chaotic Evil Architect

Some buildings are horrible to look at and other building decisions are just weird, bad and dumb. And then there's the kind of architecture that can actually destroy things and hurt people. Tumblr gets into the interesting work of Rafael Vinoly. For another story on artists of chaos, here's the story of the world's most hated elitist artist Anish Kapoor and his bean.

Wholesome IT Bro Revives Totally Destroyed Laptop

IT has to deal with so many stories of corporate BS, like this tech support employee who got fired and unfired on the same day. They even get to see the horrible things people do to their own technology, like these excruciating moments of tech support gore. But the fact remains, most people need IT as badly as they need oxygen, because without them, life as we know it would grind to a halt.

Tumblr Gems To Sift Through Like An Old-Timey Prospector

The internet is a big place with all kinds of people who have amazing and dumb ideas, and boy if it isn't rife with stupid, random and brilliant Tumblr gems. People have hard opinions on architecture, werewolves and plastic chairs, and they leave these observations laying around like rats at the dump. It's a good time. There's always Tumblr gems to rifle through like a goblin.

Surprising Reveals From 5-Star Hotel Workers

It's an AskReddit thread like the one that we have here that might push you into a headspace where you find yourself committed to avoiding hotels at all costs. Yes, there's a whole lot more dirty, straight up nasty stuff occurring underneath the surface of those polished, carefully presented environments. You've really got to feel for anyone that's working in a hotel. They're putting up with enough nonsense and belligerence to drive someone insane. 

Absolute Units That Are The Kings of Bigness, The Sultans of Circumference

The gargantuan girth and powerful presence of absolute units are too real to be denied. Turns out whatever the world makes, it's working on a bigger version right now. And these absolute units are just too mighty for this little world. There are big grapes, large eggs, rotund squirrels, titanic crabs and goliath potatoes. And just like the absolute units themselves, there's more where that came from.

Entitled Mom Wants Goldfish Snack, Gets Turned Down, Pitches Fit

There's something about the wildly entitled people of this world, where they end up staging the most memorable of meltdowns whenever they get righteously rejected. In this case, it sounds like the mom was being the very living definition of entitled. And naturally, upon being called out on her antics she makes it about herself. 

The Cruelest Pranks People Have Witnessed

Not only do practical jokes require planning and commitment, but they also require a sense of moral decorum. Filling someone's car with bees might be a challenging and impressive surprise, but it could also be seen as cruel. Of the sinister pranks people pull off, there seems to be a pretty clear line between the shenanigans of a mad lad and the sheer brutal workings of a sociopath. So choose the right prank.

Opossums That We Weirdly Identify With

Why is it that so many people find opossums so relatable? Is it the fact that they're a sometimes adorable reminder of an ugly world? Maybe it's that in a sense we all feel like we're trashborne. Maybe it's the anachronistic reality of being an ancient, fuzzy, rat-tailed non-racoon with a mouth full of horrible teeth and the reputation of a coward? Who knows, but there's just something about them that says "us."

Overworked Flight Attendant Told To Play "Interesting" Movie, Plays Disaster Film

Flight Attendants have to deal with some strange, and wildly entitled people, but they're put in an interesting position of power with the ability to control someone's entire travel experience. That means we get tales like this flight attendant who handily dealt with a problem flyer and this tumblr thread of a flight attendant's wildest stories. This particular flight attendant said "screw it" and watched the fallout of playing a plane crash movie during a flight.

Mouse Makes TikTok Debut Whilst Snacking At Whole Foods

Many of us remember the viral sensation that was "Pizza Rat." Well, a new era has dawned upon us. This time around, right from the ever strange and occasionally entertaining world of TikTok we have a mouse who is absolutely getting their feast mode on at a Whole Foods. All seems to be normal enough until TikToker @definebritt zooms in, and the dirtier truth is revealed.