Monday, January 20, 2020

Common Phrases That Are Complete BS

A collection of common AskReddit sayings that are total BS | posted by animalboat Everything happens for reason annoying infuriating meaningless empty words hollow

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their hot takes on those common sayings that are actually total BS. The resulting answers might come across as pretty bleak. 

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Student Takes Epic Pro Revenge On Lazy Classmate

Student takes pro revenge on classmate | r/ProRevenge posted by MurderousSolutions doomed fail, so classmate with took my TL;DR on backstory Stuck project group, one members is lazy asshole who's already failed year once, other two were good eggs; lazy asshole makes getting remotely respectable grade extraordinarily difficult are forced stick together. Skip Revenge Begins actual revenge.

This student had had enough of their lazy classmate bringing them down. So, they executed just the kind of A+ pro revenge that ultimately resulted in complete and utter destruction for their lazy classmate. Group projects really bring out the worst in people. 

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Trivial Sayings From Parents That Annoy People

A collection of annoying sayings from parents that drive kids insane | tweet by mickredsun My maw says like talking blank wall instead like talking brick wall and correct her she claims both ways are acceptable. They aren't. They just aren't.

Twitter users are sharing their experiences with hearing those sayings from parents that don't fail to drive them absolutely crazy. The world would potentially be a far less annoying place without some of these silly sayings around. 

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Guy Eats Like A Snake In Old Korean Burger King Commercial

Whoever green lit this madness deserves either an award or a prison sentence. It's too bad commercials are all so bland and uninspired now. Sometimes you wanna see a man unhinge his jaw and painfully slowly eat a burger in one bite to sexy music.

Submitted by: (via thenowcorporation)

Clever Comebacks That Sealed The Deal

A collection of clever comebacks that left people speechless.

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of clever comebacks that left people in silence and utter ruin online. Sometimes the comments section just steps up to deliver a fine and entertaining show of savagery from the internet's most ruthless and quick-witted individuals. 

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Real-Life Glitches People Experienced

Strange and unlikely moments that felt like a glitch.

Sometimes everyday life gets altered in a way that makes us think we're living in a simulation. Sometimes it's just a creepy moment, sometimes it's a strange coincidence. Either way, sometimes something so strange or unlikely happens that we just have to wonder if we're living in a boring, crappy matrix.

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Funny Gems from the Rich Mines of Tumblr

Funny, silly, interesting and stupid moments from Tumblr.

Tumblr is like a pinball machine of thoughts just banging around, firing off neurons into eddies and dead ends of silliness. You end up with a lot of comedy gems from the wild world of Tumblr. With so much creative chaotic energy speeding into each other like atoms in a super collider, you can't be too sure of the gems Tumblr has to offer.

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Twitter Thread On People's Weirdest Dates

A funny Twitter thread on the weirdest dates that people have ever been on.

Twitter user @LauraKlein113 started up a viral Twitter thread on people's weirdest first date experiences. The reality is that in an era filled with numerous dating apps, that people are going to land themselves in some pretty strange dates. I mean, you never know what kind of crazy might lurk behind that next right swipe on Tinder. If you're on the hunt or some funny moments that very well could've led to unimaginably weird dates, from the wild world of Tinder, we recommend checking these out.

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Tumblr Thread Dives into Peculiarities of Recipes in Different Cultures

The differences in different cultures food according to tumblr.

Every kind of cuisine comes with its own set of expectations and challenges. Often the biggest challenge is knowing that you won't make it as well as your mom made it. For more creative stuff, here are some comedy gems from the wild world of Tumblr.

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Twitter Thread on Random Brackets Is a Really Good Idea

Twitter thread on debate party idea

If you're crap at conversation, nothing gets people involved and passionate quite like a semi-tongue-in-cheek debate on what kind of bird is best. Petty arguments are fantastic. Twitter user christineexists explained this admittedly great argument/party and apparently other people do it too.

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Tumblr User Calculates Exact Date Of Ice Cube's "Good Day"

Tumblr user runs the math on what the exact day for Ice Cube's "Good Day" was.

The long awaited and widely celebrated holiday of Ice Cube's "Good Day" has arrived. A certain Tumblr user ran the math on what the exact date for Ice Cube's "Good Day" is. 

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Tumblr Users Trying to do Numbers is Brain Cell Losing Battle

Stupid Tumblr thread where they get math wrong.

We don't know if everyone on this site is on 20 minutes of sleep, but this simple observation turned into a stupid headache. Someone starts trolling somewhere, but you can't exactly be too sure of where. Tumblr often has creative and intelligent discussions like this fun history thread or this user who runs the math on the good day Ice Cube was talking about.

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Owner Sheds Light On Impossibly Demanding Customer's Review

Mechanic responds to bad review of entitled customer | Local Guide Be Aware recently changed starter here. They told 780 first, as student couldn't afford s 1/5 value my car. They brought down 700 with an $30 oil change value which initially appreciated as borrowed some money my friend and couldn't come up with more thought good deal as they "helped made some phone calls after agreed change and guess quoted $580 at express oil change just across street And around $50

This customer left a poor review for this mechanic without letting all the facts out. The owner responded with some pretty critical information that put the reviewer in a very different light. For another review that demanded a heavy response, here's a donut shop owner who handled a customer's angry review like a boss.

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Reality Show Participant's First Mouthful of Beer after 60 Days in Jail

Tami was in jail for 60 days as part of a reality TV show, and this is her first beer in a long time. The intensity behind this scene seems overdrawn, but it deep down pretty relatable.

Submitted by: (via bigbear187uk)

Influencer With 400 Followers Asks Artist For $300 Worth Of Jewelry

An entitled influencer asks someone for $300 worth of jewelry | Hey! l'd like talk about jewelry? accepted request Awesome! Hey can do

This influencer with 400 followers is really on one. They actually expect someone to give them $300 worth of jewelry. This person has a fascinating kind of overwhelmingly entitled world view. 

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