Friday, June 6, 2014

Best Alarm Clock For Girls

My 4 year old in Target. One of those things you just have to brace yourself for because they happen too fast.

Female cosplay awesomeness (without cleavage as the focal point)

What your dogs think when you leave home...

This is the result of selective breeding of only the most fluffy Angora rabbits...

Being in first place in Mario Kart and then someone gets a blue shell

I try to be polite, but I really don't like dealing with all the questions and people asking, "What's wrong with you?"

Typical American school lunch

I always do this after working with a tape measure.

Never skip leg day.

Booty had me like...

Sweet, sweet justice

You're not fooling anyone..

Homegoods pillow on comforting women

What's Worse You Decide!

I never understood this double standard.

Tragedies of life

Nicholas Cage vs. Dog

My cousin catches and takes pictures of lizards. She's 10

Muuuum, you're embarrassing me!

Backdoor. PoisonIvy. BQ trojan eliminated!

Saw this hairy little guy at work today. Not sure which species he is, but he sure is fabulous.

Empire State Building Construction Worker (1930 or 1931)

Around the Big Ben

My heart broke and I felt a warm welcome into the friendzone

Bumper Sticker

This was a mistake!

My thoughts exactly

See the face in the smoke. Was not photoshopped.

This is cannon!

Man With The Golden Arm!

Let me introduce my mother...


Guy eating noodles out of a box, while jumping on a wall.

Dark Souls Office Edition

When you can smell your neighbors having a BBQ

Trolling lvl. Turtle

Biker helps a blind man

Best lines a father could say to his son!

8 months after Spring break

This is so relatable

His face says what we're all thinking.

How do you remember it?

Wrist-Mounted Flame Thrower

It's ridiculous

This guy was blasting music and starting dance parties all over the park today. It was awesome.

Pros and Cons of being tall

17th Century Problem

Slightly unfair I felt