Sunday, December 29, 2019

Class Clowns That Took It Way Too Far

A collection of AskReddit replies to the times that class clowns took things way too far | post by muddybuttbrew He tried pants teacher

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their stories of class clowns taking things way too far. There are limits to everything, and some maniacs and their desire to entertain their classmates absolutely exceed the limits of reasonable behavior. These class clowns need to worry about a whole lot more than detention. 

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Wildly Dumb Things People Were Told

People share the dumbest thing they've heard someone say | post by ImReallySorryMom Friend high school told he didn't take SAT because he heard 's easier second time does make fucking sense

Not everyone has a very good brain. Some people have decent ones, but they're not exactly working for them all the time. We live in a world where people can sort of believe whatever they want, and sometimes people have a personal resistance to wanting to learn, which leads to all of us hearing some really dumb things.

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The Most Nuclear Revenge Cases Of The Year

A collection of the year's most brutal revenge cases | r/NuclearRevenge post by PerfectHamburger812 Steal my money, take my house, put into debt. Now 's time ruin life

As 2019 comes to a close, it's only right to remember this year's most brutal cases of revenge. Maybe it was a ruthless, calculated revenge taken upon an unfaithful partner, or perhaps an entitled jerk who just had it coming. If there's one thing we're sure of, it's that a true nuclear revenge leaves no stones unturned, and results in utter destruction for whatever unfortunate soul is on the receiving end of it. 

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Funnies From The World Of Scottish Twitter

A collection of funny tweets from people on Scottish Twitter | tweet by Andykerr_ Dae u ever git smell u can only describe as ootside like someone comes house outside n ur like u smell ootside'

Oh, Scottish Twitter. You strange and fiery, and ridiculous land filled to the brim with bits of comedy gold. We can't necessarily say that we always understand what those ol Scots are talking about on the Twitter, but it sure is entertaining nonetheless!

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Guy Pops Out False Eye to Prove He Didn't See Other Customer

Person pops out false eye to prove that they didn't see someone in line | post by rde42 really, really didn't see oc s This just about qualifies as malicious compliance think. Backstory back 2010 had my left eye removed, due cancer s no big problem but obviously my field vision on side is not quite

It can be hard to prove to someone that you just made a simple human error, especially when they're a stranger in line at the store. With this guy, he had a winning strategy for showing this other guy that he didn't see him. Sometimes fellow customers aren't so understanding.

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Tagged: proof , eye , prosthetic , lol , story , funny , win

Entitled Dad Wants Free Art and Babysitting, Gets Neither

Entitled dad wants free babysitting and art | Seriously can even use us as an example and can post online bet get sales and help each othrt way Are going pay babysitting 4 kids this week not seeing this as very fair deal and feel trying take advantage knows my current situation and sure she'd understand can't spend 30hrs+ and using material can't currently replace free sorry hope this is joke

This artist got a pretty flippin' stupid offer from a friend's husband: getting to work in exchange for also having to watch his kids. It's crazy that there are people who think like this. However, they often don't get what they want, like this artist who trolled people asking for free art or this lying producer who got taken down for offering a no-pay gig.

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When People Realized Their Boss Was Dumb

Times people realized their boss was stupid | Peregrine2976 Dropped ton cash renting art museum's art bank our (decrepit Chinatown) office. Then didn't have money pay salaries

It can be really frustrating to realize your boss is a goddamn moron. Some bosses are just good at hiding the fact that they have no idea what they're doing, but some are not quite so good. Don't get us wrong, many bosses are competent, but these ones really let the stupid cat out of the idiot bag.

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Guy's Story Of Marriage Proposal Is A Feels Trip

Guy proposes to his girlfriend with the ring he kept hidden for the last three years | tweet by theyearofelan Three and half years ago, Molly and took trip Seattle had only been dating about eight months, but were already very much love. While there popped into vintage jewelry shop just hell At one point, Molly put an emerald ring on her finger

This guy's heartfelt story of his long planned marriage proposal is an emotional rollercoaster of feels. Sometimes true love really does end up inspiring nothing short of a fairytale kind of romance. 

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Entitled Neighbor Threatens Family's Dogs, Gets Evicted

An entitled neighbor threatens a family and their dogs, and ends up getting evicted | r/ProRevenge post by Pikatira Entitled Neighbor threaten dogs and break. Years ago, my mother and had just moved new dog friendly apartment complex had 2 dogs, one bichon shih tzu and other is terrier poodle mix. Because them were excited community dog park right next our building. Also note, our who building filled with dog owners, each with dogs ranging small huge. Our apartment on first floor back building

This entitled neighbor had it coming their way after they threatened a family and their dogs over some noise being made, at a perfectly legal hour! The real problem here was if the neighbor really had such a problem with dogs parking, he shouldn't have moved into a dog-friendly apartment in the first place! You set yourself up for the meltdown, man. 

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The Weirdest Things People's Co-Workers Have Done

A collection of AskReddit replies to the strangest things people's co-workers have done | post by DigitalLD woman at my company has decided instead paying on her student loans, she will simply get more degrees. She's 40 on her 4th masters degree, and does nothing but complain about school work all day. Probably at least hundred k debt. No comprendo.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their weirdest experiences with co-workers. Everyone has that "one person" at work that just drives everyone else insane, and/or pulls the weirdest stunts. These people are really out there. 

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People Who Worked Smarter, Not Harder

People tell stories of times their laziness made them work more efficiently | post by SirSithsalot remember having peel 20kg charred eggplant at restaurant worked asked chef if there an easier way do His reply yep, get someone else do

Some of the greatest innovations at work come from human laziness. It's just not a good idea to work extra hard when you can think of a way to do the same work more efficiently. That said, don't do too good of a job or your boss might find out that you don't need to work there anymore. One or two of these definitely backfired. And a few definitely weren't as smart as the person first thought.

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Times The Written Word Crushed People Online

A collection of times that people got destroyed online | nathanwpyle Then again country doesn't use metric system is only one have landed men on moon, so D 6 16 13h About NASA uses lo gical system and only time someone tried use Imperial space they ended up crashing Mars.

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of people getting absolutely crushed by words. Sometimes people just nail it with the comeback or the insult to such an extent that there's really no coming back from it. A whole lot of this wreckage could've been avoided if people didn't act a fool to begin with. 

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Entitled Folks Who Were A Burden To Those Around Them

Entitled people who made absurd demands | JBL ear buds MESSAGE $100 O0822 Not Apple air pods so child does not want them CENT REGISTER WARRANTY JBL BOR PURCHASE RCPEORADE SOFTIWARE AND PROIDUCCE UPEAS SPICAL OPFERS AND SRVICE INFORMIATION HARMAN btp waranty UBL PURE BASS TWS TUNE. Yo? Hello, my ad said PlayStation 4 has two controllers PSVR setup and three games 300 said ad no haggling won't respond anymore after this text. Delivered $300 Everyone haggles 100 is most l'm gonna offer

Whether it's an ungrateful kid who wanted something more expensive for Christmas, a low-balling deal-hunter who won't take no for an answer, or just a straight up stranger demanding free crap, the world has an excessive amount of entitled folks who need to leave and take their attitudes with them.

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Tumblr Thread Shows The Full Versions of Classic Sayings

Tumblr thread shows real meanings of classic sayings | phrase curiosity killed cat is actually not full phrase actually is curiosity killed cat but satisfaction brought back so don't let anyone tell not be curious little baby okay go and be interested world. See also Blood is thicker than water, blood covenant is thicker than water womb. Meaning relationships formed by choice are stronger than those formed by birth.

Somewhere along the way, classic idioms and sayings with two parts got shortened to the first one, and everyone's just been using them wrong for a while. Tumblr gets itself into spirals of informative weirdness, like this Tumblr thread that actually makes history fun.

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Barista Pretends To Get Fired In Front Of Jerk Customers

Barista gets back at her rude customers by pretending to get fired in front of them | 1 AITA pretending get fired customers get temper with Not hole am high schooler with weekend job at coffee shop. My coworkers who work weekends are

This barista asked the people of Reddit whether or not they were in the wrong for trying to get back at their rude customers by pretending to get fired. They're either the hero that the retail world needs, or they took it too far!

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