Thursday, November 26, 2020

Woman Trains Cousin's Terrible Kids like Dogs

Having a family member straight up dump their kids on you is an unfair situation, especially when said kids are undisciplined little monsters. This person decided to do the best they could and broke out the M&Ms to condition these kids. Not everyone was so happy about it. For some more questionable parenting, here's a parent who blamed the teacher for their kid not being in virtual class.


Text - r/AmItheAsshole · Posted by u/throwawayAAAAAHHHHH 15 hours ago 24 12 14 3 14 4 AITA For keeping my promise of training her kids like dogs if/when my cousin dumps them on me? I'm sorry if the title isn't accurate, I can't think of another description to describe the "training". My cousin Amy (25F) has (6M) twins and has a nasty habit of dumping them onto relatives to babysit for the entire day without any warning or regard for their time. I (27F) have a very strained relationship with her


Text - When she initially gave birth to them, she teased me that I'll have to take on babysitting duty from now on. I'm no good with kids, so I remarked to her that if I ever have them, I'll train them, not babysit. She brushed me off. The kids now are hella destructive and loud. Pulling out stuffing inside furniture, holes inside walls, smashing anything glass and porcelain, screaming louder than a fire alarm, you name it. When it was my first turn to deal with them, I immediately walked with t


Text - Soon enough, every time the kids were dumped on me, they went with my guidelines and behaved. Whenever I say sit, they sit at the table. When I say stay, they don't leave that spot, etc. Two days ago there was a party planned with the whole extended family (I know, pandemic. Didn't want to, but mom insisted) and I grabbed the M&M's since the twins were there. Arrived, twins were being so destructive (an entire tray of food was spilled) that all the adults had enough and yelled at Amy to c


Text - Halfway through the party, every time something similar came up or they just weren't behaving, I was the one able to calm them down. When Amy saw what I was doing, she got angry and started yelling at me about how her children aren't animals and that I shouldn't be giving them so much candy anyway. I told her that I'm their aunt, not their parent, why am I the one disciplining them? Isn't that her job? She screamed the same argument at me and since she's their mother, to stop giving them


Text - I repeated that she's their mother, and just sat in the living room watching it all unfold. At the end, Amy blamed me for them turning out this way. The other relatives she dumped them on (a majority) disagreed, but when I told a friend about the situation, he told me that the training I did can really fuck up the kids mentally later in life. So, AITA?


Text - sammysmokess 22.7k points · 15 hours ago 4 2 2 e2 S 4 NTA this is hilarious


Text - Luna-Strange Partassipant [2] 10.0k points - 14 hours ago NTA. This is kinda funny. Shes not a good parent for not discipling them herself. You told her they would be trained. They where. At least they have a system for discipline


Text - Dutch-woman 6.3k points · 14 hours ago Yeah these kids are not gonna be harmed by you training them with m&ms. If anything, it should show their mom they are apparently able to control themselves. You do you, it's very smart and also hilarious. Also. I think you just might be their favorite aunt lol. Go girl! throwawayAAAААННННН 3.3k points - 14 hours ago Now that I think about it, that's probably why she kept dumping them on me after the first time. I don't even know if they get candy ou


Text - Majestic_Will3111 2.9k points · 14 hours ago NTA. If Amy doesn't like you treating them like "animals", maybe she should have come up with a better parenting strategy than just dumping them on other family members. They sound destructively out of control, too bad you're the only one who has come up with a solution


Text - blackpawed 2.3k points · 14 hours ago NTA. You should try clicker training ( Clicker Training Your Dog in 10 Simple Steps O) which would eventually remove the Candy, much better for their health! And seeing as they are such high energy, consider Agility Training - fun for all involved!


Text - Competitivelecture5 309 points · 14 hours ago NTA. You've proven the kids can be taught to behave. Your cousin just lost her go-to line when she lets the twins run wild. At least she won't dump the kids on you again...


Text - Techsupportvictim Partassipant [1] 275 points - 12 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago ESH. Training kids like animals really isn't cute or cool. But she seems to have assumed you exist to be a free babysitter and she doesn't discipline her kids.


Text - alicesheadband Asshole Aficionado [11]] 169 points · 10 hours ago I mean... this is just amazing, but your friend is right. This kind of training where people only behave decently if there's a reward then misbehave again if there's no reward is great for a dog, terrible for humans. If you've ever watches Parks and Rec, there's a female character who goes around saying "money please" and breaking things if she doesn't get money. That's the end result. So, was this story good? Absolutely! S


Text - anOn3mou5 65 points · 13 hours ago As a zookeeper and a parent I love this. I taught my son to do his own laundry with positive reinforcement. Used m&ms for teaching him colors, shapes, alphabet letters and numbers. NTA. What you're doing isn't going to harm them and is infinitely better than your cousin's idea of "parenting"

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Tagged: candy , wtf , drama , kids , parenting , lol , training , family , train

Cringey Mind-Tyrants Who Tried Too Hard to Seem Smart

It could be because they're insecure. It could be because they just don't care. For whatever reason, social media is absolutely riddled with people trying to prove their own massive IQs and bustling brains. Mostly it comes off as a bunch of unnecessary hairsplitting, ridiculous boasts and ruined jokes. That's the way of the land for cringey brain lords trying way too hard to seem intelligent. It's hard to ignore those mistaken brain lords.


Bat - OMG It's an angel DO 2.2K 137 Comments 630 Shares O Like Comment A Share No. Their brain isnt evolved to have sense of religion and afterlife, marked by some act like burial and making humanoid shaped art. They simply dont understand what they dont understand and dont make any assumption to explain certain phenomena. Like Reply 57


Text - did I use 'meme' correctly? I do not know much about these things! but I have read Richard Dawkins' Selfish Gene, where he first introduced the term! and apparently it is now used colloquially to refer to image macros and jokes? I do not understand how lower IQ people function, but it is fascinating I would like to continue to learn from you people! 11:16 AM >>


Font - A Sagacious pundit of discursive soliloquies, That are at odds with my natural aesopian dispositions, Depending on the vicissitudes of the moment. Cake day A November 13, 2017 Karma *-70 FOLLOW CHAT MORE OPTIONS


Text - People who know me well often try to remind me that l'm SO SO SO SO much smarter than the #2 person in the room, and that I should just let disabled people be disabled people, because it isn't worth my time. My dad drilled it into me before he died that anyone under a 140 IQ is like a different species to me. Maybe this is why I can't get a job. I'm hated for being smart. 3h Like Reply


Text - I love this and all her content but damn the way she says "reconnaissance" just rustles my Jimmies Add a public reply... G'day, The Word is FRENCH... Your Arrogance and Hubris are only overmatched by your overweaning Provincial Ignorance. There there, ye poor silly Yanqui from DimDamnDumPhuckistan... Such is Life, Have a good one... Stay safe. Ciao !


Text - Replyingt Here's the thing, I have a Political in Science degree and almost became a lawyer. You DON'T want to have a Constitutional discussion with me. I literally have pocket Constitutions strewn about my house. Stay in your lane. 5:50 PM · 11/10/20 · Twitter for Android 10 Retweets 313 Quote Tweets 62 Likes


Text - Tweet ... Its honestly boring to be so smart and understand everything 12:08 am · 14/11/20 Twitter for iPhone 226 Retweets 24 Quote Tweets 2,005 Likes


Text - Tell me, what does your job entails? NOVEMBER 13, 08:52 PM teach kindergarten. I feel like that's pretty self explanatory NOVEMBER 14, 06:15 AM Huh, my job is quite complex, though I'm used to the endeavors involved. It entails a highly strategic and analytical approach in terms of contract securement. Lot's of travels cross countries, hiring and purchase of tele wares as well as sub engineers for telecom organizations. It's huge, just like it's revenue though, lol. So how're you doing to


Text - ... 15m · O I am not sure how anyone can believe it is statistically possibly for a president to win w/a perfect 270. The way the electoral college is divided throughout the states such. People have advised me I need to be using critical thinking. Pretty sure that is critical thinking. 4 Comments O Like Comment A Share


Text - sy The cg actually looks super real 4 d 130 likes Reply Hide Replies cgi. Cgi stands for computer generated imagery. That's like saying wow the computer generated looks so good. It burns my brain cells seeing comments like your 1 d Reply


Text - 11.15 Quora Open in App Sign In Originally Answered: is it bad to hate stupid people? There is a very good reason far more literally intelligent and GENIUS people like me hate stupid ppl. Not just because they are a literal waste of my time, effort, and money, but also because stupid people tend to be IGNORANT, DELUSIONAL, DISCRIMINATIVE, HATEFUL, PHYSICALLY VIOLENT, AND TERRORISTIC. Violence is less prevalent in highly intelligent beings, because they know it is evil, a waste of time, an


Text - • 17h no need when you already won PRESIDENTIAL RACE POLL NORTH CAROLINA KANYE WEST (BRO) DONALD TRUMP (R) DEEZ NUTS (I) 40% 38% 9% PUBLIC POLICY POLLING /MARGIN OF ERRO +ALT 10 2749 1,258 That's photoshopped. 8:42 PM · 10/17/20 Twitter for Android 4 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 99 Likes


Text - Replies 1•2 days ago "Not everything is about ease" Me(14): No I'm pretty sure it is 回1 Add a public reply... 2 days ago For context I know python programming and I automate just about everything I come in contact with ...


Text - · 1h Yeah, i read all 7 Harry Potter books at the age of 2 Reply 1 -14 + i memorized the dictionary at the age of 2 months. + 6 + • 1h Um, i don't want to be mean, but i was serious 1 -15 +


Text - 1h Thanks, I hate it. Reply 1 79 + 9m you must be an insullurious cretin if something so benign bothers you. pretty cringe, dude. 1 -5 +

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Wise, Helpful, And Necessary Life Pro Tips

Many of us could've avoided an unimaginable amount of self-created suffering and emotional turmoil if we'd just been given a good old instruction manual for how to navigate this crazy thing called life. Well, throwing together a fresh batch of life pro tips might be the next best thing. You might find a large number of these to be pleasantly enlightening, and helpful in resolving whatever kinds of life conundrums you might be caught up in the middle of. 


Text - r/LifeProTips u/VT_Forever • 18d + Join 1 34 O 5 3 12 VOTED VOTE 3 LPT: For people starting a new job. If a task typically takes someone ~~3.5 hours and you can get it done in 1 hour, don't turn your task in right away - wait about an hour. If your manager(s) discover how productive you really are, they will quickly overwork you without proper compensation. Careers & Work 91.4k 3.1k ↑, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/AshleyVille77 • 26d 1 1 2 48 100 53 S 47 34 65 1 2 LPT: Ask yourself "what does it matter to me" the next time you find yourself judging someone for their clothing, interests or hobbies. The more you train yourself to not care about the personal preferences of other people, the more relaxed and nicer you become as a person. Social 88.5k 1.8k 1, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips u/m77w • 19d + Join 13 2 41 8 3 5 6. 3. VOTED 3 VOTE LPT: Know you're about to get fired? Then for heaven's sake don't throw your resignation in first in one last show of defiance. The meeting where they let you go is your chance to extract a great severance package and positive references. Employers want a clean departure-don't make their life easy. Careers & Work If things have gone sour but you think they're on shaky ground, hold your nerve and stay the course. Your futur


Text - r/LifeProTips Join u/askreddithoe • 12d 11 35 O 8 1 S 4 LPT: If you're around 12-15 listen to as much music as you can cause the music you listen to during those years will stick with you for life and the feeling of going back to those songs when you're older is quite euphoric. Arts & Culture 82.4k 2.5k 1, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips u/rigelhelium • 20d + Join 13 2 30 e 15 S 8 VOTED 2 VOTE 4 LPT: If you roommate ever cooks a meal and lets you eat it with them, do all of the dishes unprompted. It's polite, shows respect for the work your roommate put into it, saves them the hassle, and makes them far more likely to do so again in the future. Cooking for them later would be a good idea. Edit: I was the cleaner in this case, I'm not a passive- aggressive poster. It's more of a "Hey there! Found yourself in


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/thirteenthdoor • 15d 46 O 8 3 11 10 11 1 VOTED VOTE 3 LPT: Anytime you feel bad about not reaching out to a friend in a long time, just remember that they also havnt reached out in an equal amount of time. Social 73.9k A Q 1.7k 1, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips Join u/TeleportingBackRolls • 12d 33 e 10 3 10 12 LPT: DON'T be on your best behaviour on a first date. DO be your normal, everyday, relaxed hanging-with-friends behaviour. You want the person to like you for who you actually are, not who you are pretending to be. You will save yourself a lot of wasted time dating people who only like the fake you. Social 68.7k 1.5k ↑, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips u/karacold • 15d + Join 34 2 6 S 3 VOTE LPT: When you have a 3 day weekend, do all of your chores (laundry, cleaning, homework, projects, etc) the night BEFORE your 3 day weekend begins. You may have to stay up late that night but you'll thank yourself later when you have 3 full days to relax. Home & Garden Edit: Wholy crap I didn't realize it'd be this big of a response...I get it for all of you that have kids (I do as well he's just a lil one so l'm not there just yet haha


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/mr_Ded • 28d 4 E 16 W1 2 34 N 1 O 18 3 20 10 E 14 1 LPT: If you catch yourself thinking about the past remember: It's OK to look back just don't stare Miscellaneous 64.0k 938 ↑, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips u/HSrandom420 • 13d + Join 17 33 e 12 3 8 1 LPT: Don't compare your current life/ financial/career situations to others. Compare it to your past self, and evaluate how the personal decisions you've made have impacted your circumstances. Careers & Work 57.5k 1.0k 1, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/frustratinbubble • 5d 1 7 2 19 10 3 7 7 LPT: Most people will bend over backwards to help you learn about a topic they feel passionate about. Social I've found this most useful when starting a new hobby. I usually just find someone that already knows what they're doing and get a brain dump from them. Its kind of amazing what people will offer to do for you when you genuinely want to learn about something they find interesting. 54.6k 1.6k ↑, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips u/modestmolerat • 10d + Join 2 1 7 2 20 5 5 10 LPT: If you have an especially good experience with a customer service person, (in addition to a nice tip, if applicable) be an "anti-Karen" and ask to speak to their manager about what a great job they're doing. It makes the employee's day and can help them get promotions. Careers & Work I once had a manager who didn't like me that much, but the customers loved me and kept saying so, and now I have that manager's old job. Posit


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/kouignie • 27d 12 2 32 e6 3 LPT: If you get a gut instinct or someone makes you feel uncomfortable, follow it. Even if that person is super popular or "liked". Social 47.6k 1.6k ↑, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/adullploy • 26d 1 10 2 44 O 32 3 8 1 7 19 1 1 LPT: Tell loved ones about a particular location they can go and 'sit with you' after you've passed. Regardless of what comes after death, the location and feeling of closeness willI be comforting to them. Social 44.6k 721 |↑, Share


Text - r/LifeProTips u/m77w • 20d + Join 5 2 16 O 2 3 2 2 VOTE LPT: Gossiping about coworkers is one of the most effective ways to make yourself feel paranoid at work. Cut it out altogether and marvel as your anxiety levels plummet. Careers & Work 44.5k 1.0k ↑, Share


Text - 16 33 O 16 10 7 1 LPT: Instead of letting anxious thoughts go on and on with endless what-ifs, stop the first one with a 'If X happens, I will do Y to solve it.' It can help significantly to stop you from spiralling. Miscellaneous Basically, at the very least this may help you stop the thread from continuing. For example, instead of thinking 'l'm worried because l'm sick, and I won't be able to focus in that very important class tomorrow, and then I will fall behind, etc etc' think like '


Text - r/LifeProTips + Join u/EpicMangina • 24d 4 2 24 e 4 3 4 LPT: When greeting someone who just went through a difficult time say "It's good to see you" rather than "how are you doing", or "how's it going". This will avoid an awkward conversation they might not be ready to have, while feeling more sincere. Social 28.9k 240 ↑, Share


Text - LPT: Toxic positivity is totally a thing. Don't let the "good vibes only" people invalidate your feelings and life experiences. Social Don't feel like you can't even mention the negative aspects of your life for fear of upsetting someone. You lost your job, your grandma died, you're depressed and your job search is impacting your social life? It's perfectly normal and you should be able to discuss those "negative" parts of your life with the people close to you. Don't ever let someone inv

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The Weirdest Things Drive-Thru Employees Saw

Cars are a strange semi-private space, and they give people an extra sense of security to be weird. That makes it harder to work a drive-thru job where you spend all day leering into people's cars. Some customers are even looking to freak employees out, which has gotta make work a little rough. For more customer service stuff, here are weird things Walmart employees witnessed and some totally mindless things said by credit card customers.


Text - BoltzTV 25.3k points · 15 hours ago & S 2 92 I worked at a Tim Hortons and once saw an old lady with like 50 cartons of eggs in her car, I made a joke saying "looks like you could make your own breakfast" and she got real straight faced and said "oh honey those aren't eggs". Still have zero clue what else you would store in egg cartons... hillbilly_trash 16.5k points · 12 hours ago · edited 7 hours ago 24 e 3 2 Golf balls. I used to steal gold balls from a golf course water hazard and the


Text - NetDork 21.6k points · 16 hours ago e Someone pulled a gun on my brother because the salsa containers weren't completely full. You can get as many as you want for no extra charge.


Text - SanchezGeorge1 20.3k points · 13 hours ago · e 2 & 4 More I was working the drive-thru at Burger King edited 57 minutes ago in a snowstorm. Driver orders a coke with no ice. When I hand them the coke, they empty it a bit, break off a couple icicles hanging from the car, put in the coke, and drive off without saying a word.


Text - OozeNAahz 16.4k points · 15 hours ago Had a drunk guy come through drive thru. A cop car was in line right behind him. Told the cops about the drunk guy (he was blitzed and was going to kill someone). Cops said they knew as they were planning on pulling him over before he turned in and went to the drive thru. They decided they were hungry and decided to get food too before pulling him over. They stayed at the back window and had us give them their food first so they could follow him out.


Text - MomoPeachBear 15.1k points · 14 hours ago 3 Only worked drive-through for a year but the weirdest thing I saw was an alpaca in a minivan. They asked at the window if they could order some apple slices for the alpaca. I just gave them two packs on the house.


Text - Voiceisaweapon 12.2k points · 16 hours ago The entire car was filled with trash. Like legitimately up to ceiling in the back seat and up to shoulder height in the passenger seat. I was so stunned I nearly forgot to give them their food


Text - [deleted] 10.6k points · 17 hours ago 2 9 Had a customer come through with a giant grandfather clock in the back seat. The thing was so huge it was sticking out the side window, which just so happened to be on the left side of the car. Which meant dude couldn't get close enough to the window to reach his food and had to step out, cursing the whole time.


Text - _Junkstapose_ 8.9k points · 18 hours ago I used to see someone come through with a lifelike mannequin in their passenger seat. I asked about it and turns out they did it to use the commuter lanes on the highway (you must have more than 1 person in the car or cop a fine)


Text - intothepizzaverse 934 points · 14 hours ago I worked at Domino's and one lady used a hand crocheted blanket to keep her pizzas warm. Kept the blanket in the front seat and draped it over the boxes. I crochet, so I know how much work went into that blanket...


Text - Solenthis87 7.2k points · 18 hours ago My little sister used to work at a local Wendy's. A woman came through the drive- thru one day with either a pet or a service animal. That animal happened to be a monkey.


Text - partofbreakfast 5.6k points · 15 hours ago edited 10 hours ago A Two guys were hotboxing and decided to come to the drive thru. They did not stop smoking even when they pulled up to the window. I swear a cloud of smoke rolled out the window when they lowered it to pay. They offered me a hit and I politely declined.


Text - balancedroses 5.2k points · 15 hours ago a car pulls up, and all 4 people are just completely naked, just casually chilling.


Text - thekoonbear 5.2k points · 17 hours ago Does a naked man with bags from Burger King and Taco Bell already count as a "thing"?


Text - hondac55 4.8k points · 14 hours ago 2 2 4 This girl used to come through with like 3 dogs. I finally asked her, "do you have to feed these beasts?" And she explained that she just walks and grooms them. Well, one day she came through the drive through with like 15 dogs and she screams through the intercom "MY BUSINESS FINALLY TOOK OFF" and got a bunch of chicken tacos for them. Come to think of it...I think she may have been trying to flirt with me. Damn.


Text - salty-MA-student 4.7k points - 15 hours ago - edited 11 hours ago A woman drinking a tall boy of Budwiser. It was 530 in the morning at a Starbucks. There's also a guy that takes his 3 dogs for rides. They ride in buckled seats and wear goggles so the wind doesn't hurt their eyes. Edit to add: the lady drinking the beer was driving. Dont fucking drink and drive, guys.


Text - --Jester-- 3.0k points · 15 hours ago Story time! I was working the drive through at Carl's Jr. one evening as a very innocent 17 year old. It was pretty close to closing time, sometime after 10pm. A car pulled up and some slightly slurred speech said something I didn't fully understand, but I heard the word "food" and since it was the drive through it seemed like a safe assumption that they wanted to order food. It's not typical to ask if they can order food first, but I replied "Sure, g


Text - "Hold on a minute," I replied. I then walked back to where my manager was currently preparing their food. He asked if there was a problem and I said "Kind of...they need to talk to you. I'll wash up and take over for you here..." I'm pretty sure he picked up on my distress and didn't argue or ask any more questions. By the time I finished washing my hands he came back with a slightly annoyed look and told me I should just finish making their order and he would pass it out to them. I'm not


Text - penndawg84 2.8k points · 13 hours ago My gym teacher, drunk. He started eating the tacos at the drive through window. He was there for over 5 minutes, just eating. I saw him the next day in school, we both acted like nothing happened.


Text - damboy99 2.2k points · 15 hours ago There is one quy who drives a Herse. It was a car that ran well and he could afford it. So when a teenager pulls up to the window in his Herse you get a little shocked. I also saw someone with a chicken. Complete with a Harness and leash. It was cute.


Text - CanJohnEven 1.9k points · 13 hours ago Dude had a full on sex doll dressed up in his passenger seat. Sunglasses, dress and even a hat. I couldn't even tell it was fake until I asked for their order. Coworker and I looked at each other simultaneously and we both said "was that a sex doll?" This is in a "wealthy" area of my city as well so it was definitely a first.


Text - glucosa86 1.9k points · 15 hours ago Not really weird but... There was a very very large woman (no judgement) who would come through covered in sweat, I assume because it was summer and she didn't have a/c in her car. And she stored her money in her bra. So when she went to pay you'd have to watch her pull soaking wet cash out from between her boobs and accept it from her without flinching. It also made me laugh when people would come through in $500 cars with $2000 sound systems


Text - Akschadt 1.8k points · 12 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago, Not sure if it counts as something weird.. but I found out after marring my wife that she would go to a certain chick fil a location drive through almost every day before work.. turned out during the time she was going there I was working there and I ran the drive through 5-6 days a week and strictly In the mornings.. soo for about a year I saw my wife almost every day before I even met her... and didn't realize it till after being

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Scammy Tammy Wastes Seller's Time With Dumb Scam

Nothing brings the blood to a boil like realizing you've been led around by a scammer who is just out to waste your time, and trying to steal your money. Well, Scammy Tammy wasn't anywhere close to tactical enough to pull off whatever kind of scam she was trying to run on this seller. You've really got to feel for the seller too. They were just trying to make some extra money during a historically difficult time. 

Check out some more juicy scammer content, with this guy who beat a scammer at his own game.


Text - totally not scammy Tammy 0 NOV 9 AT 8:46 PM What is your best offe. Designer Tote Bag What is your best offer. Designer Tote Bag SAT AT 3:54 PM I'm sorry, didn't see your message until now. I still have it and can do 100 You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've seen messages.


Text - Okay thanks I have no problem with the price, I will like to know the present conditions of the bag as I'm getting it for my daughter as a gift, I will be paying you ex' 100 as the mailing fee to . okay I can just meet you somewhere for the exchange, where are you located? Im sorry i want it mailed to Louisiana and i will be paying you first via paypal


Text - Oh. Um, okay I guess. As for your question before the bag is in pretty good condition, just a few slight indentations which are barely visible and mostly on the bottom of the bag anyway What address should I send it to? Name: Tammy Address: City! State: Louisiana Country: USA Zipcode:


Text - Do you have an account with PayPal lemme know 9:49 AM I do. And the return address? I'll use yours so that if anything goes wrong with delivery it'll go to you instead of me Oh and l'll need your email to add you on PayPal All i need is your paypal email and name to make payment thanks


Text - Okay but i still need the return address Amd your PayPal email 5:58 PM Use your address And all i need is your paypal email and name to make payment I can't use my address, I'm couch surfing at the moment. The email is my email


Text - Any address of any trusted family or friends of yours who would get the package to her in case of delivery error will work Ok what is the name on the account ? my name 6:59 PM Full name Why?


Text - Send me an invoice to my email Tammy Dude I don't even know what an invoice is, I'm just trying to sell a purse. You have my Facebook and paypal info, you don't need anything else. Just give me a return address, l'll package it it and send you a picture. You can send me half the money. Then when I mail it l'll send proof that it's mailed and you can send the other half. Okay?


Text - Ok I'm done with the payment now Kindly check your email inbox/ spam folders now for the notification mail of my payment from PayPal It's not showing anything 11:46 PM


Text - I have already transfer the fund to your PayPal account and it has been deducted from my account you are required to get the item shipped out first and send them the tracking number to pay pal so they can verify and proof the shipment from you and once they receive the tracking number they will credit your account That's not how PayPal works. And even if it was, i would have received some kind of notification. Did you check your email inbox/spam folders ?


Text - Again, that's not how PayPal works, and you totally made that stuff up about tracking numbers and account credits. And you said the purse was for your daughter tammy, then gave me YOUR email with the name tammy in it. I'm trying to sell this stuff because the pandemic has me unemployed and i need the money. Real nice of you to try and scam people, especially during a crisis. Lucky for me you're terrible at it.

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YouTuber Demands Free Commissions, Gets Rejected, Makes Threats

For starters, this "big YouTuber's" credentials really seem like they could be nothing more than a work of fiction. On top of that though, they have the audacity to issue threats to this artist after being rejected. What is it with some of these "influencers" and their toxic entitlement that leads them to believe they can just pay for other people's hard work, with exposure? That ain't how it works. 

Check out some more choosing beggar insanity with this choosing beggar's insane list of nanny requirements.


Text - 1 message Commission Sat, Nov 14, 11:22 PM Hi! A friend recommended you and l'd like to commission two portraits of my dog and cat. Please let me know if you are still accepting commissions for Christmas? Sun, Nov 15, 7:21 AM Hi there! Yes, I am! What do you have in mind?


Text - Sun, Nov 15, 3:04 PM I'm thinking both of them in a dark background. I love that style of yours. Btw l'm a YouTuber with a big following and I can give you a a shoutout if you do the portraits for free 2 weeks before Christmas. What's the name of your YT channel? Why?


Text - Because I would love to check it out I'll give it to you once you complete the commissions. The faster you complete then the more sales you'll make from my followers. Sun, Nov 15, 3:25 PM So you want me to work on two commissions for free, for someone who supposedly has a big following but is afraid to give me his YouTube channel info? How many followers do you have?


Text - You are really questioning my credentials? I have over 800k followers. I actually don't like the way you're talking to me! I've had more skilled artist work for me for free no questions asked. Forget it. I'm not giving you my business anymore. Your loss. You're the starving artist anyway. There are lots of better artists that will do this type of deal in a heartbeat.


Text - Cool. Go to them then. F yoi! Your art sucks anyway. You could've had a great Christmas if you had been smart. I will put your username on 4chan and in my youtibue channel. Enjoy how my followers destroy you Sun, Nov 15, 4:04 PM Clown


Text - Sun, Nov 15, 10:47 PM Hey. Have you reconsidered? Mon, Nov 16, 8:59 AM Uh have you reconsidered paying? Mon, Nov 16, 10:22 AM FU

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