Thursday, November 26, 2020

Arrogant Employee Disrespects Coworker, Sneaky Petty Revenge Ensues

The moral of the story here is to never mess with the person who's responsible for preparing your coffee. If you do decide to go that rude and inconsiderate route, you'd best be prepared for some kind of fallout similar to this one. The barista absolutely had the power to ban the arrogant employee, but they decided to take things to extraordinarily petty heights instead. Wonder how long it took that employee to notice that the coffee wasn't giving them their desired caffeine rush. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/purplehairbabe • 23d + Join 1 E 3 21 @1 3 3 1 Touch my station? I'll make sure you never get caffeine again Hello reddit. First time poster to this sub, long time lurker. I'm on mobil typing this and I've had a few beers so feel free to roast me in the comments for grammar and such. So I work at a coffee shop 6 mornings a week. My shop is open 7am-12:30pm and I leave by 1pm. It's location within another business and it only takes one person to run so that's usually me unt


Text - So I have a few regulars who are employees from the business that that surrounds me. One morning NE from surrounding business is getting his usual drink and chatting with me as I make it. As we chat AE comes up to the counter. AE and NE start talking when, as a "joke" AE picks up some jars from my tea display as well as the scoops and "pretends" he's going to throw the tea at NE. I look over and tell AE to put it down and chastise him saying that now I have to toss the tea and re-sanitize


Text - coffee. After the tea incident every time he comes for coffee, when I feel he's the most tired, I'll give him decaf instead. This is my own secret petty revenge. NO CAFFEINE FOR YOU. Don't piss off the one who pours your coffee. Edit: Thank you for the award!! Edited misspell. Edit 2: Thank you so much for the silver!! :) Edit 3: Thank you all for the awards and comments, especially for the Gold!! 4 1.3k 3 121 1, Share

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