Thursday, November 25, 2021

What People Found Out from Private Investigators

Ever wanted to know things that you have no right figuring out yourself, or have no means of discovering? As it turns out, there are people who will follow people around and sift through records to figure that stuff out. Private investigators discoveries can span the shocking to the utterly banal.

Too Much Proof That Kids are Dumb and Weird

We all remember not knowing things, but sometimes we don't realize the absurd extents of our not knowing things. It's no mystery why kids are stupid and weird people; they just don't know how the world works. They do stuff until people tell them not to, and even then only some of them end up become functioning adults. Here are some more signs that kids are weird and stupid.

Yannick Bertrand's Groin Shot Heard Round The World

The year is 2007. Former Olympian skier Yannick Bertrand is competing in the super giant slalom when a post smacks him directly in the wang doodler, prematurely ending his run and also possibly his bloodline. How he remains standing is nothing short of a miracle. It also has commentary!

Russian Arctic Explorer Serenades Music-Loving Walruses With Accordion Concert

Who are we to draw assumptions about whether or not walruses thoroughly enjoy music or not? Because clearly, by the looks of this video, walruses absolutely love their tunes. 

Ominous Signs That Mean Serious Business

Hazards abound, and with them creepy signs that make their message clear. Sure it might seem gauche for a sign to literally tell you "lions eat people and you are people" but the real issue is why that sign needs to be there in the first place. Someone was probably being people way too close to the lions. The abundant threats of the world make it necessary to have spooky signs that are too dang scary.

Unexpected Problems Colorblind People Deal With

Perspective can change when you realize you've been taking something for granted. In this case it's interesting to think about how there are so many seemingly inconsequential things that color is used to indicate, like locked doors or plant health. It can be enlightening and pretty funny to learn about how everyone interprets the world, like this tumblr thread that appreciates different perspectives.

"Not My Job" Moments of Questionable Professionalism

Most of us pride ourselves on being at least halfway decent at our jobs. Sometimes things get forgotten, done too quickly, or done by exactly the wrong person. What we get are "not my job" moments of quality unprofessionalism. The world is populated with crap infrastructure, stupid signs, and painted over spiders because somewhere along the line someone said, "eh, not my job."

Tumblr Thread: 70s House Is Carpeted Geometry Salad

Times change, but some houses don't really. It's unclear who would want to live in this excessively carpeted homage to non-90 degree angles, but it has its own kind of charm. Would it be comfortable to live in? Probably not, but it's a spectacle and that's what counts. It's kind of like this unique house with multiple themed rooms.

Entitled "Influencer" Thinks Exposure's Payment

There's nothing quite like an obnoxious, impossibly entitled choosing beggar who thinks that their following on a social media platform is equivalent to offering a hard working artist the payment that their justly due. If this choosing beggar post got you going, check out some more entitled people with their childish demands over here

Tumblr Thread Goes Deep On Boromir's Death In LotR

We're no strangers to the wonderful, wandering minds of Tumblr going deep on different parts of the Lord of the Rings universe. Whether it's a post that honors the progression of the Elvish vernacular throughout the Lord of the Rings books, or another wild thread about how elves might actually be flat just never know what Tumblr's going to dish out next. This thread though, brings on all the feels. Boromir was a true legend. 

Absurd Medical Misconceptions Professionals Have Witnessed

On one hand, it's baffling that some really dumb medical patients refuse to pay close enough attention to understand how their own body works, especially in a life-threatening situation. On the other hand, since doctors exist, it makes some sense that regular people shouldn't be expected to automatically know everything about medicine. On the third hand, the reality that a grown adult might think their lost arm will grow back is as startling as it is disappointing. Wait, that's three hands. Well, case in point.

Dumbest Ideas People Had In The Middle Of A Crisis

Sometimes our brains short circuit when they're caught up in the middle of painstaking, stress-inducing conflicts. It could be the manifestation of some kind of fight-or-flight response. Who really knows? These people's recaps of their dumbest ideas during the middle of a crisis situation are certainly entertaining. 

The Many Frustrating Habits of People's Spouses

Relationships take work, but it's nearly impossible to stamp out every bad habit someone has. Living with someone who leaves lights on, never replaces toilet paper and opens a new bag of cereal even though there's already one open can seriously weigh on the psyche. For some spousal drama, here's a picky eater husband who demanded fancier meals and a constantly late wife who's only on time when lied to.

Painfully Embarrassing Moments People Witnessed

Being publicly embarrassed is almost an out-of-body experience. Failing to deliver a speech, overly delivering a fart, or just falling flat on your face in front of even one stranger can ruin a whole day. But when it happens in front of a thousand? That just makes you want to dig a big hole and sit in it until you're too old for anyone to recognize. Here are people's awkward moments of facepalming cringitude.

Tumblr Thread: People In Historical Clothing Get Mistaken For Ghosts

Yes, yes, yes, be the ghost encounter that you want to experience in the world. This quick and humorous Tumblr thread has people describing their experiences with being mistaken for paranormal beings solely because they were outfitted in clothing from way back in the day. Just picturing what kinds of fearful thoughts must've been racing through that poor cop's brain is enough to get some laughs rolling. Check out some more gold from Tumblr with these funny Tumblr gems unleashed from the depths