Thursday, May 5, 2022

Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers

Micromanaging obviously made the list, but why is having been only at the company your entire career on there?

Freaky Facts That Are Difficult To Believe

The known universe is a pretty big place. Maybe "big" doesn't even cover the massiveness. "Leviathan" might apply to like half of it, and maybe "insurmountably gigantic" would cover a lot of the rest. But within the most miniscule parts of habitable reality in which we find ourselves sleeping, going to work, and eating tacos, there are still what science would refer to as "oodles" of new things to learn every day.

And no, knowing more about scorpions and swords won't make you "smarter" per say, but it will provide a grander context to the physical world we're hanging our in. And waking up with a better idea of the world you walk on makes it at least a little bit easier to comprehend, even though learning more things often inspires twenty new questions. But hey, that's life on Earth.

Here are more of people's most fun, interesting and peculiar facts.

Bad-Tempered Girlfriend Starts Schism in Family, Protected By Passive Parents

Pet Store Karen Quizzes Random Teen on Animal Anatomy, Can't Fathom They Don't Work There

"Does it have testicles?"… the penultimate question that echos out into the space of recorded time. Who can be certain? Who here truly knows or has the answer? 

This Pet Store Karen (a distant relative of the Pet Shop Boys) certainly doesn't have the answer. We're pretty sure that she doesn't have the answer to much of anything in life, not that many of us do. But, whereas the rest of us are befuddling our way around our lives and trying to be the best to others that we can be, this Pet Store Karen has instead let her confusion fester into entitlement, hatred, and anger. Now she walks the earth in a fury, sustained by hatred alone like Darth Sion (any KOTOR fans out there?) 

This story was posted to Reddit's r/Idontworkherelady subreddit by u/Azurehue22, who the Karen in question accosted. They share this tale of their bewildering experience. Commenters responded with their questions and responses, others still shared similar experiences of their own.

Thumbnail Image: Bonnie Kittle

Cursed Images To Not Feel So Good About

Have you ever felt like things just aren't going your way? Like things feel a little off-kilter? Slightly awry? As if there's just not the right balance in your life? Well it could definitely be a lot worse. We could be living in a world of phantasmal off-kiltertude. A world where the Furbies are longer than they ever ought to be. A world where things just never quite fit together or match up.

Sometimes we don't realize how balanced our lives really are. And we need a reminder that things could be a lot more unsettling, usually in the form of blood-filled ticks and improperly positioned hotdogs.

So here are some more cursed, creepy and weird images from the abyss. Just in case you wanted to look at more milk-doused coins, beans in the wrong places, shoes covered in teeth and thumbtacks all up everywhere else. It's an aesthetic, but it's not really all that aesthetic.

Semi-Driver Blocks Shoulder-Driving Karen, Watches Her Crash Into Police Cruiser

In general, it's not a good idea to get in the way of a reckless driver. Using your own vehicle to block a road-raging Karen is a great way to get yourself mangled, and it's always best to let insane drivers use their own insanity to get as far away from you as possible. And in the event of an actual emergency, you can't actually know what's going on in someone's car that's making them drive like a lunatic.

But this time around, Karen was just being a Karen. She insisted that the shoulder was her own personal passing lane, and this semi-truck driver took it upon themselves to make sure she quite literally stayed in her lane. In her attempt to escape traffic, she ended up zooping right into a cop car. So technically, she did end up not having to sit in a traffic jam anymore, thus achieving her goal. It's nice when things work out for everyone.

For another slice of the Karen life, here's a person who watched a Karen ruin her own car.

Digital Marketing Specialist Fixes Critical Issues, Told to Unfix it By Micromanaging New Boss

There's nothing more satisfying than going above and beyond in your job and receiving no recognition for it. Even better is going above and beyond to fix a serious issue and then being reprimanded. That's exactly what happened to this digital marketing specialist when they resolved a critical issue (that the company didn't even realize existed.) Their unqualified new boss took it as insubordination and a challenge to their position and questioned the changes they had made. This was despite the changes showing obvious results. 

This story was posted to r/MaliciousCompliance by the digital marketing specialist, u/ernestomarord.

They shared the story and explained that the new boss's "micromanagement style" and criticism of their "critical thinking skills" eventually led them to a breaking point and caused them to leave the company. They are certain that the boss, who has no idea what they are doing, will fail without them there.

Oh, and before they left, they changed back the key changes that were being called into question. 

Read on for the full story and reactions below.