Monday, March 2, 2020

Twitter Thread: What Kind Of Rock Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson Is

Field geophysicist identifies what kind of rock that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is | Mika McKinnon @mikamckinnon FAQ: Is @TheRock igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary d be rude examine his texture, so consider his origin path. He's evolved under immense pressure, dramatically changed yet never shattered, and doesn't explode even provoked. Metamorphic.

This is no joking matter. No, not to field geophysicist, Mika McKinnon. She tasked herself with identifying what kind of rock Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is. She really delves into "The Rock's" various attributes and leaves no stone unturned. 

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Wild and Dumb Stuff Teachers Confiscated

Dangerous, weird and stupid things confiscated by teachers | Bubblykit 11.9k points 2 days ago 3 One my teachers took my yo-yo and tried do trick she "once knew" and smashed window.

Sometimes it was a normal thing that a teacher mistook for something else. Other times it was a living thing. Sometimes weapons, and other times just weird. It's strange to be an adult and realize how schools are just pure chaos with adults trying their best (sometimes) to keep things sort of in order. Here are people sharing the drama that became their school's "incident".

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Tagged: insane , Sad , crazy , school , wtf , teacher , stories , funny , stupid

Canadian Officer Hides A Motorcycle Behind A Pen

Everyone just play safe, and drive carefully. A solid video demonstration on how easy it is to miss seeing a motorcycle. 

Submitted by: (via WKRG)

Guy Can't See Germs, Says They're Not Real, Doesn't Wash Hands

This guy admitted on live TV that he apparently never washes his hands. He says he doesn't wash his hands because he can't see germs. So, based off of that, he doesn't believe they're real. Man, oh man. 

Submitted by: (via NewscastStudio)

Misfortune and Chaos that Derailed People's Days

Chaos, mistakes and moments of things going wrong.

Misfortune and failure is primed to strike at any moment. The ways it can hit are often cartoonish, like a melting ice cream cake or an exploding glass coffee table. Sure we can be careful, watch our steps and keep our noses clean, but that still won't stop chaos and its friends from entering our lives.

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Tumblr Thread: Jurassic Park Is A Timeless Treasure

Tumblr thread on Jurassic Park's crazy special effects.

This fun Tumblr thread dives into how Jurassic Park is a timeless treasure, with special effects that were way ahead of its time. Consider yourself warned, this might bring on a wave of pure nostalgia for the times of old. 

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Dazzling Retorts That Silenced Their Receivers

A collection of clever comebacks that left their receivers speechless.

We've got some fresh dazzling retorts that managed to silence their receivers, like none other. Sometimes people just put the right words together in such a way that whoever is receiving the comeback is just left speechless. 

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Lighter Conspiracy Theories People Believe Mostly for Fun

Fun conspiracy theories

Let's face it, most of us are too paranoid for our own good. We make up stories and wild explanations for even the smallest things in our lives. Most are outlandish and are more an exercise in creativity, but some of these conspiracy theories seem to make almost too much sense.

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Dumpster Fire Of Failed Movie Pitches

Twitter users share their funniest failed movie pitches.

We've assembled a fine collection of failed movie pitches that simply didn't make it past the pitching process. Sometimes what seems like a great idea at the time is anything but that. But hey, you never know if an idea is truly not worth seeing through until you go ahead and pitch it. Poor Seth Rogen got shut down hard with that R-rated Care Bears pitch. 

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Entitled Folks Who Made Wild Demands

Entitled selfish people who made absurd demands.

Doing any kind of formal or informal business is stressful enough, but these kinds of folks really push it over the edge by being inconsolably rude while making totally irrational demands. These entitled fools are a wast of everyone's time, and they don't seem to understand that. For example, this absurd lying stranger won't pay for a rug and thinks that they've won.

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Tagged: horrible , wtf , FAIL , annoying , lol , entitled , rude , awful

Karen Melts Down Over Air Pods Gift

Karen freaks out over Air Pods gift and wants them exchanged for the Air Pods Pro.

Karen is not okay, you guys. She's in the middle of a devastating meltdown regarding a gift of Air Pods to her kid. Apparently, Karen's standards are such that the only acceptable gift for her kid is a pair of the Air Pods Pro. She wants to make sure the other kids at her kid's school are impressed. And she wants this while she uses the Air Pods at yoga, for herself. Nice, Karen. 

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Choosing Beggar Can't Grasp Meaning Of A Deposit

A choosing beggar can't seem to grasp the meaning of what a deposit is.

This case of a choosing beggar refusing to accept the reality in front of them, involves not wanting to pay for a deposit they put down. Even better, they won't wrap their mind around the fact that the deposit is there in case people flake on showing up in the first place. This is gold all around. 

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Stolen Cupcakes Sparks Beautiful Revenge

Pro revenge taken by guy who works in the IT department.

When will people ever learn to not mess around with the IT guy! This guy was just trying to enjoy a couple cupcakes, and someone else let their greedy desires take priority over what had been graciously left for him to enjoy. 

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