Tuesday, January 5, 2021

"Upstairs Neighbors Robots" Are Hilariously Terrible

Skolkovo Dynamics. It's like Boston dynamics but with less budget and direction, but a lot more noise. We'll always have a soft spot for useless, noisy and horrible machines. Maybe it's because they remind us so much of ourselves. Either way, these things are a tour de force of crap. Is that a stick?

Submitted by: (via Infrared Alfred7)

DoorDash Driver Confronts Customer Over $8 Tip

At the core of this ridiculously cringeworthy tantrum from the DoorDash driver is the undeniable fact that she could've simply refused to drive that distance. You don't have to take every order that comes your way. But no, instead she makes the drive, and then pitches a full on fit about the tip not being up to her standards. 

Submitted by: (via Driver Man)

Skier's Coat Gets Caught Falling From Lift

It's one of those record scratch "how did I get here" moments that no one wants to find themselves in. This poor dude found himself hanging from a ski lift, to be caught in the waiting net of ski patrol, with plenty of inconvenienced strangers waiting for him to fall. At least it wasn't that high up.

Submitted by: (via Noah Wilson)

Guy Flips The Script On Lowballer Who Tries Selling Bootleg Uggs

At first it seemed like the typical tale of a dude asking for too good of a deal, getting rejected and slipping away into the night. Then the prospective buyer tried contacting the PS4 seller again in an attempt to sell his own wares, bootleg tracksuits and Uggs. It turned into a convenient opportunity to get the last word in. The lowballers of the world set themselves up for failure often, like this lowballer who didn't understand lowballing or this entitled lowballer who got sent to the wrong address.


Text - ttm Sustem- 1TB Gold · $300 Label Chat Mark as Sold Ps4 Slim System- 1TB Gold Joined Facebook in 2017 ADD PEOPLE See Latest Updates Is this still available? Message Sent Yes, it's available.


Text - $225 No thank you e Lowest $290 Really not wanting to take less than the $300 I'l do $250 if u bring it to my job.everybody want 250 but I like yours better. Just think u giving my kids a present man.that shud soften your heart man No thank you


Text - Its Corona time.and things are hard brother I hear that man Man $40 is not gonna make or break u... Not trying to be rude, but I could say the exact same things ya know? Thanks for looking, but again, no thank you.


Collection - Anybody doing last minute shopping let me know How much?


Text - Outfits $80 boots $100 $40? I know of all people u ain't talking...I have giving parents outfits for free..can't even count how many times.but my blessings not coming from u... $40 shouldn't make or break it, times have been tough ya know?

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Infuriating Double Standards People Can't Stand

We live in a culture that at least claims to be sort of merit-based, fair, or at least fair-er than others. That said, we all have to deal with glaring double standards when it comes to work and relationships. Life is unfair, but a lot of this unfairness sure seems like a bunch of BS. Sometimes the unfairness we find ourselves in dips into the absurd, which produces memorable "screw this, I'm out" moments.


Text - Jetpack-Katt 59.6k points · 16 hours ago O & 4 4 4 & 4 More The employee should give two weeks notice, anything else is unprofessional. But the employer will actively obscure their intentions until the very last minute. TheRavingRaccoon 32.9k points · 14 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago 3 & 5 More I trained my replacement once, who had been introduced to me as my assistant, so obviously I wanted to teach them the job properly. I came into work after my weekend and was called over by my bos


Text - Iammeimei 47.2k points · 14 hours ago 6 2 S 6 & 2 More If you always arrive to work late you're in big trouble. If work never finishes on time, "shrug, no big deal."


Text - CupofTuffles 35.1k points · 18 hours ago 2 3 82 Business should do whatever it takes to get ahead, but if the employee tries to make their life better, or find a new job, they are lazy and ungrateful.


Text - rizzo1717 29.3k points · 13 hours ago 45 2 4 3 3 3 & 3 More If you owe a company money, you will be charged interest/late fees/service interruption almost immediately after the due date. If a company owes you money, you might see it in 4-6 weeks/2-3 billing cycles


Text - izeil1 26.4k points · 16 hours ago 32 8 3 When I leave a job, I'm generally expected to give 2 weeks notice so the company isn't left without essential things being done. When a company decides to let me go though? No warning to start putting in applications or saving more money. You're just gone. Total horse shit.


Text - Cat_Lady42 20.5k points · 16 hours ago · edited 3 hours ago 2 4 23 3 3 E 4 I wish I could spend one day talking to my mother the way she talks to me. Sniping at her over every mistake, shouting her name from across the house and expecting her to drop everything and come talk to me, dismissing anything she says that I don't agree with by just saying "no" with no actual argument and expecting her to drop it.


Text - eeyoremarie 20.2k points · 16 hours ago 5 2 3 2 A woman with her kids is "taking care" a man with his kids is "babysitting"


Text - PandaChef97 18.9k points · 16 hours ago · edited 11 hours ago O2 3 e & 4 More Rich people can abuse the system and no one bats an eyelid eg large companies with taxes etc. But when poor people do the same they are met with absolute hell fire from those above them


Text - surebegrandlike 16.8k points · 17 hours ago · edited 4 hours ago 6 2 & 6 More Why do men get pockets big enough to hold all their shit and women get fake pockets sewn shut or a fucking micro pocket Is it too much to ask that I don't have to carry around a satchel like a peasant?!


Text - steamshifter 91 points · 12 hours ago When a guy breaks the hearts of multiple girls, with complete disregard for them, he is a chad and a player. But when I do it, I'm a bad heart surgeon.


Text - dbadefense1990 14.6k points · 13 hours ago Banks/businesses can immediately withdraw money from your bank account (and apply all their disgusting fees). But for banks/businesses to give you money, you "have to wait 7-10 business days for the funds to appear."


Text - Devistator 10.8k points · 13 hours ago Those romantic comedies with the cliché beautiful and smart woman married to the dumbest fuck of a guy who is lucky to have her. Swap the roles and see people flip out.


Text - some_personn 10.7k points · 15 hours ago 2 2 S 2 E Cigarette butts. They're not biodegradable and it's a fire hazard. We have issues with coffee cups, plastic bottles, etc, But we're totally fine with cigarette butts. If you're a smoker, make sure it only hurts you and nobody else.


Text - littlebeefidiot 9.5k points · 13 hours ago 3 2 & 5 More Probably a bit late and will get buried, but the one that probably affects me the most directly is that idea that if I have my kids out with me alone, I'm either some miracle from the Heavens "doing Gods work" (a stranger actually said that to me), or hearing the "Awww, is it Daddy's day to babysit?" FUCK YOU KAREN I'M THE STAY AT HOME PARENT AND IT'S NOT BABYSITTING WHEN THEY'RE MY FUCKING KIDS! Mr. Mom came out in 1983 and I still


Text - Text - NatureNut70 5.6k points · 16 hours ago Wealthy people don't seem to be accountable for white collar crimes like poor people who commit petty crimes. Wealthy people get huge tax breaks and can spend more money on themselves or invest to make even more. Investments are taxed at lower rates so people that can afford to invest make even more. Meanwhile those at the bottom get no wage adjustments for inflation while the cost of everything else increases from inflation. Benefits and pens


Text - Text - EclipsedByShadow 6.7k points · 14 hours ago 2 2 92 S2 Someone can treat you however they want and nobody says a word,but the minute you say anything back you're the villain. It makes me sick!


Text - Text - Hebshesh 7.0k points · 14 hours ago I'm a straight male. I went to a gay bar with some gay women and their straight married women friends. One of the straight women was being basically sexually harrassed by another gay woman there, to the point of being chased around the table, all the while saying she was married to a guy and she wanted nothing to do with it. The whole bar was laughing. If I did that to a woman in a regular bar, I'd get my ass kicked, thrown out, or arrested.


Text - Text - sayacunai 5.0k points · 13 hours ago · edited 1 hour ago 42 2 @2 S 2 Dogs can bite us but we can't bite them Eta: I know you can bite a dog. Please, my inbox can only handle getting the same message so many times.


Text - Puzzlehead-Engineer 4.1k points · 14 hours ago Playing video games is a waste of time, unproductive and you should be ashamed of doing that in your free time if you're older than 18, in fact you're immature if you do. But reading a book, watching TV/Netflix, going to a bar/club/etc, is completely fine and encouraged for all ages (well except bars and clubs). Why the hell do people despise video games specifically with such a passion? "You're playing games when you could be something produ


Text - Pseudonymico 4.1k points · 16 hours ago Clothes from the women's section fall apart after six months. Meanwhile I have a 15-year-old shirt from the men's section that I still wear.


Text - PTSDaway 4.1k points · 17 hours ago Women rarely get complimented for the things men get complimented for. Assertiveness, accomplishments, basically any intentional act. They'll be passed on as bitchy, tryhard and overachieving. The compliments women get - are compliments men rarely get. Being told that certain characteriatics about their personality makes other feel good, appearance compliments. This is absolute fuel for who has it worse. I know. But there is no lying in that both sides,


Text - Sethor 3.1k points · 17 hours ago S Know a lot of gaming knowledge and lore? OMG, what a geek. Know every member of every Super Bowl and World Series winning team? What a cool guy!


Text - Jim2718 2.5k points · 13 hours ago Baking is for women. I love watching baking shows and seeing the creativity. I was recently inspired to make a father- daughter pact to bake something with my five-year-old daughter at least once a week. Next weekend, I am teaching her to make a checkerboard pattern cake (teaching myself, too). Last weekend, we made homemade bread, and she has been asking for a slice of that bread with every meal until now it is almost gone.


Text - The_ranting_spider 2.2k points · 17 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago If I'm in a movie and I ask for beer, I get one. If I order a beer in real life, the bartender will condescendingly ask "Which one".

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Customer Changes Phone Password, Thinks Phone's Dead, Asks For Manager

Man, you've really got to hand it to the tech support employees of this wild world. They're really out there on the frontlines, weathering all kinds of profound stupidity. In this case, we have a tech support employee dealing with an irritated customer who is convinced that their phone's dead because they changed their password, and then the phone wouldn't charge. I mean, really, where do you even start with something like that? 


Text - r/talesfromtechsupport u/E_n_z_z_o• 17d + Join $1 61 2 2 i changed my password and my phone died. what did you do to it??? Short I work in the Technical Support call center for a major smart phone manufacturer and I received the following call last night. C = Customer H = Customer's Husband M = Me %3D M: thank you for calling major phone manufacturer, my name is OP, how can I help you?


Text - C: this morning I changed my password and now my phone won't charge. I've tried several different charging cables that all worked yesterday. What did you do to my phone? M: i'm sorry to hear that your phone isn't charging, have you tried holding the power button for 10 seconds? C: yes and it won't turn on. It's completely dead. What did you do to it? M: I assure you I didn't do anything to your phone. I am sorry that this happened. I'd be happy to set up service for you to have the phone


Text - C: it can't be a coincidence. It was working fine yesterday, and now the phone is dead and it won't charge. Why did you ruin my phone? M: two things can happen on the same day and have nothing to do with each other. Imagine: A person who had never drank any coffee in his entire life wakes up one morning and decides to have a cup of coffee. He leaves the house and while crossing the street he gets hit by a bus. Did drinking coffee cause him to get hit by the bus? C: What is your name? M: I


Text - H: what does Coffee have to do with anything? M: I don't mean to be rude, but that's exactly my point. Coffee doesn't have anything to do with a bus, and your password has nothing to do with your phone's battery. C:I want to speak to your manager. M: Sure, hold please. I then transferred the call to my supervisor and explained what had happened on the call. He had a good chuckle and took the call. Have a good day everyone. 2.2k 143 1, Share

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History Memes Bursting With Knowledge

As a field of study, history is kind of weird. Whereas chemistry or math or biology all have pretty rigid definitions, many things can fall under the categorization of "history." History could easily be called "everything else that has happened." It's good to know some history, not just to get a sense of context, but also so you can get sweet history memes that are as good as books probably


Cheek - When the British don't give you the military promotion you deserve, so you form your own country and end up Commander in Chief


Animation - Luxembourg for literally all of its existence up until the 1960s Luxembourg as viewed today im ilip.com


Motor vehicle - When you finally get to Greenland and it's just a bunch of fucking ice Those bastards lied to me


Finger - Acknowledge the Armenian Genocide OR draw 25 UNO


Product - Germany Soviets losing 20000 tanks "Ahh call an ambulance!" Soviets coming back with 40000 more 5 months later "But not for me." made with mematic


Human - Getting shot Getting shot in game in cut scene


Carmine - Selling Alaska to the US because it's just useless The US finds oil tundra there


Human - A long, sad chapter of the drug war is brought to a close as investigators finally arrest Marijuana




Forehead - I'm that bad type Shish-kabobbing fad type Make the Sultan mad type Might avenge my dad type I'm a Vlaaaad guy duh


Organism - Ford: we were proudly founded by Henry Ford! Toyota: our founder was the visuonary Kiichiro Toyoda. Volkswagen: imgflip.com


Face - uklayb The Louisiana Purchase The land is now worth $1.2 Trillion Dollars and you offered me only $15 Million? France, I can explain The Alaskan Purchase Treaty of Guadalupe You offered me $7.2 Million for what is now worth $37 Billion You guys are getting paid?


Cap - France, I can explain. You are equiping your troops with gas maskswhile we canonlyafford helmets? 12of the Russian army The other 1/2of the Russian army Helmets?! We are onlygetting rifles You guysaregettingrifles?


Gun - AA12 years of designing and testing, making a rugged reliable automatic shotgun. Saiga 12 "Hey ivan let's make ak shoot shotgun boolets"


Text - When Disney, one of the most powerful companies in the world doesn't even have a private military INDIA Y Shame


Hot dog - How to use mustard? Google: Bing:


Organism - breaking up in person breaking up Over a text building a fucking church so you can get divorced


Face - Americans naming cities Europe "New [City Name]" Europe


Chin - Elephant's Foot (Chernobyl) ☆ The Elephant's Foot is the nickname given to a large mass of corium formed during the Chernobyl disaster in April 1986 The mass is quite dense, unyielding to a drill, but able to be damaged by a Kalashnikov rifle.! [21 Soviet problems require soviet solutions


Text - Neat, it's Sumer! They invented: clay Which they used to talk about: wheat they had a lot of fun


Human - Able-bodied young man in 1914-1918: *Exists* European governments: You'll be a soldier.


Forehead - WW1 generals when they lose 3700 men to gain 17 feet of ground Ah, victory.


Helmet - When some Belgian mining companies mess up the situation in Congo so you as an Irishman are under siege by French mercenaries in a small city in the Katanga region UN


Nose - Wanted to go What if You to Heaven That'll be $5.99 Aapa e the Rut pope said 2846


Arm - history the 300 Spartans the other 7000 Greeks the other 7000 Greeks


Green - 1609 1784 1863 1792 Virginia's territorial claims over the years. fishmech with your donations, we can reduce virginia even further


Chin - Teacher: today we will learn about the Korean war kid who watches M*A*S*H:


Finger - Acupuncture in different cultures China Japan Korea Macedonia


Bottle - United Fruit Company Democratically-elected Central American governments


Hair - Kingdom Age 曾 Empire Age OND 于


Finger - Ancient civilization making literally anything above caveman level Dumb fucks 百科事典 Is this aliens

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