Friday, February 18, 2022

Entitled Couple Loses Out Big-Time When They Sit on an Offer For Their House

There are those who don't know how good they have it, and there are those who think they have it better than they've got. This couple fell into the latter grouping. 

When u/IBSmeansnopizza was looking to move closer to his parents, he found a house that seemed pretty overpriced close to his parents. The signs were all there that the couple (showing their own home) might be challenging to deal with. The couple thought they smelled blood in the water when u/IBSmeansnopizza told them that he wanted to move closer to his parents. He notes that they must have assumed he was desperate. 

Their behavior after the viewing would ultimately lead to their downfall. When u/IBSmeansnopizza submitted an offer that they felt was fair, the couple took an entire week to decline it. The couple then refused to consider the follow-up offer as they "Hadn't even started looking for a house yet."

u/IBSmeansnopizza gave up and found another house. He then discovered that the couple's home was still on the market six months later...

Insane Choosing Beggar Demands $30 "For Her Birthday",

There's nothing like family and friends hitting you up for some cold hard cash. Something about lending money to people never ends well. The lending act adds new and tumultuous elements to the relationship that few can survive. 

As the age-old saying goes, you should never lend money to anyone that you can't afford to never see again.

This logic hits another level entirely when friends start straight-up asking you for cash, with no guarantee of a return payment.

This is what happened in the case of u/felsfels, who received a message from their high school friend sometime after graduation. She began asking u/felsfels for money, implying that all of their other friends were giving her money too "for her birthday."

When u/felsfels questioned her request, she responded that it must be because u/felsfels didn't have the money. The audacity…

u/felsfels further reported the following:

"I haven't spoken to her since high school. After this, she complained to one of my friends about me blocking her."

Also saying that,

"I laughed because I genuinely thought she was joking at first. It blows my mind."


What's the weirdest request you've ever received from an acquaintance? 


For more like this check out this Karen sister-in-law who wanted to assess her brother-in-law's boatfor her own personal use.

Director Tries to Leverage Secret Affair With IT Head in Order to Delete Evidence, Backfires Horribly

Imagine this scenario: 

You've been making terrible decisions at work that have led to a massive delay in your department's projects. You're convinced that your inexperienced opinion is more valid than your experienced, technically minded subordinates. When the day of reckoning arrives, you suddenly have made clear to you what everyone else has known all along: Your ideas were wrong and missed the point.

What do you do now?

A: Accept that you were wrong and eat humble pie.

B: Engage in an extramarital affair with the IT Director and attempt to use your relationship with them to eradicate all evidence of your poor decision-making. Leading the way for you to be able to pin it on a subordinate. 

I'd like to think that most of us are picking A at this point. But, if you've reached the point where you're even needing to make this decision, it stands to reason that you're not the best at making decisions in the first place. 


For more terrible bosses trying to mess with employees' schedules and vacation… Check out this one that tried to make an employee come in during their vacation which led to the employee taking a permanent vacation. 

Manager Forces Employee to Change Schedule, Immediately Rues Own Decision

Redditor, u/MisterBowTies, shared this story to the r/maliciouscompliance subreddit this week.

When they were working for a physical media chain, they were brought on board to help at a new location. This meant that they were still hiring all roles, so the District Manager hired u/MisterBowTies since the position of his direct report was still vacant.

 The District Manager hired u/MisterBowTies with the mutual understanding that he would have a narrow window of availability. But that narrow window would comprise the worst shifts in retail which are, consequently, the hardest to fill.

I used to manage retail and can tell you from experience that finding someone willing to work both weekend days and close regularly is like finding a unicorn. Particularly with the weekend days. Most positions are required to work one weekend day but finding someone who can work both is impossible. Filling these roles with part-time labor is essential when experiencing high trade volumes these days.

The trouble began when u/MisterBowTies' manager was hired on. She began to take issue with the fact that he had already predetermined his schedule with the district manager.

The issue wasn't the schedule itself. It was the fact that she couldn't control it.

She HATED the fact that I had a set schedule, not because I was needed at other times, I was working the least desirable shifts, it was because she didn't control it.

This would all come to a head when she tried to exercise her power over u/MisterBowTies by unnecessarily changing his schedule to one that was less profitable for the business.

Funny Tweets To Help Forget About Everything For A Second

Welcome to the future. We had a choice of two paths. One was a world of flying cars and free insulin. The other was a world with lightning fast, near instant communication and interconnectivity. A network of interconnected pipes that turned information into electricity and then back into consumable text. An "Inter-net" if you will. An inter-net that can send mail completely electronically. Like some kind of e-mail.

We chose the latter. And yeah, we might still be driving the same cars we were 20 years ago. And lifesaving medications that cost pennies to produce are being sold at wildly inflated rates for no benefit to most people, and also putting people on the street. Streets we wouldn't need if our cars could fly.  But the internet lets us complain about all of these things at lightning fast speed. So that's something.

Well, if you wanted to forget about all that stuff, here are some funny things people observed about the world, all funneled through this confusing cyber web, this mystifying "inter-net."

Here are some funny tweets to viciously unleash upon boredom.

People Share The Things That Their Spouse Does Not Know About

Open communication and honesty are important to any romantic partnership. That sounds overly simple and obvious, but sometimes it's hard to tell a person how you feel, especially when it's inconvenient. Now lies? Lies are the stitches that hold the Frankenstein of a relationship together. So like, that will work too. If you want a relationship that is so misshapen and unnatural that it staggers around while getting chased by pitchfork-wielding bumpkins, you can lie to your spouse for as long as you want. It'll be a cursed façade of the real thing, much like Frankenstein's monster, but it will "work."

At the same time, being completely brutally honest with people all the time can be tedious, boring, and at times mean. People like surprises, and a certain amount of careful dishonesty can be important if you want to make something exciting for someone. The right amount of lying lets people live their fantasy, which is sort of what you want for your loved ones.

And sometimes when it comes to not knowing things, people are simply willfully ignorant. Even when it comes to junk like "I didn't know that the thermostat costs money." That's frustrating.

If you're prepared to lie to your partner about something trivial, make sure it never gets found out, like this guy who lied to his wife about gummy flavors for 13 years until she found out.

Satisfying And Comfortable Images Of Things Fitting Perfectly

What can we say? It's nice when things line up. Neatness and tidiness are virtues that often get overlooked, and the satisfaction we get when viewing a perfect fit makes us feel complete. Maybe the allure of things fitting makes us think that there's order in the universe. Like it's a reminder that certain things were actually meant to be. For a moment, a mattress perfectly eclipsing a door frame makes us believe that everything might actually work out. It's a visual representation of completeness and control.

Maybe it's unhealthy to derive a sense of satisfaction from looking at a lemon in a cup. Or maybe it's just us being in the moment. Either way, boy is that lemon really fitting in that cup. Oh yeah, baby that's some sweet lemon-on-cup action.

Some of us don't care when things line up like this. Those people are wrong. And they probably need to clean their kitchen. 

For some more visual satisfaction, here are handsomely satisfying images of aesthetic perfection.