Friday, February 18, 2022

Director Tries to Leverage Secret Affair With IT Head in Order to Delete Evidence, Backfires Horribly

Imagine this scenario: 

You've been making terrible decisions at work that have led to a massive delay in your department's projects. You're convinced that your inexperienced opinion is more valid than your experienced, technically minded subordinates. When the day of reckoning arrives, you suddenly have made clear to you what everyone else has known all along: Your ideas were wrong and missed the point.

What do you do now?

A: Accept that you were wrong and eat humble pie.

B: Engage in an extramarital affair with the IT Director and attempt to use your relationship with them to eradicate all evidence of your poor decision-making. Leading the way for you to be able to pin it on a subordinate. 

I'd like to think that most of us are picking A at this point. But, if you've reached the point where you're even needing to make this decision, it stands to reason that you're not the best at making decisions in the first place. 


For more terrible bosses trying to mess with employees' schedules and vacation… Check out this one that tried to make an employee come in during their vacation which led to the employee taking a permanent vacation. 

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