Friday, February 18, 2022

Funny Tweets To Help Forget About Everything For A Second

Welcome to the future. We had a choice of two paths. One was a world of flying cars and free insulin. The other was a world with lightning fast, near instant communication and interconnectivity. A network of interconnected pipes that turned information into electricity and then back into consumable text. An "Inter-net" if you will. An inter-net that can send mail completely electronically. Like some kind of e-mail.

We chose the latter. And yeah, we might still be driving the same cars we were 20 years ago. And lifesaving medications that cost pennies to produce are being sold at wildly inflated rates for no benefit to most people, and also putting people on the street. Streets we wouldn't need if our cars could fly.  But the internet lets us complain about all of these things at lightning fast speed. So that's something.

Well, if you wanted to forget about all that stuff, here are some funny things people observed about the world, all funneled through this confusing cyber web, this mystifying "inter-net."

Here are some funny tweets to viciously unleash upon boredom.

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