Friday, February 18, 2022

Satisfying And Comfortable Images Of Things Fitting Perfectly

What can we say? It's nice when things line up. Neatness and tidiness are virtues that often get overlooked, and the satisfaction we get when viewing a perfect fit makes us feel complete. Maybe the allure of things fitting makes us think that there's order in the universe. Like it's a reminder that certain things were actually meant to be. For a moment, a mattress perfectly eclipsing a door frame makes us believe that everything might actually work out. It's a visual representation of completeness and control.

Maybe it's unhealthy to derive a sense of satisfaction from looking at a lemon in a cup. Or maybe it's just us being in the moment. Either way, boy is that lemon really fitting in that cup. Oh yeah, baby that's some sweet lemon-on-cup action.

Some of us don't care when things line up like this. Those people are wrong. And they probably need to clean their kitchen. 

For some more visual satisfaction, here are handsomely satisfying images of aesthetic perfection.

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