Friday, February 18, 2022

Manager Forces Employee to Change Schedule, Immediately Rues Own Decision

Redditor, u/MisterBowTies, shared this story to the r/maliciouscompliance subreddit this week.

When they were working for a physical media chain, they were brought on board to help at a new location. This meant that they were still hiring all roles, so the District Manager hired u/MisterBowTies since the position of his direct report was still vacant.

 The District Manager hired u/MisterBowTies with the mutual understanding that he would have a narrow window of availability. But that narrow window would comprise the worst shifts in retail which are, consequently, the hardest to fill.

I used to manage retail and can tell you from experience that finding someone willing to work both weekend days and close regularly is like finding a unicorn. Particularly with the weekend days. Most positions are required to work one weekend day but finding someone who can work both is impossible. Filling these roles with part-time labor is essential when experiencing high trade volumes these days.

The trouble began when u/MisterBowTies' manager was hired on. She began to take issue with the fact that he had already predetermined his schedule with the district manager.

The issue wasn't the schedule itself. It was the fact that she couldn't control it.

She HATED the fact that I had a set schedule, not because I was needed at other times, I was working the least desirable shifts, it was because she didn't control it.

This would all come to a head when she tried to exercise her power over u/MisterBowTies by unnecessarily changing his schedule to one that was less profitable for the business.

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