Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Dude Reloads Everyday Objects In First Person

Life can get sort of repetitive, and sometimes it helps to look at your empty toaster and think "can this be done better?" Lo and behold, we've got this guy reloading his smoke detector, his vacuum and more, complete with a HUD and complementary sound effects. If only we could do all of our household chores Call of Duty style. 

Yard Waste Service Jerks Guy Around, He Develops Well-Measured Revenge

The private yard waste disposal company decided that this guy should get a fine for having some twigs extending past the usual limit, so he decided it would be fair to take some days off and really push those dimensions to their maximum extent. We can only applaud the level of pettiness and focus it takes to do hours of yard work just to prove a point. For another tale of well-measured intervention, here's the grandpa whose mailbox loophole brought mail into the third dimension.

Comically Petty Reasons People Stopped Dating

Don't get us wrong, there are some absolutely terrific reasons people didn't go on a second date, but the weird thing about relationships is that sometimes a person being a completely psychotic mess might not be as big a deal-breaker to some as say, buttering corn on the cob the wrong way. Sure, something as small as liking Disney movies too much could be an indicator of a greater problem, but these people even didn't stick around to find out.

Shocking Failures From the Cringey Idiots of Social Media

These people are the "crème de la crème" or the very best that society has to offer. It's hard to believe where we would be without these people dragging down one end of the bell curve. Who knows, we might have even succeeded in colonizing the rest of the solar system at this point. There could be Astral Gates allowing us for quick travel amongst the planets and various routes to satellites and other colonized celestial bodies. Undoubtedly, there would be mysterious space truckers along these routes and dastardly bounty hunters making a living capturing outlaws on the run. 

I digress. Enjoy these idiots. May their shocking idiocy brighten your day.

Funny And Random Tumblr Gems Harpooned From The Deep

There's nothing quite like dissociating from your life for a few moments with the help of other people's errant thoughts and foibles, so why not take some time with a few ridiculous, random and stupendous Tumblr gems? The people of Tumblr can be consumed by anything from bees to Saturday morning cartoons, so naturally its a grab bag of observations and opinions. Seriously, these people will split hairs down to the follicle.

Wildly Rare Moments That People Witnessed

We've all had moments where we see something so cartoonish or implausible that we just know that almost no one is gonna believe us when we bring it up. The hole-in-ones and the royal flushes of the world often happen when there's almost no one looking, and we have to just hold on to those moments, brimming with anticipation for the opportunity to tell someone "dude I actually saw that in real life it was flippin' crazy."  Here are some rare and well-timed moments that went against the odds.

Betrayed Twin Disowns His Twin Sister When She Remains Friends With His Cheating Ex-Fiancée

There is a lot to unpack with this one and it's ice-cold on both sides. Ultimately, I'd tend to agree that this dejected twin is NTA for his actions. He has experienced a lot of hurt and expected his twin sister to stand by his side. 

Typically, when someone cheats and betrays someone on this level, you would hope that others would take a second look at their relationships with that person and reevaluate. Yeah, it sucks for the twin sister to have to lose a friend but she should lose that friend over this. That person betrayed someone that she shared a womb with. It should be goodbye. Adios. No second chances. 

I can understand that feeling of betrayal and what this guy must have felt when he saw that photo. His actions are ice-cold but well within reason.

It's always terrible to see rifts like this grow between siblings. Take these sisters who had a falling out when the elder sister wouldn't pay for her younger sister's grad school.

Girlfriend Steals Guy's $6000 Collection of Pokemon Cards, He Returns Two Months Later With An Update On the Justice Served

Well, all's well that ends well I suppose.

Looks like this guy, reddit user throwRAhelp577 has managed to get his cards back and justice has been served on the ex-girlfriend and her cousin. 

I can't imagine the feeling of having something that you have loved and cultivated so dearly for so many years suddenly ripped away from you. The collection of Pokemon cards may be valued at $6000 but let's get real here... The time and energy that went into creating that collection is irreplaceable and utterly invaluable. 

Here's to hoping that he sees his cards in the next few days and this can finally be put to rest!

Tumblr Thread: Sullen Caffeine Gremlin Inspires Tale Of Cosmic Horror

Being a barista has to be weird. You have the rare experience of seeing people before their first coffee of the day, which is to say, you see them when they're at their worst. And naturally, when you have to serve people who are still trying to deal with the fact that they currently have to reside in reality for the next 16-ish hours, the order get weird. These anecdotes gave birth to a more moody re-imagining of a particularly heavy coffee order. For more like this, here's alaughable Tumblr exchange that got turned into a comedic Shakespearean aside.

Tenant Outsmarts and Sues Parasitic Landlord Who is Trying to Steal $400, People Share Their Terrible Tenancy Stories

Well, that ended up costing him a little more than $400. He probably could have carpeted the entire room for the amount that this little maneuver ended up costing him. Although, I can't pretend that I am any sort of expert on how much it costs to redo flooring these days. 

Unfortunately, he's more than likely to just recoup this money with all the other BS reasons he's coming up with to keep other tenant's deposits.

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