Thursday, July 27, 2017

Millennial's Are Apparently Killing Every Industry and We Should Feel Bad

FAIL millennials funny - 2880261

The hilarious absurdity of this trend of 'blaming Millennial's' for everything probably more stems from these industries' inability to thrive in an economic downturn.  

The free market has spoken.

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Tagged: FAIL , millennials , funny

37 Truly WTF Images That Will Make You Squirm

wtf oh god why - 2882309

Proceed at your own risk. 

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Tagged: wtf , oh god why

Ruthless Woman Trolls the Shit out Of Facebook Scammer With Her Own Fake Identity

Woman with her own fake identity trolls the crap out of a Facebook scammer, and it's amazing.

Let's get a round of applause for the best case of trolling we've seen in a long time. Nothing quite warms our hearts like the scammer getting rightfully scammed. What a savage. 

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22 Memes You Just Can't Argue With

Memes You Just Can't Argue With

Wisdom delivered in the form of memery. 

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Tagged: FAIL , Memes , meme list , funny

22 Facebook FAILs From the Morons of the Internet

Facebook FAILs From the Morons of the Internet

Get these people off social media. 

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Tagged: FAIL , failbook , facebook

25 of our Favorite Utterly Brutal Mean Tweets

Collection of super mean tweets.

Most of these celebrities look genuinely devastate. Fair to say these insults were too, unforgivingly accurate. 

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Tagged: twitter , mean , insult


signs clever funny - 9058694912

Submitted by: (via z4ns4tsu)

Tagged: signs , clever , funny

48 of the Worst Parenting Moments People Have Witness In Public

People share stories of the worst parenting they've ever witnessed in public.

These terrible people give a whole new meaning to bad parenting. Hopefully they've since pulled their heads outta their asses, and started up with being good role models. 

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When You Fail at Life and Become a Criminal, But Then You Suck at That Too

15 Sexy Tinder Profiles That Are Shamelessly Direct About Their Dirty Intentions

15 hot and sexy Tinder profiles that are shamelessly direct about what they want.

Despite the app's almost prideful, continuous ridiculousness when it comes to bios, bots, and terribly punny/cheesy conversation; it still plays host to some unimaginably attractive women. Yes, women that'd seem to be using the app to cut out the bullshit, and shortcut straight to that wonderful animalistic desire that aggressively occupies us all (almost all the time)...SEX. These profiles were particularly shameless. 

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Not Ready For That Jump Whatsoever

10 Discouraging Idiots That Have No Grasp of Female Anatomy

Idiots that don't understand the female anatomy at all.

Apparently basic anatomy is real hard to get a hold on. 

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The Walkers Are Coming!

35 Blatant Times People Tried to Get Away With Pure Bullshit On Social Media

Collection of times people were blatant liars on social media.

True story bro, I swear...

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Woman Live-Tweets Horrific First Date With Massive Hipster Douchebag That Looks Like James Franco

Girl live-tweets terrible first date with massive hipster douchebag that claims he looks like James Franco.

"People tell me I look like James Franco."

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35 Funny Photos For the Dirty Minded

Funny Photos For the Dirty Minded

Give your brain what it wants.

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Tagged: sex , photos , dirty , funny

These Eight Brave Souls Dared to be Roasted

People asking to be roasted and getting what they asked for.

It's kind of a dreary Tuesday. Winter's kind of back and it's time to get warm. So cuddle up close to your internet-ready device and enjoy these eight warm roasts that'll keep you warm with blanket of laughs and some people getting roasted to a crisp. 

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Tagged: roast