Sunday, December 5, 2021

Sibling Memes For Those Who Never Got To Sit In The Good Chair

Having siblings is a learning experience. You need to learn how to pour more than one cup of juice totally equally. You need to learn how to not be creeped out by sitting on a pre-warmed toilet seat. You must navigate the hard road of not getting to sit in "the good chair." But with those hard lessons comes having some of the closest relationships people can have. For the parents, here are some parenting memes for the perpetually stressed.

"Not My Job" Moments and Unprofessional Design Choices

Our world is filled to the brim with unprofessional "not my job" moments. While they may be inconvenient to the users themselves, it is pretty funny to see a "storp" sign. And as much as we all want to get away with doing as little work as possible, some "not my job" moments and design fails are just too noticeable to not become a thing.

Escalating Feud Results In Dad Engineering Brother's Arrest

There are some family members who just should never live in the same town. Some personalities - family or not - just don't mix well with one another. On top of that, if you end up dealing with a particularly irrational individual like the uncle in this tale of a family feud, then it really ends up being a lose-lose kind of situation. It seems like the uncle was going to remain stubborn on not making the peace. If this story got you going, check out another pro revenge tale of this coworker who got fired for a workplace complaint, and then ended up coming back as the boss

Coworker Gets Fired For Workplace Complaint, Comes Back As Boss

This pro revenge tale is giving off some welcomed wholesome vibes. Some people in this world want the job, without having to put in the sufficient work. It's only a matter of time before they end up being served their rightful wakeup calls as a result. Check out some more revenge drama with this petty revenge tale about a dude who used fake mail to mess with his mail-stealing ex

Reasons People Absolutely Hate Their Neighbors

Some neighbors can end up being literal waking nightmares. It's like, one moment you naively assume that you're not living next to a complete head-case, and then the next moment you're pretty much ready to pack your bags and get as far away as possible from those nightmarish human beings. Hopefully none of these people's neighbor stories ring any bells. Check out some more of people's craziest neighbor stories over here

AskReddit Thread: Reasons People Noped Out Of Relationships

In this modern era with its wealth of dating apps, there are an unfortunate number of people that end up finding themselves seated across the table from waking nightmares that aren't at all like the people they presented themselves as on their dating profiles. If anything, an informative AskReddit thread like this can be helpful in terms of showcasing the red flags to keep a wary eye out for when you're dipping your toes in the dating pool. For another AskReddit list with a similar theme, check out this post about the embarrassing times that people missed obvious hints

Impressive Creations of Absurd Taste

Listen, no one is saying that a tattoo of Bobby Hill as Sailor Moon is inherently a bad thing. In fact, it can be done incredibly well. The real question people have is "why?" With enough artistic follow-through, any bad or weird idea can become a skillful creation of absurd taste. The world needs its hamburger dune buggies and armchairs with literal arms. They're impressive. They're also impressive creations of dubious taste.

Animals That Got The Photoshop Treatment

Photoshop has been around for a while, and for some reason seeing a pelican driving a car is just as wonderful now as it was the first time we saw that kind of thing. From the photoshop trolls of master James Fridman to the photoshop fails of everyday people, it's always nice to see what people can do with their minds eye and editing software.

Giveaways That People Are Pretending To Be Rich

The world already has plenty of genuine rich people that stink up the air with their gross displays of delusional entitlement. The last thing that we need tossed into the mix is a bunch of other people that are possessed by such haunting levels of insecurity that they end up insisting on pretending to be rich. Many of us have just enough awareness to be able to sniff out someone who is clearly putting on a front. Maybe these people's stories about their own experiences with encountering fake rich people will ring some bells. 

Jobs That Look Simple But Are Surprisingly Difficult

Different jobs come with different challenges, be they physical, emotional, or have you leaving every day with pants full of dirt. It's extremely easy to look at another person's profession and idealize it in your mind, but more often than not, the parts you get to see are just the easiest or most glamorous. These insider zookeeper secrets are a good example of the kind of behind the scenes crap everyone has to put up with. And of course some jobs are so ridiculous that people just quit on the first day.

Karen Gets Roasted to a Crisp on Facebook After She Does the Same to Her Pumpkin Pie

This Karen (Sharon?) is absolutely off her rocker. I mean, people try to blame companies for all kinds of crazy s@&* and the companies reaction is just a perfect example of how "the customer is always right" has gotten completely out of control. 

The responses are bloody brilliant and really all that needs to be said on this. We need to make sure to put people like these Karen's in their place.

Horrifying Toilets With Failed Designs That You Would Never Want to Use

We're truly sorry for subjecting you to these dystopian nightmares. These toilets are something that Orwell himself wouldn't be able to even dream up. 

I honestly can't remember if there are any references to the toilets in his works but if you try to imagine a bathroom from '1984' it would probably look something like this. 

Enjoy. You're welcome. Sorry.

For more design Fails... check this list out.

People Share the Things That We Really Need to Stop Romanticizing as a Society

There are definitely some things abound in society that we need to reevaluate. One thing that comes to the forefront of everyone's minds on this list is the romanticization of drug lords and serial killers. Maybe... just maybe... we shouldn't be romanticizing people who exploit and murder other people for their own twisted gains. There have been some things that left our society that maybe shouldn't have but we should definitely send these on the same path. 

But memeing 'Sad Pablo Escobar' is ok in my book. 

Worst Advice People Were Ever Given

Just because someone who is older than you or in a position of authority gives you advice doesn't mean that their "advice" isn't pure and unadulterated nonsense. Seriously, there's something hardwired into far too many folks that results in people deluding themselves into thinking they "know best" just because they've been kicking it on this strange planet for a bit longer. If your gut instinct is telling you that you just received some bad advice that you should never put into practice, then you should probably listen to that gut instinct. 

Delusional Boss Fires Woman For “Manifesting the Failure of Her Business” in a Joke Gone Wrong

I really feel like the boss should have consulted with the mystic beings and held a seance before jumping to such a rash decision. Maybe she should have just burned a little sage instead of canning her employee and sending her packing.

In the last week we've seen someone get fired for a 99 cent tea and now this. What's next?