Sunday, December 8, 2019

Service Members Share Their Worst Military Wife Stories

Service members share their worst military wife stories on an AskReddit thread.

Someone on AskReddit asked for service members to share the worst of their "military wife" stories. The resulting stories are filled to the brim with brutal acts of infidelity. These are just plain old sad. We hope the service members affected by these cheaters have moved on and found people to treat them better in life. 

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Twitter Users Share Their Best Takeaways From Therapy

A collection of tweets from people sharing their best takeaways from therapy.

Twitter users are sharing their most helpful takeaways from their therapists, in an effort to help other people that might need some tips on how to navigate the various stresses of life. We're all in this together. It's remarkable what kind of help a few relatable pointers from a therapist can provide. 

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Andy Richter Shuts Down Ignorant Tweet About Depression

Andy Richter shuts down an ignorant tweet about depression being someone's choice.

Andy Richter was inspired to address a particularly ignorant tweet sent out by someone, who said that depression was a choice. Thank you for your time, Andy! Don't think we'll be hearing from this Twitter user again anytime soon. 

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Job Applicant Lives To Regret Bathroom Visit Before Interview

A job applicant uses the bathroom before their job interview, they get stuck, have to kick their way out.

This prospective employee absolutely demonstrated a willingness to do whatever it takes to show up for the job. When they found themselves in the nightmarish situation of getting stuck in a bathroom stall, they proceeded to kick their way out to make the job interview. Now that's a promising display of dedication. Give this person a job! 

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Tagged: sketchy , FAIL , job , work , ridiculous , Reddit , funny

Dad Loses Daughter's Hamster, Has A Heartfelt Breakdown

Dad loses his daughter's hamster and proceeds to have a meltdown over series of text messages.

Well isn't this the most pure act of loving, emotional distress that you've ever seen? Apparently dad couldn't keep track of his daughter's hamster, and proceeded to have a bit of a breakdown over the matter. Fortunately, as things unfold he's able to get the hamster to return home. Thank goodness. Crisis averted for dad this time around! 

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Typical (And Hilarious) English Place Names

A collection of funny English place names.

What we have here is a fine and especially distinguished collection of typical English place names. Some of them might be lost on "foreigners" but that doesn't mean they won't raise an eyebrow or two. 

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Waitress Gets Back At Mean Boss By Spreading All The Kindness

Waitress gets back at her mean boss by being super kind to all of her co-workers, and they end up siding with her.

This waitress managed to get back at her mean boss lady in quite the satisfying way. The saying "kill em with kindness" has never rang more true. In this case, the mean boss lady won't give the waitress her birthday off from work. So, after doing something totally normal like working on trading shifts around she managed to piss off the boss so much that she gets called out for being rude. 

From there, she decides to quit at the end of the season, but commits herself to being nice as possible to everyone around her. She ends up winning over the hearts of all her co-workers, so much that they quit with her!

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Twitter Users Share Most Memorable Moments From Last Decade

A collection of Twitter users share what they think are the most memorable moments from the last decade.

Various Twitter users are sharing what they believe to be the most memorable moments from the past decade. From things like the unbelievably cute and viral sensation that has been "Baby Yoda" to the Chicago Cubs winning a World Series. It's been a hell of a ride. This is the first glimpse we're getting of people looking back at the last decade. But rest assured, we'll have plenty more lists filled with nostalgia coming your way soon.

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Chipotle Educates Vegetarian On Twitter

Chipotle educates a vegetarian who thinks that chorizo isn't meat, on Twitter.

Chipotle was there to save the day for an oblivious vegetarian who apparently had no idea that chorizo is in fact meat. What would the world do without Becky! So many vegetarians might be out there unknowingly eating meat cause they thought that chorizo was in the clear. 

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Foods That People Have Been Eating The Wrong Way

A collection of AskReddit users share various ways they're eating foods wrong without realizing it.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share various foods that people are going about eating, but doing it the wrong way. You don't want to be caught enjoying your meal but doing it the wrong way, while completely oblivious! 

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Stuff That Looks like Tasty Food but Isn't

pics tasty snacks silly food forbidden delicious funny stupid - 9804549

When you consider what proportion of the things in our world are edible, it's kind of a miracle that we can find anything to eat at all. And these doors, landscapes and random objects are an extra wrench thrown into the gears of what looks good to eat. There are just a lot of objects out there that look like tasty food but are totally not.

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The Most Savage Things Teachers Said To Students

A collection of AskReddit replies about the most savage things that teachers have ever said to students.

Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share the most savage things they've heard teachers say to students. We're not sure whether the savagery comes from teachers just being fed up with all the stresses of grading papers and keeping students in line, or what. All we know is these rare insults from teachers deserve some high marks. 

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Brutal Metal Memes That Were Maiden The Fires of Hell

Funny metal music memes.

Need something to scroll through to distract you from your sore neck and rapidly encroaching tinnitus? Here are some brutal metal memes for your blackened soul to look at on the bus.

 And I don't care what they say, Ghost rocks.

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Lying Liars That Need To Quit The Act

A collection of liars spreading their dishonesty on social media.

We're back at it again with a fresh collection of liars getting called out for trying to spread their mindless BS into the world. It's as if these delusional individuals are so twisted up in their own web of lies that they can't distinguish between the truth and a lie anymore. 

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Stupid Ways People Tried to Solve Escape Rooms

Stupid ways people tried to get out of escape rooms.

People are really bad at escaping from escape rooms. They'll totally miss obvious clues, disregard warnings to not break things, and even bring in their own tools to escape more effectively. One wonders why you'd deliberately sabotage your own experience you've paid money to have, but sometimes you just have to let people do dumb things.

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